

Marx and Eneles’ Theory of Science and Technology Culture

【作者】 程宏燕

【导师】 杨怀中;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文以“马克思恩格斯科技文化观”为研究对象,通过解读马克思恩格斯的著述文本,回溯他们当下的历史存在境况,追踪其科技文化观萌生、发展、成熟的演进历程,历史地分析、诠释马克思恩格斯在现代化发展初期对科技的文化反思及其当代价值。18世纪以来科技社会化迅速发展致使出现科技资本化和科技利益化现象。同时,科技的工具理性和功利主义文化价值观占据社会主导地位,文艺复兴和启蒙运动所推崇的尊重人的价值、自由和尊严的人文主义渐渐消退,工业活动中频现掠夺性地开发自然资源。总之、人的身体、精神、自然界的异化现象堪为严重。马克思恩格斯承继了融合自然科学、人文科学、社会政治学的古希腊科学文化传统,汲取文艺复兴和启蒙运动时期关爱人类的人文思想,扬弃科技工具理性占主导的思潮,从科技与人文社会科学相融合的整体视域思考科技的文化意蕴:科技与人的生命价值、尊严和人的自由的关系,科技与社会发展的关系,科技与自然物在世发展的关系。在理论萌生期和形成期,马克思在理论上、恩格斯在工厂实证考察中初步构想了科技文化观的理论基点、主体内容、价值指向。在发展期他们阐述科技与社会文化基本形态如哲学理论、风俗习惯、思想观念、政治制度以及法律思想等的相辅相生性,从资本、世界交往、工商业活动入手探究科技文化内在发展动因、发展机制和规律。在成熟期他们阐述了现代科技器物为直接驱动力引领世界文化体系的整体转型,在唯物主义历史观基础上构建了辨证的、与人类史息息相关的自然观,并从远古的生存技术、近现代的科技进步和自然界的进退关系入手系统剖析自然生态问题。马克思恩格斯科技文化观的基本内容有:理论基础是历史唯物主义。现实切入点是欧洲科技发展史、英国工业革命、工人生存境况、世界范围内机器工业和自然生态方面的殖民侵略。理论切入点是私有制的社会根本制度和不公正不合理的社会管理机制、功利主义文化价值观念以及自私贪婪的人性。理论主题是融合自然科学技术和人文社会科学的整体性科技文化思想。理论目的是解蔽人的异化、社会权利化异化和自然界的异化;理论的价值指向体现为三个方面:对个体而言,以现代科技知识丰富现代人的个性,消除物役,渐成现代社会人的自主性、尊严感和自由发展。对社会而言,以社会公有制、公正合理的管理机制以及道德意义上的文化价值观保障、引导科技的向善性和惠民性,渐成人类本身的和解。对自然界而言,摒弃资源掠夺和生态殖民观念,渐成人与自然的和解。最终实现人的自由发展和社会的全面进步。马克思恩格斯不仅关注科技与物质世界的关系,还与人类整体利益、人的精神自由、人的生存环境、社会状况、自然生态相结合起来思考科技对于人、社会、自然物的在世意义和解放意义。

【Abstract】 The thesis takes Marx and Engels’ Theory of Sci-Tech Culture as the research object. It historically analyzes and interprets Marx and Engel’s cultural reflection in the early stage of modernization and its contemporary values through reading their works, recalling their historical living background and following the birth, development and maturity of their theories on Sci-Tech Culture.The raped development of Sci-Tech socialization from the18th centurie led to the emergence of Sci-Tech capitalization and beneficiation. The tool rationality of Sci-Tech and the cultural values of utilitarianism played a dominant role in the society. The humanism which was cherished by Renaissance and Enlightenment and which emphasized the respect for human values, freedom and dignity was fading away gradually. Predatory exploitation of natural resources happened frequently in the industrial activities. In summary, the alienation phenomenon of human body, spirits and nature had become a serious issue.Marx and Engels inherited the ancient Greek’s tradition of science and culture, which integrated natural science, humanities and social politics, drew humanism of caring for human beings of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment and discarded the idea of Sci-Tech tool rationality which was dominant in the18th century. They studied the cultural connotation of Sci-Tech from the overall view of integrating Sci-Tech, humanities and social science:the relation between Sci-Tech and the life value, dignity and freedom of human, the relation between Sci-Tech and social development, the relation between Sci-Tech and the rational existence of natural objects. In the initiation and formation period of Sci-Tech culture theory, Marks and Engels conceived of the theoretical basis, main contents, value orientation of Sci-Tech culture theory based on Marks’theory thoughts and Engles’ factory investigation. In the development period, they expounded the complementary relationship between Sci-Tech and the basic social culture forms such as philosophy, customs, ideology, political system and legal thoughts, and discussed deep impetus, development system and basic laws of Sci-Tech culture from the perspective of capital, world communication and industrial and commercial activities. In the maturity stage, they elaborated the transformation of the world’s cultural system guided by modern Sci-Tech as the direct driving force. Based on historical materialism, they constructed the dialectic view of nature closely related to human history, and systematically discussed natural ecological problems from ancient surviving skills, modern Sci-Tech progress and advance as well as retreat of the nature.The following are the basic contents of Marx and Engels’Theory of Sci-Tech Culture:the theory foundation is the historical materialism and the development history of natural Sci-Tech. The theory is confirmed on realistic cut-in points such as the Sci-Tech development progress in Europe, the industrial revolution in Britain, the workers’living circumstances, the world-wide colonial aggression of the machine industry and ecology. The theoretical cut-in point is the basic social system of private ownership, the social inequitable and irrational management system, utilitarian cultural values and selfish and greedy human nature.The theoretical theme is the integrated Sci-Tech thoughts blending natural science and humanities and social science. The purpose of the theory is to relieve human dissimilation and alienation of social rights and nature. The theoretical value is embodied in three aspects. To the individual, modern Sci-Tech knowledge enriches the personality of modern individual human beings, removes human beings controlled by objects, and gradually leads to modern human beings with autonomy, dignity and freedom. To the society, Sci-Tech should be guaranteed and guided to goodness and benefit people by social public ownership, fair and reasonable management system as well as moral cultural values, thus the reconciliation among human beings themselves will gradually become a reality. To the nature, the reconciliation between human beings and nature will be realized by abandoning the idea of resource exploitation and ecological colonialism. Eventually the free development and comprehensive social progress will be realized.Marx and Engels not only paid close attention to the relationship between Sci-Tech and the material world, but also thought about Sci-Tech in accordance with human interests, human spirit freedom, living environment, social status and natural ecology. They emphasized the living meaning and liberation meaning of Sci-Tech to human beings, society and natural objects.This integrated view of Sci-Tech culture has had profound impact on the later scholars’understanding of the cultural implication of Sci-Tech, has inspirited modern western Marxism School and Chinese academicians’construction of Sci-Tech culture theory, and has guided the Sci-Tech innovation, Sci-Tech education system construction, ecological civilization construction, country rejuvenation through culture and harmonious society construction in the modernization process of China.
