

【作者】 周新华

【导师】 王铁铮;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 世界史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 与中东等地“纯正的”伊斯兰教相比,东南亚海岛地区的伊斯兰教,在很多方面是有所不同的。伊斯兰教在这里呈现的主要历史特征有:本地化、民族性、发展的不均衡以及世俗性。伊斯兰与政治势力的结合也相对较为松散。对独立后的广大发展中国家而言,民族国家如何整合无疑是政治发展中普遍面临的一个重要而艰难的课题。研究当今东南亚海岛地区的民族国家,我们不难发现这些国家里面的多数,民族国家史都非常短暂,国家的整合程度也是显得比较脆弱和有限,因此,如何构建和提升其整合水平,对这些国家而言无疑也是个极为现实而紧迫的问题。虽然伊斯兰教在本地社会发展中一直是个极为重要的因素,它不论是在这些民族国家成立之初,还是在独立以来,在民族国家整合中都拥有着极为广泛的影响力,然而,除了是一种宗教信仰,伊斯兰教更是一种社会制度和生活方式,因此,伊斯兰教对东南亚南部海岛地区民族国家整合的影响不仅是多方面的,而且也是复杂的。伊斯兰教在东南亚影响力的复杂,一个突出的表现就是在各国、甚至在一国内不同的地区、不同的领域都有所不同,故在国家整合方面,伊斯兰因素就发挥着既有积极的方面,也有消极的层面。在积极方面,在全球现代化浪潮的推动下,以马来西亚和印尼等为代表的东南亚海岛地区伊斯兰国家独立后强调伊斯兰教在国家整合中的地位和作用,在日常生活的诸多领域不断融入伊斯兰教的价值观、发展伊斯兰文化。通过对《古兰经》和圣训等经典的重新阐释,给本民族塑造适应时代需要的民族精神,以不断加强民族国家的整合。不仅如此,伊斯兰教在其他方面的促进也是显著的。如在政治上,通过利用伊斯兰教,不断增强政权的合法性和政策的合理性,加强对社会的控制,而伊斯兰非政府组织对市民社会的培育以及伊斯兰政党对政治民主的推进也都无法令人忽视,在经济上,通过成立伊斯兰银行等措施,注意体现社会的“公平”与“正义”,教育上,伊斯兰教育不仅起着世俗教育的补充,而且也有稳定社会、扬善除恶的功能。在消极方面,东南亚海岛地区的民族国家在国家整合中还存在诸多问题,其中不少就与伊斯兰教存有较密切的关联。这突出表现在三个方面:一是穆斯林地区的分离主义问题,这尤以菲南的摩洛地区、泰南的四府地区以及印尼的亚齐地区等最为典型。在这些穆斯林集中的地区,伊斯兰教经常被认为是造成社会分裂和产生不稳定的重要催化剂。同时在印尼的巴布亚和马鲁古群岛等地区,伊斯兰教还经常成为引发族群矛盾的导火线。二是伊斯兰极端(恐怖)主义的发展,这在当代伊斯兰复兴运动之后,尤其是东南亚金融危机之后,发展更令人注目。三是伊斯兰教国的争论。这个问题虽然在一些国家独立后,如马来和印尼等国,一直存在,但似乎在新世纪以来,这个争论有激烈的趋势。因此,在民族国家整合的问题上,伊斯兰教在很多时候呈现的是一种变量。构建和提升民族国家的整合,这无疑是个综合性的问题,并不是单纯的政治、经济、社会、历史或文化等某一方面的问题。只不过在不同的历史时期和在不同的国家,侧重点也可能会有所差异。但在东南亚海岛地区,作为伊斯兰世界的重要地区,伊斯兰教对这里的民族国家的整合和提升始终是个常态的相关因素。因此,如何构建伊斯兰教与民族国家的和谐关系对这些民族国家而言,无疑不仅重要,当然也是个巨大的挑战。笔者以为,要使两者达到一种“和谐”的状态,就必须处理好或消除相关的“不和谐”因素,有针对性的制定政策,这主要包括:要努力消除殖民遗留下的民族之间的历史伤痕、制定正确的民族平等政策,尊重穆斯林的传统文化,尽快缩小地区之间的社会发展水平的差距、要注意处理与中东伊斯兰世界的关系、地区之间要加强沟通和合作等。只有如此,伊斯兰教对民族国家的整合才可能不断走向良性循环。

【Abstract】 The main historical features of the Islam in the island regions of Southeast Asia presented by localization, ethnicity, uneven development and secular, is somewhat different from the "pure" Islam in the Middle East in many ways. The combination of Islam and the political forces is also loose relatively.The integration of the nation-state is undoubtedly an important and difficult issues commonly faced in the political development of the developing countries after independence. To study the Nation-states in the island regions of Southeast Asia, we can easily find the history of nation-state of the majority of these countries is very short, and the degree of integration of the countries is fragile and limited as well. Therefore, how to build and enhance its level of integration of these countries is no doubt a very real and pressing problem. Islam is a very important factor in the development of the local community and have an extremely wide range of influence on the integration of nation-states, whether these nation-state was first established or since independence, however, the Islamic influences is not only multifaceted, but also complex in the integration of the nation-states of the southern island regions of Southeast Asia because of its religion and a social system and a way of lifeThere is an outstanding performance on influence complexity on Islam in Southeast Asia, which is different in different countries, even in different regions, fields in a country. In fact, the Islam plays a role presented by both the positive aspects and the negative levels on integration of a country. On the positive side, some Islamic countries represented by Indonesia and Malaysia in Southeast Asia after independence, emphasis on the status and role of Islam in national integration and continue revolting the values of Islam in all aspects of daily life and developing Islamic culture under the global wave of modernization. The national spirit is shaped to meet the needs of the times so as to strengthen the integration of the nation-state by reinterpretation of the classics such as the Koran and the Hadith. In other areas the promotion of Islam is also significant. In the political arena, the regime’s legitimacy and the rationality of policy are enhanced and the social control is strengthened constantly through the use of Islam, while it can’t also be ignored on the cultivation of civil society from Islamic NGO and the advance of political democracy by Islamic political parties. In the economy, society’s "fair" and "justice" are cared through the establishment of Islamic banks and other measures. In the education, Islamic education plays some roles not only in the complement of secular education, but also in a stable society, and the promotion good against evil forces.Of course, but there are also many problems on the nation-state integration in the island regions of Southeast Asia, many of them are more closely associated with Islam. There are three aspects performed prominently:firstly, the separatist problems from Muslim regions which are particularly typical in the Moro region in southern Philippines, the four provinces of southern Thailand, and Aceh region in Indonesia. In these Muslim-concentrated areas, Islam has often been considered to be an important catalyst caused social fragmentation and the formation of unstable. At the same time, Islam often becomes a fuse caused ethnic conflicts in the regions such as Papua and Maluku. Secondly, the development of Islamic extremist (terrorist), which is more compelling since the Islamic renaissance, especially after the financial crisis in Southeast Asia. Thirdly is the controversy on Islamic State. Although this problem has always existed in some countries such as Malay and Indonesia after independence, it seems that this debate is heated more since the21st century. Therefore, Islam presented in many cases is a variable on the integration of nation-state.Undoubtedly it is a comprehensive problem to build and improve the integration of nation-states, which is not simply one aspect among political, economic, social, historical or cultural issue. However the focus may vary in different historical periods and in different countries. Islam has always been the norm of the relevant factors to integrate and enhance the nation-state in the island regions of Southeast Asia as an important region of the Islamic world. So it’s no doubt very important and a huge challenge as well how to build a harmonious relationship between Islam and the nation-state for a nation-state. It’s necessary to deal with the associated’ disharmony’ factors and to make targeted policy to achieve a "harmonious" state in my view which mainly includes:to efforts to eliminate the historical wounds between the nations under the colonial legacy; to make the suitable national equality policy, and to respect the traditional Muslim culture so as to narrow the gap on the level of social development among regions quickly; to pay attention to handling relations with the Islamic world in the Middle East: to strengthen communication and cooperation inside the island regions of Southeast Asia. Only in this way, the relation between Islam and the integration of nation-state was likely to move towards a virtuous circle.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】K153;B968
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】833