

The Research on Evaluation of Fund Performances in the New Rural Construction and Countermeasures

【作者】 胡钟平

【导师】 易炼红;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 在当前形势下,新农村建设已经成为我国战略发展的重中之重。新农村建设关系到我国现代化建设的成败,也关系到社会的和谐与稳定。“城市反哺农村,工业反哺农业”的过程中,资金是最重要的反哺资源和生产要素。加强新农村建设资金管理,提高绩效水平,是亟需解决的现实问题。与企业、政府绩效管理相比,新农村建设资金绩效有更加丰富的内涵和特点,即具有企业管理绩效和政府管理绩效的双重属性。从一般绩效评估的理论出发,分析新农村建设资金绩效评估的理论基础,包括评估的本质、功能和特点以及比较优势理论、新公共服务、城乡统筹等理论。同时,探讨新农村建设资金绩效评估方法,阐释了评估主体、评估内容、评估过程以及评估模型等内容。根据科学性、重点性、整体性和可操作性等原则,构建新农村建设资金绩效评估指标体系,综合运用多种绩效评估方法,如合规性分析、主成分分析、DEA分析方法等对资金绩效分析。其中,选取湖南省娄底市、长沙市、岳阳市和株洲市为例,对比分析示范村和非示范村发现:2007—2009年,在不考虑资金投入的情况下,示范村产出比非示范村高;考虑资金投入的情况下,非示范村绩效水平要高。由于示范村资金投入所产生的效果有一个过程和时间,绩效还没有完全发挥出来。根据典型相关分析,示范村绩效是一种综合性效应,而非示范村没有这种特点。另外,具体分析了新农村建设资金绩效中的实践和相关案例。整体而言,绩效水平比较突出,也有绩效水平低下的现象。运用线性包络分析、非期望产出分析方法分析2008、2009年湖南省各县市示范村资金绩效,只有一部分处于相对有效状态。基于新农村建设资金管理过程中出现的问题,提出治理对策:重塑管理理念,理顺农民、政府、社会与新农村建设的关系;重视政府在新农村建设资金管理中的作用,加强管理机构建设;建立健全动力机制、引导机制、利益机制、竞争机制、规划机制、监督机制等管理机制,提升新农村建设资金绩效水平。

【Abstract】 Under the current circumstances, the new rural construction has become a top priority of our strategic development. The new rural construction is not only related to the success of China’s modernization, but also to the harmony and stability of our society. In the process of "Industry Re-feeding Agriculture and City Supporting Country", funds are the most important (?)-feeding resources and the urgently needed production factors in the new rural construction. It (?)nt problem to be solved to strengthen the management of funds in the new rural construction to improve the level of performance.Compared to the performance management in companies and governments, funds performance in the new rural construction has richer contents and features:the new rural construction funds performance has the dual attributes of enterprise and government management performance. Starting from the theory of general performance evaluation, this article analyze the theoretical basis of fund performances evaluation in the new rural construction, including the nature of the evaluation, the functions and features as well as the comparative advantage theory, the new public services theory, the urban and rural harmonious theory. At the same time, we study the methods of fund performances evaluation in the new rural construction, illustrate the main body, the contents, the processes and the models of the evaluation. Based on the principles of scientificalness, emphasis, integrity and operability, we build up the index system of fund performances evaluation in the new rural construction, then analyze the funds performance by using various performance evaluation methods comprehensively, such as compliance analysis, Principal component analysis, DEA and so on. We select Loudi, Changsha, Yueyang, and Zhuzhou in Hunan Province, and comparatively analyze the model villages and the non-model villages. The results show that the productions in the non-model villages are higher than in the model villages if the fund inputs are not considered, but the performance levels in the model villages are higher if considering the fund inputs. Because there needs a process and some time before the fund inputs produce effects, the performance in the model villages are not fully brought into play.According to the canonical correlation analysis, there is a comprehensive effect of the performance in model village, but no such effect in non-model village. In addition, this article specifically analyzes related practices and cases of the fund performances in the new rural construction:the high level of performance is major, but there are some phenomena of the low level. We analyze the fund performances of counties in Hunan Province in2008and2009by the methods of linear envelopment analysis and unexpected output analysis. There is only a part in a relatively effective state. Base on the problems of the fund management processes in the new rural construction, we propose the following countermeasures:first, reshape the management philosophy and straighten out the relationship between the farmers, government, society and the new rural construction; second, pay attention to the role of government in the funds management of the new rural construction and strengthen the institution-building management; third, establish and improve the mechanism of motivation, guide, planning and oversight to promote the performance level of funds management.
