

Study on Lenin’s Socialism Economic Management Thought

【作者】 彭进清

【导师】 吴家庆;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 列宁是伟大的马克思主义者,其思想体系中蕴含着丰富的经济管理思想。深入研究列宁社会主义经济管理思想是马克思主义理论研究和建设工程中的新课题,是后金融危机及欧洲主权债务危机背景下的新需要,是中国特色社会主义经济管理理论建设的新要求,对于再现列宁思想本来面目和本真内涵,对于指导我们吸取欧美国家金融危机及主权债务危机教训,进一步完善中国特色社会主义经济管理制度,有效化解全球经济发展的不确定性风险,促进我国国民经济平稳较快可持续发展等,都具有重大意义。列宁社会主义经济管理思想,是列宁对落后国家社会主义经济管理规律的科学总结,是列宁给社会主义事业乃至人类历史留下的宝贵遗产。本文以马克思辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义方法论为指导,综合运用历史文献调查法、文本分析法、历史与逻辑相统一的方法、归纳分析法、系统分析法、理论联系实践的方法,全面收集整理查阅列宁的相关原著、前苏联经济史料与前苏共党史资料,从第一手资料中解读列宁社会主义经济管理思想。全文回溯了十月革命后列宁探索落后国家经济管理的思想历程,并就列宁对社会主义经济管理规律所进行的探索进行了理论总结。全文共分四大部分:第一部分阐述了列宁社会主义经济管理思想形成的历史背景与理论渊源,指出俄国落后的经济文化基础、俄共(布)执政后面临的经济管理重任、十月革命胜利后苏俄面临的错综复杂的经济发展环境及俄共(布)执政后自身面临的经济管理难题等是列宁社会主义经济管理思想形成的主要历史背景,马克思主义及其关于未来社会经济管理理论、资本主义社会经济管理的一般原则与方法是列宁社会主义经济管理思想形成的主要理论渊源。第二部分纵向考察了列宁社会主义经济管理思想发展的主要过程,梳理了其发展变化的主要线索,即:在社会主义经济管理体制上,从最大限度的国家垄断制,演进为“上面集中,下面自由”的经济管理体制;在社会主义经济调节手段上,从单纯依靠统一的国家计划调节演进为利用市场机制的计划调节;在社会主义经济发展的动力机制上,从依靠劳动者的政治信念与革命热情演进为同个人利益结合;在社会主义经济管理方法上,从以主要依靠非经济方法,演进为充分利用经济方法;在社会主义经济管理的方式上,从直接依靠工人群众的直接管理演进为依靠从人民群众中选出的优秀代表组成的苏维埃国家政权机关来进行的间接管理;在社会主义企业管理制度上,从强调集体管理制演进为强调一长制。第三部分横向考察了列宁社会主义经济管理思想的基本内容,主要包括:列宁关于社会主义经济管理的战略地位思想、关于把党和国家工作重心转移到经济建设与管理上来的思想、关于为社会主义经济建设与管理争取和平稳定国际环境的思想、关于社会主义经济管理的基本原则与主要方法思想、关于社会主义经济的计划管理与市场调节思想、关于社会主义经济监督思想、关于社会主义经济的管理人才与技术专家思想等;第四部分研究了列宁社会主义经济管理思想的历史地位与当代价值,认为列宁社会主义经济管理思想是马克思社会主义经济管理理论在实践中的新发展,是列宁主义不可忽视的重要组成部分。列宁社会主义经济管理思想具有鲜明的实践性、务实性、包容性和人本性。尽管它在某些方面有其自身的局限,但在今天依然具有重要的现实价值。它启示我们必须毫不动摇地坚持经济建设的中心地位,必须始终坚持以人为本、坚持改革开放,必须进一步加强经济法制建设,必须抵制新自由主义思潮的影响,切实加强国家计划在宏观经济调控中的作用。

【Abstract】 Lenin is a great Marxist. His ideological system contains rich economic management thought. It’s a new task in Marxism Theoretical Research and Construction Project to study deeply the Lenin’s socialism economic management thought, the new requirement in the background of the Post Crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis, and the new demands of socialist economic managsmgnt theory construction with Chinese characteristics. It is of great significance to represent the true colors and connotation of Lenin’s idea, to draw a lesson from the crisis in Europe and America and the sovereign debt crisis, and to further improve the systems of economic administration with Chinese characteristics. It can effectively solve the uncertain risk in the development of global economy, and promote our national economy stable, fast and sustainable development.Lenin’s Socialism Economic Management Thought concludes scientifically regulation of the backward countries’ socialist economic management. It is scientific conclusion for the valuable heritage of socialist cause and even all mankind. With the guidance of Marxist dialectical materialism and historical materialism, this paper overall collects and checks Lenin in the original, historical data of former Soviet, the history materials of the Communist Party of Soviet, and then analyse Lenin’s socialism economic management thought from the firsthand materials by comprehensive using history literature investigative method, text analysis, historical and logic unification, inductive analysis, system analysis, and the method of theory integrating with practice.This paper recalls the history after the Russian Revolution of Lenin exploring national economic management of undeveloped countries, and puts about the general commention on Lenin’s exploring the law of socialist economic management.It reads as four parts. The first part illustrates the history background and theoretical^sources of Lenin’s socialist economic management. It points that the mainly history background of Lenin’s socialist economic management is economic and cultural backwardness in Russia, heavy responsibilities on economy after reigning of the Communist Party of Soviet, the complicated economic environment after the victory of the October Revolution, and the self economic management problem after the reigning of the Communist Party of Soviet. It’s the main theoretical sources that Marxism and its economic management theory about future society, general principles of capitalist society’s economic management. The second part longitudinal inspects the main form process of Lenin’s socialist economic management, cards its trails as follows:firstly, concerning the socialist economic management, state monopoly by the greatest extent developed to the economic management system of "state concentrating and basic unit free"; about the socialist economic management adjustment measures, it developed from depending state planning only to making use of regulation through the market; about the socialist economic development motivation, it evolved from depending laborers’ political conviction and revolutionary fervor to combination with personal interests; about the method of socialist economic management, it developed from relying on non-economy way mainly to fully utilization of economy way; about the socialist economic management methods, it evolved from depending on the direct management of the workers to the Soviet political power apparatus consisting by the selected outstanding representatives; as for the management system of the enterprise, its emphasis developed from collective management to head leadership. The third part laterally inspects the basic content of Lenin’s socialist economic management. This includes:the idea of socialist economic management’ strategic position; the thought about the focus of the party and government shifting to economy construction and management; the thought of winning over a secure and reliable international environment for the socialist economic construction and management; the thought of socialist economy’s planning management and market regulation; the thought of executive talent and technical experts of socialist economy, etc. The fourth part researches part of the history position and Contemporary Value of Lenin’s economic management. It considers that Lenin’s socialist economic management is the new development of Marxist socialist economic management in practice. It’s noticeable part of Leninism. Lenin’s socialist economic management is distinctly practical, pragmatic,toleration and man-oriented. Although it has its own limitation, it still has important actual value today.It enlightens us that We must unswervingly take economic construction as our central task and the spirit of human-focused throughout, we should persevere in reform and the open policy, Improve the Legal System of economy, resist new liberalism, and Earnestly improve the effect of state planning in the Macroeconomic Coordination.

【关键词】 列宁思想经济管理社会主义
【Key words】 Lenin’s ThoughtEconomic ManagementSocialism
  • 【分类号】A821;F091.92
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】982