

Tan Yankai’s Three Times Dominationin Hunan and the Political Situation of the Late Qing and Early Republican China

【作者】 贺永田

【导师】 周秋光;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 民国初年,谭延闿曾三次主政湖南。谭氏湘政权对民初湖南及全国政局均产生了重大的影响。谭延闿第一次督湘,是湖南光复后政权内部立宪派、军官集团派与革命派矛盾不断激化和相互斗争的结果。在这次斗争中,立宪派和军官集团取得了暂时的胜利,而革命派丧失了对湖南的最高控制权。在焦、陈任湖南都督期间,湖南的政局比较混乱。谭延闿继任后,采取了一系列措施,稳定了湖南政局,从而捍卫了湖南的革命果实,使湖南成为湖北革命政府的坚强后盾;并且在军事力量和物资上大力支援武汉前线,为延缓阳夏之战的失败作出了重大贡献;同时还大力策动和帮助他省反正。可以说,谭延闿政权对于中华民国的成立是有重大贡献的.中华民国成立后,谭延闿继任湖南都督。在任内,他推行“开明专制”,在湖南建立起了三权分立的资本主义政治体制,同时大力发展资本主义工商业和文化教育事业,有力地促进了民初湖南的近代化进程。“宋案”发生后,谭延闿在真相未明之前主张彻查真相;在真相逐渐浮出水面之后,他先是主张法律解决,后又响应国民党发起的“二次革命”,率领湖南军民独立讨袁。当反袁败局已现时,谭延闿宣布湖南取消独立。湖南在“二次革命”中先是迟迟宣布独立,后又迅速取消独立,这固然是在谭延闿的主持下进行的。但谭延闿之所以这样做是有苦衷的。“二次革命”缺乏社会基础以及湖南军事力量的薄弱决定了谭延闿在湖南独立讨袁上的谨慎态度。“二次革命”失败后,谭延闿被袁世凯赶出了湖南,结束了第一次督湘。袁世凯称帝,护国军起。湖南的护国战争是与驱汤运动结合在一起展开的。通过驱汤,谭延闿再次主政湖南。谭延阎再主湘政是袁世凯死后新的北洋政权与南方革命势力相互妥协的结果。谭延闿出任湘督起到了一个暂时平衡南北的作用。谭延闿二主湘政期间,恰逢发生了张勋复辟事件。为此,谭延闿积极布置湖南讨逆事宜,并组织“讨逆军”北上讨逆。尽管湖南的“讨逆军”还未及与张勋的“逆军”遭遇,张勋就已经败逃。但由此体现出来的他对民主共和的追求与向往则是值得肯定的。谭延闿第二次督湘只是段氏北洋政权的权宜之计。因此,当段氏作好了发动内战的准备之后,就下令罢免了谭延闿湘督之位。谭延闿在联合南方势力抵制无效的情况下,将省长之位与都督一并辞掉,以示对段氏政权的抗议和不为所用。在离任之前,谭延闿将湘军刘建藩部和林修梅部调至湘南一带,从而集中和保存了湖南的反段势力。稍后的护法战争就是刘、林在湘南最先打响的。护法战争初期,谭延闿寓居上海,静观局势。当护法军面临生死攸关之际,谭延闿返回湘南,促成了北军与护法军在湘南的停战,将护法湘军从全面覆亡的危局中解救出来。接着,谭又致力推动南北议和。在议和中,谭延闿虽是居中联络,实则是南方阵营的代表。尽管此时的南方军政府已经将孙中山等革命党人排挤出去,其所欲达成的南北议和与护法的初衷亦相距甚远,但南方阵营打的仍是护法的旗号,在客观上也起到了反对段祺瑞独裁统治的作用,并最终导致了段祺瑞北京政权的倒台。护法战争爆发后,代表段氏政权利益的张敬尧仍占据湖南政权。谭延闿完全依靠湖南的力量将张敬尧驱逐出了湖南,并实现了三主湘政。在“驱张”运动中,谭延闿采取了联吴驱张(联直制皖)的策略。这种策略起到了一箭双雕的作用,不但皖系的张敬尧被驱逐出湖南,直系的吴佩孚也自湖南退出,以至于在驱张成功后,湖南自民国成立以来第一次实现了境内无北军驻防。不可否认,谭延闿驱张最重要的动力之一就是重获湘政权。但驱张客观上符合了湖南人民的利益,结束了张敬尧在湖南的残暴统治。谭延闿三主湘政后,在湖南推行地方自治。从“驱张”到推行地方自治,谭氏所为固然是为了“拒南抗北”,以实现其在湖南的统治。但在客观上却为革命党人领导的粤军发动对桂系军阀的讨伐创造了有利的条件。纵观谭延闿的三次督湘,具有四个特点:其一,在清末民初专制与共和的较量中,谭氏湘政权始终坚持民主共和;其二,在民初南北对峙的局面中,谭氏湘政权属于或倾向于南方阵营,在南方阵营对抗北方阵营的过程发挥了重要的作用。其三,在民初武人政治横行的时代,谭氏湘政权推行文治主义。其四,谭氏湘政权始终坚持发展经济和改善民生。

【Abstract】 Tan Yankai dominated Hunan during the Late Qing and Early Republican China, which had a major impact on Hunan province and the National Council.Tan Yankai’s first Governor in Hunan is the result of Intensification and mutual struggle between the Constitutional Group, Officers Group and the Revolutionary Group. In this fight, the Constitutionalists and the Officer Group obtained a temporary victory, while the Revolutionary Group lost to Hunan for maximum control. The political situation in Hunan was relatively orderless, while Jiao Dafeng and Chen Zuoxin dominated Hunan. Tan Yankai, the successor, assumed a series of measures, which stabilized Hunan’s political situation and upholded the fruit of revolution So,the Hunan regime was to becom a Strong backing of Hubei revolutionary government. He support Wuhan front in the military forces and material, which made a significant contribution to delay Yang Xia war’s failure. At the same time, he also strongly inspired and helped other provinces to save anyway. In a word, the Tan Yankai regime made a major contribution for the establishment of the Republic of ChinaAfter Republic of China was established, Tan Yankai took over the military governor of Hunan. In office, he introduced" enlightened despotism", and established a separation of the three powers of the capitalist political system, and vigorously develop capitalist business and cultural education, which effectively promoted the modernization process in Hunan.When Song case occurred, Tan Yankai insisted that do a thorough survey of the truth before the truth is unknown. After the truth gradually surfaced, he first advocated through legal means to resolve; and then made Hunan independent response to Second Revolution, which was launched by The Kuomintang. When the anti-Yuan defeat had been present, Tan Yankai announced canceled of Hunan’s independenc. Hunan declared its independence slowly and quickly lifted independently in Second Revolution, which was conducted by Tan Yankai. But Tan Yankai had its difficulties. Second Revolution was lack of social foundation and Hunan’ forces was weak which determined that Tan Yankai’s cautious approach for the independence of Hunan. After Second Revolution failed, Tan Yankai was driven out of Hunan by Yuan Shikai, and end his first governor in hunan.When Yuan Shikai proclaimed himself Emperor, the Huguo army rised. The Huguo war processed with Struggle to expelling Tang Xiangming. Tan Yankai dominated Hunan once again by expelling Tang Xiangming, which was the result of compromise beteween the northern regime and the southern revolutionary forces. Tan Yankai’s domination made a balance between the South and North after Yuan Shikai’s death.During Tan Yankai’s second rule in Hunan, the Zhang Xun Restoration broke out. Tan Yankai arrangement the Hunan Taoni matters actively and organizatized the Tao Ni Army. Before the Tao Ni Army hadn’t counter forces Zhang Xun’s army, Zhang Xun suffered. Which reflected the pursuit of a democratic republic and longing is worthy of recognition.Tan Yankai’s second rule in Hunan was only a matter of expediency. Therefore, when Duan Qirui had prepared fou the war, he ordered to recall Tan Yankai’s Dudu position in Hunan. Tan Yankai resigned as governor, when joint the southern forces that resist invalid cases, which sketched Duan’s regime protests and not to use. Before he left office, Tan Yankai mobilize Liu Jianfan and Lin Xiumei to the south area, thereby concentrating and preservation of Hunan’s reverse power. Later, Liu and Lin started the war first in the southern Hunan.In the beginning of the war, Tan Yankai lived in Shanghai, observing the situation. When the Dharma army faces be a life-and-death matter during, Tan Yankai returned to southern Hunan, contributed to the Union and Dharma army in southern Hunan truce, and fall from the crisis of comprehensive protector of Xiang army rescue. Then, Tan Yankai committed to promoting north-south representative. Although Tan Yankai was intermediary, but he was representative of the South camp. Although the Confederate government had squeezed out Sun Zhongshan, and which wants to reach the contraction was also aprt the Dharma’s original intention, but the southern faction fight was Dharma banner, and objectively also played against the Duan Qirui dictatorship, and ultimately led to the collapse of the Duan Qirui regime in Beijing.After the Dharma War broke out, Zhang Jingyao still ruled Hunan province who represent the interests of the Duan regime.Tan Yankai expeled Zhang Jingyao from Hunan fully relied on the power of Hunan Chang, and to achieved three main Hunan. In the movement of the "flooding Zhang", Tan Yankai tooke a strategy that joint and flood Zhang, which had played a double-edged sword. Not only Zhang Jingyao was expelled from Hunan, but also Wu Pei-fu exit from Hunan. Later, there had no any northern army in Hunan, which was the first time since the founding of the Republic. Undeniable, Tan Yankai drive Zhang by whichwas to regain the the Hunan regime. But, flooding Zhang was in line with the interests of the people of Hunan, and end the brutal rule of Zhang Jingyao in Hunan. During his three rule in Hunan, Tan Yankai cayyied out the local self-government. From flooding Zhang to the implementation of local self-government, Tan Yankai’s course was "off the South against North", and in order to achieve its rule in Hunan, but which objectively created a favorable condition for Yuejun led by the revolutionaries launching a crusade of Guangxi warlords.Throughout Tan Yankai’s three times Governor in Hunan, there has four distinct features:First, in the contest between the autocracy and democracy, Tan’s Hunan regime always adhere to the democracy and republic; Second, in the North-South confrontation, Tan’s Hunan regime, or in favor of the south camp against the northern camps, which had played an important role in the south camp. Third, in the Taketo political era of rampant, Tan’s Hunan regime implementated sandwiches; Fourth, Tan’s Hunan regime always insist on developing the economy and improving people’s livelihood.

【关键词】 谭延闿湖南政局民初
【Key words】 Tan YankaiHunanthe Political Situationthe EarlyRepublican