

History Observation and Reality Views on KMT-CPC Cooperation

【作者】 向婷

【导师】 文选德;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中共党史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在中国共产党历史上的第一次国共合作与第二次国共合作分别发生在上个世纪的二十年代和三四十年代。第一次国共合作的历史背景是半殖民地半封建社会的中国面临着帝国主义与地方军阀勾结下的残酷剥削和压榨。第二次国共合作的历史背景是中国深受日本帝国主义的侵略。在近代中国两次面临国家灭亡、种族灭亡的危机时刻,中国政治舞台上的两大政党在巨大的共同外来压力面前需要团结一致,致力于挽救水火之中的中国。具体来说,在上世纪二十年代需要结束军事割据实现国家的统一,在三、四十年代必须抵御外来的侵略,挽救民族的危亡,完成近代半殖民地半封建社会的中国的一大历史任务——求得民族独立与人民解放。在两次国共合作的过程中,以爱国主义为核心的民族精神无疑是两次民族命运转折的关键因素。而中国人民对国家统一和民族独立的追求是国共合作的推动因素。共同的民族利益及其它各方面利益的契合是政见不一的两党走在一起的根本因素,当民族利益的威胁被解除时,两党的利益取向的分歧甚至对立则随之突显,两党所代表的阶级利益的巨大分歧也必然导致两党走向分裂,合作失败。在两次合作的过程中,对于两党合作方式的选择是在两党的政治力量较量之后所做出的必然选择。分别在两次合作过程中作为共同纲领或起着共同纲领作用的“新三民主义”、“抗日纲领”相当于合作集体的群体规范,其压力和作用是合作过程中解决两党冲突与加强两党合作的内在因素。对两次合作中建立的统一战线的维系能力与政党的成熟度密切相关,在第二次合作中,透过中国共产党对统一战线的有力维系,我们明显看到了中国共产党的成熟。对两次合作的过程,苏俄、美国、英国等国际因素也有不同程度的干涉与影响,通过考察这些国家行为背后的因素,可以发现利益是决定国际行为的最大诱因。本论文通过对两次合作的可能性、必然性,已及合作的最大行为动机,对合作的整个过程进行分析,总结了一些经验与教训。这些经验与教训对因国共两党历史上的纷争而遗留的大陆与台湾问题,对两个政党在新时期关系的发展及这种发展对解决两岸关系问题和实现中华民族的长远利益影响的思考具有现实的启迪作用。另一方面,立足于历史上两党的恩怨与现实上两党各自的发展及社会背景的变迁,我们也应看到两党在现实中有继承传统,重塑关系的可能性、必要性。同时,我们更应正视现实,对于国共关系重塑的平台、方式等都应做出相应的变革,在当前经济交流这一强大平台的基础之上,更多地去开拓与推进其它平台,采取两岸都能接受的途径和方法。民族的利益直接推进了历史上国共的两次合作,新时期,国家的统一,中华民族的伟大复兴同样也是民族的利益,更是民族的长远利益,我们希望在这一利益的推动下能实现两个政党的再度合作,早日实现国家统一。

【Abstract】 In the history of the Communist Party of China, the first KMT-CPC cooperation and the second KMT-CPC cooperation occurred in the20’s and30’s-40’s of the last century. The first KMT-CPC cooperation occurred under the historical background that semi-colonial and semi-feudal society of China was facing the cruel exploitation and press from the imperialism and the local warlords. The second KMT-CPC cooperation occurred under the historical background that China was deeply encroached by Japan. In Chinese modern history, China ever faced the crisis of the destruction of nation twice. At the moment, the two major political parties faced the huge common external pressure at the Chinese political stage was forced to draw together as one and committed to save China from the destruction. In the details:at the20s of the last century, they had to end the military regime and achieve the reunification of the country. At the30’s-40’s of the last century, they had to resist foreign aggression and achieve national salvation, complete a major historic task of the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society of China-winning national independence and liberation of the people. In the process of the twice KMT-CPC cooperation, with patriotism as the core of the national spirit was a key factor of the twice turning of the national destiny. And the Chinese people pursuing the unity of country and independence was the promoting factor of the Kuomintang-Communist cooperation. The common national interest and the fitting of other various aspects of interests were the fundamental factors of the unify of the two political parties which had different political views. When the national interest was not threatened, the difference and opposite of both parties’ interests appeared apparently. Under the difference, both parties’ unify would necessarily break up and the cooperation would failed. In the process of the twice cooperation, the choices for the modes of twice cooperation were decided by the result of the struggles of bipartisan political power. In the process of twice cooperation, as a common program or playing the role of common program," Three Principles of the People" and " the program of Anti-Japanese" were equal to the norms of a collective. The pressure and effects from the norms were the inner factor of solving the conflict between two parties and strengthen the bipartisan cooperation. The ability of sustaining the united fronts which were founder in the process of the twice cooperation were closely related to the degree of a party’s maturity. In the process of the second cooperative, through the CPC holding the united fronts strongly we could clearly see the maturity of the Chinese communist. In the process of twice cooperation, the United States, Russia, Britain and other international factors also interfered and influenced the twice cooperation at different degrees. Through the investigation of the factors which were behind these countries’ behavioral, we can discover that the factor of interest is the biggest cause of determining international behavior. Through analysing of the possibility, necessity, the greatest motivation and the process of the twice cooperation in the paper, we summarized a lot of experience and lessons. And when we think about the question of mainland and Taiwan that was due to the history of the conflict between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and when we think about the development of bipartisan relation in the modern time and how the development influence about improving of cross-straits’relation and realizing the long-term interests of the Chinese nation, we also received practical enlightenment from these experience and lessons. On the other hand, based on the history of bipartisan friendship and grudges and the reality of the two parties’ own development and the changes of social background, we should also see the both had the possibility and necessity of inheriting the tradition and remodeling in relationship. At the same time, we also should face up to the reality and make the corresponding change about the platform of remodeling in relationship and pattern and so on. Based on the current powerful platform of economic exchanges, we should explore and promote others platforms more and more and take the ways and methods that can be accepted by cross-straits. In the new period, the unification of the country and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation are also the national interests and the national long-term interests. We also hope under the interest promoting the two parties’ can cooperate again and achieve national reunification early.

【关键词】 中国共产党中国国民党合作
【Key words】 Chinese Communist PartyKuomintangcooperation