

Teachers First

【作者】 孔春辉

【导师】 张楚廷;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 本研究是围绕大学管理问题而进行的一番历史探索。当前,大学的教师管理存在着诸多问题,从管理理念、机制、制度、方法到教师评价、组织文化均受到人们的质疑。笔者认为,上述问题的存在缘于大学对如何才能切实履行自身职能缺乏清醒的认识。传承文化和创新学术是大学的本职,教学和科研是大学教师的本务,大学本职的实现以大学教师务本为前提。大学的基本职能提醒我们,要走出当前大学教师管理的困境,大学应当在树立师本理念的基础上实施师本管理,即一方面认识到教师为大学立足和发展的根本,一方面依靠教师办学,确保教师在大学事务中的管理主体地位,同时创造条件协助教师发展,以教师的发展带动大学的发展。笔者认为,以教师为本处理大学和教师的关系并不妨碍以学生为本处理大学和学生的关系,也不妨碍以学生为本处理教师和学生的关系。民国时期的大学管理留给我们的历史美感与当前大学管理不尽人意的局面形成了鲜明的对比,笔者因而以民国时期的重要大学——国立师范学院(简称国师)为对象展开研究,以期从国师的师本理念和管理实践中析出师本管理的大致形态,为今日的大学管理提供借鉴。国立师范学院于1938年创办于湖南省安化县蓝田镇。她是在抗战建国的洪流激荡教育领域,国民政府深刻认识到各级学校的教师肩荷甚巨,非经人格的、科学的、专门的训练不足以任重致远,毅然创立师范学院制度以重振高等师范教育的背景下诞生的。国师办学的环境相当艰苦,既要忍受战云笼罩下的颠沛流离,又要面对削减与通胀下的经济困境,既遭受着国民政府统制政策下的政治文化挤压,又遭遇到社会上部分人对师范教育的歧视,但国师在辗转流徙中弦歌不辍,在经济困境中正常运转、较好地应对了政府的统制政策,增进了师范学院的声誉,办学业绩令人瞩目。国师的办学成就得益于她以师为本的办学理念。在教师和大学的关系上,国师的历任院长均认为“教员为学校之命脉”,对大学具有决定性意义。在校长和教师的关系上,他们都认为校长要依靠教师,要与教师和衷共济。为了建设一流的师资队伍,历任院长把握和创造了新兴师范学院附载无限希望、掌校者的人格魅力、学院管理层丰富的人脉关系、学院优良的人文和自然环境等优势,以聘人以诚、优其待遇、瞄准机会、群策群力、慰留不止等策略克服和扭转学院在延聘教师方面的劣势,千方百计、不拘一格地延揽良师。在办学过程中,学院多途发挥教师的力量,并努力从完善基础设施、营造和乐氛围、添置图书资料、维持出版工作、鼓励学术交流、改善教师待遇、审查与聘任相结合确定教师资格等方面助推教师发展。国师实施师本管理,教师们既表现出基于文化抗战使命的精神自觉,又体现出基于传统师道认同的品学自律,既做到了学科规约过程中的教学自主,又通过良善的院务决策机制实现了行政民主。教师们的抗战意识随着国难的加深而日益浓烈,他们将自身视为文化战士,将文化视为抗日救国的重要防线,试图通过教学来构筑文化长城,在此精神旨归之下,他们的学行表现出相当的使命感和表率性。教师们深刻认识到教育建国可以且必须通过教育移人来实现,他们对中国传统师道怀有高度的认同和积极的追求,为了培养出中等学校的健全师资,他们特别重视恢张中国传统师道,特别重视砥德砺行由己及人。在教学方面,教师们在专业规约程度不高的现状下顺势而为,在课程设置上拥有充分的发言权,在课程标准及教材配置上拥有相当大的自主权,在课堂教学上能根据自己对课程的理解而各行其是。在学院管理方面,教师们借助学院扁平的组织结构和开诚布公的决策过程,和院长民主协商院务,协力推进学院各项工作的开展。总之,由教师主导、从教师出发、以教师为中心是国师院务管理上的鲜明特点。国师因为实施师本管理而取得了突出的成就。首先,教师队伍数量充裕、质量优良。教师与学生人数成合适的比例且各个学科都聚集了相当多的、能形成团队的人数。教师队伍当中资深学者、中年骨干和青年才俊云集,使国师这所年轻的学府骎骎然有与老牌大学并驾齐驱之势。其次,教师们恪守本务,在忠于教学职守的同时淬勉学术研究。教学方面,他们顺应培养健全师资的时代要求,从陶冶学生精神、加强基本科目、充实专门科目、训练专业知能等方面对学生展开了全方位的素质训练;科研方面,他们在艰苦的物质条件下研撰不断,做学问不趋附政治和流俗,不盲从前人和权威的观点,不迷信外族和外邦的学说,不受私人感情的羁绊,表现出唯真理是求的、独立的治学节操,同时,在国难当头的情势下,他们在研究上体现出强烈的致用意识,或直接为抗战输送军事理论和斗争方略,或为战时教育出谋划策,或推动国家法制理论建设,或深入一线研究国民经济,或以各种作品响应抗战建国之国策。其三,由于教师们的共同努力,学院的办学规模迂回扩展,教学成绩出类拔萃,研究成果享誉学林,创造了不辱使命的办学业绩。借鉴历史是为了走向理想。国师的办学历史有力地说明了大学应当树立起以师为本的办学理念,应当创造条件实施师本管理。国师的成功告诉我们,要实现师本管理,校长的卓见和诚意是前提,教师的觉悟和水平是基础,机制的良善是保障。国师的不足告诉我们,教育的独立和大学的自治是实现师本不可或缺的外部条件。总结国师可供借鉴的经验,反思其尚待克服的不足,今日的大学应在寻求自治的基础上,从切实履行基本职能出发确立师本理念,大学管理者应拿出十足的诚意实践师本管理,以真正造福于教育。

【Abstract】 This thesis carries out the historical exploration of college management.Nowadays, college teacher management has so many problems that it has been questioned from management ideas, management mechanism, management system, management methods to teacher evaluation, organization culture, etc. The thesis holds the view that all these problems result from the absence of the clear mind on how the college can conscientiously exercise its function.Inheriting culture and innovating science are the college’s duties, and teaching and researching are the college teacher’s duties, in this case, the college teacher’s doing well is the precondition of the college’s doing well. Meanwhile, college’s basic function tells us that if the college wants to get rid of the trouble of teacher management, it has to carry out "teachers first management", which has three meanings:the first is that the teachers are the base of the college’s standpoint and development, the second is that the college has to ensure teachers to be the main body of managing the college since the run of the college depends on the teachers, and the third is that the college has to create suitable conditions to promote teachers development which will bring the college’s development. The thesis holds the view that dealing with the relation between the college and teachers in the direction of teacher-first idea will neither hinder dealing with the relation between the college and students in the direction of student-first idea, nor hinder dealing with the relation between teachers and students in the direction of student-first idea.Since the college management of the Republic of China is so different from that of nowadays:the former provides us the aesthetic feeling while the later provides us unsatisfied feeling, the thesis takes the National Teacher College, the very important college of the Republic of China, as the object of study and expects to find the general rule of college teacher management out from the National Teacher College’s teacher-oriented idea and the related management practice.The National Teacher College was set up in Lantian Town, Anhua County, Hunan Province, in1938. It was born in the war and in the situation that the government realized that teachers in every level was carrying the tough tasks and if teachers were not trained strictly in personality, science idea and profession, they could not finish their tasks well. In this case, the system of teacher’s education was set up and promoted the development of our country’s higher education. It’s well known that the conditions for running the National Teacher College were very tough:the war made it move everywhere, cutting down expense and inflation made it face the financial hardship, political culture controlled by the government squeezed it, and some people discriminated teacher’s education. However, the National Teacher College kept high-spirited and dealt well with the relation to the government, meanwhile, it promoted the teacher college’s honor and at last it succeeded in running the school, and got great achievements.The achievements of the National Teacher College resulted from its idea of running the college. On the relation between teachers and the college, the presidents of the college in history all regarded "teachers as the college’s lifeline" and thought teachers were decisive to the college. On the relation between president of the college and teachers, their idea was that president should depend on teachers and should keep a harmonious relationship with teachers, and president and teachers should help each other. In order to establish a first-grade teacher-team, all the presidents of the college in different periods tried their best to avoid weaknesses and succeeded in inducting and hiring good teachers by grasping chances, creating hopes of the new college, using the personality charm of the managers, applying a lot of important influential people, getting enough use of the excellent humanistic and natural environment, being honest, and improving pay and conditions, etc. In running the college, all the presidents managed to bring teachers’power into play and create suitable conditions to promote teachers’development by perfecting the infrastructure, creating harmonious and happy atmosphere, adding new books and reference materials, keeping publishing work, encouraging academic exchange, improving teachers’welfare, and setting teacher’s qualification in the way of combining review and employment, etc.With the National Teacher College’s carrying out the management idea of teachers first, the teachers not only willingly showed their spirit, which was based on the duty against culture-war, but also showed their self-discipline on moral and learning characters, which were identified on the basis of traditional teachers; they not only realized the autonomy in teaching different subjects, but also realized the administrative democracy by applying the good decision mechanism on college affairs. With the national crisis becoming more and more serious, teachers’ anti-war consciousness became stronger and stronger. They tried to set up a cultural great wall by teaching. With this spirit, their behaviors showed the great sense of their mission and their exemplary role. They deeply realized that the realization of saving the nation by education had to depend on cultivating people by education. They very agreed on the traditional idea of teaching and actively carried it out. In order to train the excellent teachers for secondary schools, they especially emphasized on advancing and enriching the traditional idea of teaching and emphasized on their own virtue as well as on making their virtue influencing others.In teaching, the teachers directed by the comparatively lower professional principles at that time could even take advantage of opportunity. In the curriculum design, they had enough right to speak; in the curriculum standards and textbooks, they had comparatively great right of autonomy. In college management, teachers could make good use of the college’s flat organization and administration, and make good use of the frankly and sincerely decision making process to negotiate with president of the college and to promote the operation of college work. In all, these reflected that the obvious management characters of the National Teacher College were by the teachers, from the teachers and center of the teachers.Because of carrying out the management idea of teachers first, the National Teacher College obtained outstanding achievements. Firstly, the number of good teachers was large. The ration between teachers and students was reasonable and every discipline had many excellent teachers who formed the excellent group. In teacher group, there were a lot of intelligent scholars, young and middle-aged staff, and young talents, which made the National Teacher College on a par with the old universities. Secondly, the teachers were responsible and diligent so that they were faithful in the discharge of teaching and devoted themselves to research. In teaching, they followed the time’s requirement of training right teachers, they trained students’inner quality by cultivating their tastes, enforcing the basic subjects, enriching the professional subjects, training professional knowledge and skills, etc. In researching aspect, even in the very hard time, they did not stopping researching. They did research far away from currying favor with politics and popular ideas, far away from following the ideas of predecessors and authorities, far away from pinning their faith on the other nation’s and the country’s doctrines, and far away from being controlle by their own feelings, hence, what they showed was the research spirit of only truth and independence. At the same time, in the situation of nation’s crisis, their research showed the strong implication. Their research provided anti-war theory and struggle strategies, or provided the methods for the war-time education, or promoted the nation to establish the theories on law, or studied the national economy in people’s life, or provided various works to respond to the anti-war policy and the national reconstruction policy, etc. Thirdly, because of teachers’working hard together, the college became larger and larger, obtained excellent teaching achievements, and succeeded in accomplishing its historical mission.Learning from history is for us to walk to the ideal. The history of the National Teacher College speaks volumes for that the college should set up the idea of teacher-first, and should create conditions to carry out teacher-first management. The success of the National Teacher College tells us that the realization of teacher-first management needs the precondition of president’s sagacity and sincerity, needs the base of the teachers’consciousness and ability, and needs the safeguard of mechanism. The limitations of the National Teacher College tell us that the indispensable external conditions of realizing teacher-first management are education independence and university autonomy.Summing up the National Teacher College’s referential experience and thinking back to its shortcomings, we can get the conclusion that today’s college should set up its teacher-first idea on the basis of searching autonomy and fulfilling the basic duties, and the supervisors in today’s college should warmly practice the management idea of teachers first to benefit for people.

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