

On Study of Verbs in Sunzhenren Qianjinfang

【作者】 周孟战

【导师】 唐贤清;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文以《孙真人千金方》的动词作为考察对象,把共时的描写和历时的比较相结合,把对《孙真人千金方》动词的系统研究和个案研究相结合,把描写与解释相结合,揭示作为中古汉语向近代汉语转变时期的医学文献《孙真人千金方》动词的语义、语法功能及发展过程,并运用认知理论和配价理论对《孙真人千金方》动词的相关问题作了解释,为汉语史的研究提供参考。本文共分十章四部分。第一部分为第一章:绪论。从版本和语言特默,的角度介绍《孙真人千金方》的语料价价及研究现状,并简要地说明了动词和其他词类的区别,动词的再分类巳及本文的研究思路和方法第二部分是第二章至第八章,分别对能愿动词、趋向动词、存现动词、判断动词、使令动词、心理动词和动作行为动词进行探词一:一首先简要介绍每类动词的研究现状并分类;然後,对《孙真人干金方》中的动词进行详尽的描写,并对典型个案在共时的描写的基础上把它放在汉语史巾进行探讨,以期得出一般性的结论。第三部分是第九章,运用认知理论和呢价理论对“来”“去”表时问、“VO来”、“X去O”、“上”的隐喻义与动核结构的关系、“VO下”、动词重叠的认知基础等进行一f探讨。第四部分是第一·章,指出本文的结论和不足之处。1.共时使用上的不平衡性与历时发展的不同步性《孙真人千金方》作为由中古汉诘向近代汉语转变时期的作品,常用动词在使用数量上表现为巨增;词例数量上与初唐前的作品相比较,有所增加;词语适宜的句法环境有所扩大。同时,《孙真人千金方》的动词在使用上是不平衡的,例如能愿动词在16个例词中,必要类就占了8个;从历时的角度来看,同类词的句法格式在相邻历史时代的相同率不一样,同一个词在不同阶段与相邻历史时代的相同率也不一样。2.趋向动词虚化受到多种因素的制约:既要受到动核结构、“V”及趋向动词自身语义的制约,也要受到语义指向、语义重心、使用频率的制约。虚化的根本原因是人的认知模式的转变。3.汉语存在句的典型结构为:时地短语十动词十名词性短语,汉语具有由参照物到目标体的强烈倾向。“有”字存在句巳背景*参照物“时地短语”来确定图形*目标体“名词性短语”的空问存现位置。《千金方》的“有”字存在句以内在参照框架为主,既有不随视角变化而变化的方所关系,也有随视角变化而变化的方所关系。4.人们对重叠的识解与人们对类同物复现的识解是同构的,也就是说,人们对一类同物复现的识解通过结构隐喻投射到对重叠的识解,表现为五种识解模式。同时人们对重叠的识解过程要受到原式语义的制约,也要受到格式的制约和句法位置的制约。

【Abstract】 This thesis uses the verbs in Sunzhenren Qianjinfang(《孙真人千金方》) as an investigation target, combines the synchronic description with the diachronic description, and the systematic research of verbs with the case study, description with explanation, reveals the verb’s semantics and grammatical functions and development process in Sunzhenren Qianjinfang(《孙真人千金方》)as a medical works in the period of the transition from middle Chinese to modern Chinese, and explains the related verb issues with the cognitive theory and the valency theory, and we hope that it provide the reference for the study of the history of Chinese.This paper is divided into four parts including ten chapters.The first part is the first chapter that it introduces corpus linguistic value of Sunzhenren Qianjinfang(《豫真人千金方》)from version and the features of language,and research status and the difference between a verb and the others,and verb’s sub-classification and the research methods.The second part includes chapter2to chapter8:carries on study of optative verb,directional verb,existential verbs, declara- tive verb, psychological verb and action verb, and introduces the research status and sub-classification of verbs and makes a detail-ed description of verbs in Sunzhenren Qianjinfang,and puts it in the Chinese history on the basis of the synchronical detailed des-cription, and comes to a general conclusion.The third part is chapter9:carries on study of reflecting time with "lai"(”来”)and "qu"(”去”),’’VO+lai(来)”,"V+qu(去)+O", the relationship between the metaphorical meaning of up(”上”)and the dynamic nuclear structure,"VO+xia(下)”and the cognitive basis of reduplication and so on.The four part is chapter10:points out in this paper that the conclusions of this paper and deficiencies.Firstly,use of the imbalance and diachronic development of asynchronism as a medical works in the period of the transi-tion from middle Chinese to modern Chinese, it performs the verb huge increase;Compared with the previous works,example words increases; The appropriate syntax environment has expand-ed; And it performs imbalance in verb use, for example, necessary class has8,50percent of the total. Syntax pattern’s same rate of an identifiable genus in adjacent historical times isn’t same, and the same rate of a word at different stages isn’t same, too. This fully indicates that different words of an identifiable genus has different developing processes and a word has different developing rates at different historical period.Secondly,the grammaticalization of the directional verbs is restricted by various factors,such as verb-core structure,"V" and semantics of the directional verbs,and semantic factors,sematic orientation, frequency of utilization. The root cause of grammaticalization is the transformation of cognitive model:from static model to dynamic model and to contact model.Thirdly, Chinese has the strong tendency of reference to the target body and its existential sentence structure is "the phrase+verbs+nominal expressions".There is ground/reference "the phrase" determine the space positon of figure/target body"the nominal expressions". The main frame is intrinsic frame of reference of "You"(有)existential sentences,and there is not only the direct and position relation changing with the view changes,but also the direct and position relation unchanging with the view changes in Sunzhenren Qianjinfang.Fourthly,the construal of reduplication and recurrent similar objects is isomorphic, that is to say, the construal of recurrent similar objects is projecting on the construal of reduplication with structural metaphor,which expresses the five construal patterns. At the same time, the construal of reduplication is restricted by original type semantics,syntax pattern and syntactic position.
