

A Study on Classroom Assessment That Enhance Teacher Learning:Based on the Practical Investigation on Hong Kong Lessons

【作者】 赖明珠

【导师】 倪文锦;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学科教育, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 评估应该回馈教与学,教学评估的最终目的是促进学习与改善教学。学生的学习进度呈现在课堂的不同阶段,教师若要掌握学生的学习以调适课堂的教学对策促进学习,需从不同视角通过进展性评估的模式审度课堂中的学习情态:在预设教学内容的时候照顾学生的学习需要;在教学过程中揣摩教学的方法以回馈学生学习;在课后及整体反思中总结经验以回馈教学。本研究从不同的学术思想及国内外的研究探讨学习、教学与评估的意义,发现进展性评估确能促进学习但大部分研究却缺乏系统性的实践方法。从考察现今香港学校所体现出来的主流评估模式,与及对各主流学习理论的发展与运用经验的探讨及批判,本研究采纳现象图式学的哲学理论对学习知识的本质追本溯源,并从其学习理论分析教学与学习的关系。本研究认同现象图式学发展出来的学习理论——“变易理论”能为学习与教学提供较实在的理论基础,值得在教学实践上从评估的视角进行实证性的研究。本研究从课堂学习研究的实践模式及其理论基础——“变易理论”的视角研究课堂评估如何对教学产生正面的影响,并强调须从的四个层面审视评估的进程:一.评估学生对学习内容的不同见解,作为探究学习的难点及学习起点从而掌握适切的教学;二.评估课堂中多种因素的交互现象对教学产生的影响,重视师生交流中的细节以揣摩教学及调节教学的策略回馈学习;三.评估学生的学习过程与结果,重视学生的学习体验,以回馈教师改善教学;四.对整体课堂评估进行反思,回馈下一轮的课堂落实促进教学回馈学习的意义。本研究认为落实评估促进学与教的理念,关键于教师能否在课堂实践中进行适当的课堂评估,为了解学生学习的需要而不断反思教学。提升教师的教学能力从课堂实践做起,以课堂评估作为服务及反思教学的手段,让教师更有系统地检视教学的得失,提升专业教学的能力。本论文的结论提出以提升教师对课堂评估的意识能力作为专业发展最实际的培训工作,只有在课堂中不断进行评估反思教学的教师,才能为教育发展铺奠长远治标的路基,是教育事业的固本培源之始。

【Abstract】 Assessment should benefit instruction, with the ultimate goal of promoting learning and improving teaching. Students’ learning progress can be reflected at different stages of a lesson. If teachers want to know students’ progress so as to adjust teaching strategies aiming to foster learning, they need to review students’ learning from different perspectives by means of progressive assessment, that is, to cater for students’ needs when planning the object of learning for the lesson; to try to figure out their ways of teaching to benefit students’ learning in the teaching process; to benefit teaching and learning when summarizing experience in overall reflection. This research discussed the meaning of learning, teaching and assessment from different academic ideologies as well as overseas and local studies. Results shows that progressive assessment can really promote learning, however, most of the studies lack a systematic way of practice. Through investigating mainstream assessments reflected from schools in Hong Kong at present and criticizing the development of mainstream learning theories as well as the application of experience, this study adopted the philosophy of phenomenography to trace the origin of the nature of knowledge, and analyze the relationship between teaching and learning from the learning phenomenon by using a learning theory, namely the "Variation Theory", which was developed from phenomenography. This study agreed that the "Variation Theory", as a solid foundation for teaching and learning, is worth being used to conduct empirical research on teaching practice from the perspective of assessment. This study also discussed how assessment generated positive impact on instruction through the practice mode of Learning study and the "Variation Theory" as the theoretical framework. When making assessment, the four levels that were applied for reviewing the learning progress were addressed:1) assess students’ different views on the object of learning as the teaching focus to explore the starting point of learning and students’ learning difficulties;2) assess the influence of the interaction of various factors in the classroom on teaching and learning, paying attention on the details of the interaction among teachers and students to try to figure out the strategies for teaching and adjusting teaching to benefit learning;3) assess students’ learning process and outcome as well as focus on students’ learning experience in order to help teachers improve instruction;4) to benefit another round of teaching and learning when summarizing experience in overall reflection。In view of these arguments, this paper suggested that the key to the implementation of assessment for ensuring quality teaching and learning depends on whether teachers can make appropriate assessment in classroom practice and reflect on their own teaching in order to understand students’ needs. Enhancing teachers’ teaching ability should begin from classroom practice. Assessment can be used as a means to reflect on teachers’ own teaching so that they can review their own strengths and weaknesses systematically and, in the long run, improving their professional teaching skills. Finally, this paper concluded that raising teachers’ awareness on classroom assessment is the most pragmatic and effective training for teachers’ professional development. Only teachers who keep on making assessment to reflect on their own teaching in classroom can build a solid foundation for the long-term development of education, which in turns resulting in the strengthening of the education circle.

  • 【分类号】G424
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1202