

Environment Construction for Writing Learning

【作者】 周子房

【导师】 倪文锦;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学科教育, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 目前,我国中小学写作教学的现状是问题多多,困难重重。这些问题和困难表现在课程、教材、教学等各个层面。如果我们从“教”的视角转到“学”的视角来思考这些问题和困难,就会发现,其中一个根本性的问题就是:学生的写作学习得不到学习环境的有效支持。针对这一问题,本论文选择活动理论的视角,围绕“建构为学生提供有效支持的写作学习环境”这一主题展开探索。论文分为“理据篇”、“建构篇”和“实践篇”三大组成部分。第一部分为理据篇,进行理论基础和现实依据的探寻。第一章和第二章,基于相关理论,确定研究的突破方向。基于写作学习的实践性本质,研究选择了取向与之吻合的活动理论的视角,提出了写作学习环境建构的三大基本方略:其一,融汇写作学习内容于特定的任务情境之中;其二,发挥多种中介工具和教师的中介功能;其三,建构写作学习共同体。基本方略同时可以从相关的学习理论、教学理论和语言学理论等多元理论中获得丰富的给养。第三章,现状调查,旨在找到研究的现实起点。研究围绕基本方略所涉及的三个方面,组织和实施了包括我国东部、中部和西部四个省市16所中小学的相关调查。调查为明确研究的现实起点和选择基本方略的具体展开途径提供了可靠的依据。第二部分为建构篇,试图从理论上构建一种有目标和情境支持、有多种中介工具和教师支持、有学习共同体支持的写作学习环境。第四章,围绕基本方略之一,试图回答的问题是:怎样设计写作学习任务?本章论证了恢复写作功能、回归真实文体、展开写作过程的写作学习内容开发取向,并尝试构建了三维开发框架。在任务情境设计方面,提出了情境设置的基本路径和基本方式。本章还提出了“基于主体情境设计写作学习任务”的主张。第五章,围绕基本方略之二,力图回答:如何进行多种中介工具的设计与运用?如何发挥教师的中介作用?本章阐释了结合支架功能分类的思维路径,围绕文体、过程和功能进行支架设计的路向。在相关资源运用方面,论述了“变与不变”的呈现的策略和与支架互动的策略。本章还论证了评分规则设计的两种基本取向和整合的设计思路,鼓励学生参与评分规则设计,并强调要运用评分规则引领写作学习。最后,论述了教师可以发挥多种功能,并提倡教师根据过程写作各阶段的特点来发挥自己的作用。第六章,围绕基本方略之三,试图回答:如何进行写作学习共同体的建构?本章根据写作学习本身的特点,强调从学习者互为“读者”、互为写作内容相关经验的“提供者”、互为表达经验的“促进者”、互为“评改者”等四个方面增强彼此的互惠感,以推进互动。本章揭示了互动促进写作学习的前提是学习者知识经验的呈现,机制是提供支持和引发冲突,并提出要运用相应分工和规则来启动和运行这一机制。最后,阐述了可以根据需要在过程写作的各个阶段组织相应的学生互动。第三部分为实践篇,进行案例研究。第七章,采用集合性案例研究的方法,验证了本文写作学习环境的建构框架的可行性和有效性。研究选择了上海市区的一所学校进行合作,主要设计了三个写作教学单元:“成长故事”、“名人传记读后感”和“创意笔”展开研究过程。单个课例研究的数据与整体案例研究的反馈都表明:研究所建构的“写作学习环境”有效地支持了学生的写作学习。案例研究同时也从实践层面进一步丰富了框架建构的理论思想:要从写作学习环境的整体上去协调各构成要素之间的关系,发挥其支持写作学习的整体效应。本研究致力于追求“探索新知”和“服务实践”的双重品格,谋求写作学习理论与实践的有效对接与相互融合。

【Abstract】 At present, the teaching of the writing skills in elementary and secondary schools in China is mired in problems and difficulties which are reflected in every level of curriculum, textbooks and instruction. If we transfer our perspective from "teaching" to "learning", a fundamental problem will then be disclosed, that is, students’learning of the writing skills is not supported by effective learning environment. To solve this core problem, the dissertation applied the Activity Theory as the theoretical framework and explored the topic of how to construct a learning environment which is conducive to the students’learning of writing skills.The dissertation is composed of three parts, namely, the theoretical part, the construction part and the application part.The first part is about the theoretical framework and exploration of the practical basis. In Chapter One and Chapter Two, related theories were analyzed and the direction of the research was made clear. Based on the practical nature of learning of writing skills, the research selected Activity Theory as the analyzing perspective and then put forward three basic strategies to construct a conducive writing learning environment. First is to integrate the writing skill learning content into specific task-based context; Second is to utilize the intermediate function of different tools and the role of teacher; Third is to construct a learning community of writing skills. The basic strategies can get additional support from related learning theory, instruction theory and linguistic theory. In Chapter Three, the investigation of the writing teaching reality in China was conducted with a aim to target the research. According to the basic strategies mentioned above, the investigation was organized and conducted in16elementary and secondary schools in east, middle, and west China. The investigation result provided reliable evidence for the research and the application of strategies.The second part is about construction of learning environment. It tried to construct a conducive writing learning environment which is infused with the support from contexts, the support from tools and teachers, and the support from learning community.Based on the first strategy, Chapter Four tried to answer the question of how to design a writing learning task. This chapter discussed the restore of writing function, the returning of authentic text and the orientation in the development of writing learning content in the writing process. As for the task context design, the research proposed the basic approaches and styles to set the context.Based on the second strategy, Chapter Five aimed to answer the question of how to design and utilize multiple-tools. This chapter analyzed the thoughts on categorization of scaffolding functions and the approaches to scaffold based on the text styles, process and functions. As to the utilization of related resources, the chapter discussed the strategy of how to present "Change Vs. Not Change" and the strategy of interacting different scaffoldings. The chapter also discussed the two orientations in the design of scoring rubrics and the thought of how to integrate. Students are encouraged to take part in the design of rubrics which can as a result lead their writing learning process. At last, the chapter analyzed the multiple functions teachers can make, and proposed that teachers should apply their help based on the characteristics of each stages in the writing process.Based on the third strategy, Chapter Six tried to answer the question of how to construct a writing learning community. According to the nature of writing learning, the chapter emphasized that learners should be "readers" for each other,"providers" for each other’s writing content,"prompters" for each other’s expression of experience, and "raters" for each other’s writing product. The four aspects should be interrelated and integrated. The chapter disclosed that the premises for interacting writing learning are the expression of learners’ knowledge and experience, and the mechanism for making it happen is to provide support and to cause cognitive conflict. To make the mechanism work, assignments should be allocated and rules should be set up. At last, the chapter elaborated that the interaction between learner should be organized according to the needs in different stages of writing learning.The third part is about application of the research. A case study was conducted. Chapter Seven applied the collective case study method to verifying the feasibility and effectiveness of the framework of environment construction for writing learning. An urban school in Shanghai was selected to conduct the research. Three writing teaching units were planned:"the Growing-up Story","Understanding about the Biographies of the Celebrities", and "the Creative Pen". The data from the single class case study and the feedback from the overall case study all reflect that the writing learning environment construed by the researchers effectively supported the students during their writing learning processes. By its successful implementation in practice, the case study also enriched the framework construction theory. That is the elements in the learning environment should be coordinated collectively to bring out the overall effects in supporting the writing learning.The research aimed to pursue the dual purpose of "exploring the new knowledge" and "serving the practical world", and to connect and integrate theory and practice of writing learning.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2336