

Geographic Theme Activities Design Research in Scientific Inquiry Learning Perspective

【作者】 张建珍

【导师】 夏志芳;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学科教育, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 新课程改革将改变学生的学习方式作为重中之重,科学探究学习被置于重要的地位。新课程实施十年来,地理科学探究学习的研究和实践,取得了一定的进展,但地理科学探究学习仍未成为教学的常态,广大一线教师对地理科学探究学习仍存在诸多困惑,表现为对地理科学探究学习认识的“神化”和“泛化”。因此,迫切需要地理教学界对地理科学探究学习的一些基本问题作出回答,其中最关键的问题和疑惑是:如何设计地理科学探究活动才能使探究活动更具探究性?本文基于大量的文献和调查研究,提出地理科学探究主题活动设计思路。论文首先对国际科学探究学习和我国地理科学探究学习进行了历史回溯,厘清国际和我国地理科学探究学习的脉络和走向,并为本研究找寻理论源头,奠定理论基础。(第一章)论文采用问卷调查法对我国初高中教师地理科学探究活动的实施现状进行调查,发现我国地理科学探究活动实施的诸多问题;采用文献综述法和内容分析法对我国地理科学探究学习的研究现状进行系统分析;上述调查研究是本研究的现实出发点。(第二章)论文采用比较研究法和内容分析法对中美高中地理教科书中231个地理科学探究活动进行比较研究,揭示出中美地理教科书中地理科学探究主题活动设计在探究要素、探究水平、探究技能等方面的显著性差异,为我国地理科学探究主题活动的设计提供借鉴意义。(第三章)在上述研究的基础上,本文认为当前我国地理科学探究活动的设计应该实现一种转型,即从宽泛的探究走向主题明确的探究;从浅层次的探究走向深层次的探究;从仅关注探究内容和探究类型等显性因素的设计走向更多关注探究要素、探究技能和探究水平等隐性因素的设计。基于此,笔者建构了地理科学探究主题活动设计系统框架,该框架主要包括目标设计、主题设计、探究类型设计和探究特性设计等部分,其中内容设计围绕明确的主题,从探究要素、探究技能和探究水平三个维度来思考主题活动的探究特性,是本研究的活动设计与以往的地理科学探究活动设计的最大区别,亦是本文研究的重点和特色之处。(第四章)论文的第五章、第六章和第七章分别从地理科学探究主题活动设计的三个维度:探究主题设计、探究类型设计、探究特性思考,采用理论与案例相结合的方式进行系统的论述,以期为设计者提供实践的指导。论文第八章呈现了地理科学探究主题活动设计的总体步骤,并通过案例说明如何基于本文的设计框架进行地理科学探究主题活动的设计。研究结论与展望部分指出了本研究取得的结论及有待进一步研究的问题,指明后续研究的方向。

【Abstract】 The new curriculum reform emphasizes the change of way of learning as a top priority. Scientific inquiry learning is placed on an important position. Since the implementation of the new curriculum, the research and practice of geographical scientific inquiry learning has made some progress in ten years. However, geographical scientific inquiry learning has not yet become normality in instruction. Teachers still have a lot of confusion that they have a tendency to see scientific inquiry learning as "deification" and "generalization". Therefore an urgent need is to answer some basic questions of scientific inquiry in geography.One of the most critical problems and doubts is that how to design scientific inquiry learning activities of geography?Basing on a large number of literature and the investigation, the paper puts forward the design system and ideas of geographical scientific inquiry theme activities.Firstly, this paper tracked back to the source of the theory and established theory base through reviewing the history of the international scientific inquiry learning and geographical scientific inquiry learning in our country, combing through history and clarifying the context and direction of international and Chinese geographical scientific inquiry learning.(Chapter Ⅰ)This research had a status survey on China’s secondary school teachers implementation geographical scientific inquiry activity using questionnaire.From the investigation, we found that the implementation of geographical scientific inquiry activity in our country still had many problems; the paper used literature study and content analysis to make a system analysis for the present research situation of geographical scientific inquiry learning in our county. What the investigation mentioned above was the realistic basis of this study.(Chapter Ⅱ)This paper compared the inquiry element、inquiry level、inquiry skill of231 geography scientific inquiry activities in high school textbooks between China and America by comparative research and content analysis. The study revealed three aspects of significant differences in geography scientific inquiry theme activities design between the two countries. By these comparisons, we could get a lot of reference and inspiration for the design of geography scientific inquiry theme activities in China.(Chapter Ⅲ)On the basis of the above, the paper believed that the current our country geography of scientific inquiry activity design should realize the transformation, that is, from broad inquiry to clear themes inquiry, from shallow level inquiry to deep level inquiry, from concerning the dominant factor such as the content and type of inquiry to hidden factors such as the inquiry element、inquiry skill、inquiry level. On this basis, the paper construct the design framework of geographical scientific inquiry theme activity, this framework mainly includes such parts as goal design, theme design, type design, characteristics design and so on.Content designed around a clear theme from three dimensions on inquiry elements、inquiry skills、inquiry level to think about the characteristics of inquiry which is the biggest difference from the previous design and is the study focus and distinguishing feature.(Chapter IV)The fifth, sixth, seventh chapter had a systematic discussion of the design of the geographical scientific inquiry theme activities, respectively from theme design, type design, characteristics thinking by the way of combining theory and case, so as to provide practical guidance for the designers.Chapter VIII of the paper presents the general steps of geographical scientific inquiry theme activities design and illustrates how to reflect the themes and highlights thinking of the characteristics of inquiry by case.Research results and the prospect section summarized the conclusions obtained in this study and mentioned the further study in the future, indicating the direction for further research.
