

A Research on Tourism Spatial Strucrure of Borderland Province

【作者】 黄华

【导师】 明庆忠;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 空间结构关系到旅游要素在空间的配置和旅游经济活动的空间区位,也关系到能否有效克服地理空间对旅游经济活动的约束、降低成本、提高旅游经济效益,是旅游地理研究的主要方向之一。中国广域的地理空间和迥异的旅游业发展水平导致各地旅游空间结构存在着各自的特殊性;边疆省区是我国旅游业发展的重要区域,近年来其旅游空间结构正处于重要转型机遇期。同时,边疆省区远离国家的政治、经济、文化中心和主要旅游市场,毗邻外国、国境线长、民族众多、边界和周边情况复杂,其区位及区域旅游空间结构不同于内陆腹地和沿海地区,无论在理论和实践上均表现出一定的特殊性和典型性。目前区域旅游空间结构的研究主要以发达地区和城市的静态研究为多,省域视角或边疆视角的旅游空间结构动态研究都比较缺乏,改革开放以来区域旅游空间结构的整体总结更是缺乏。有鉴于此,本文从边疆省区旅游空间结构要素入手,深入探讨了陆疆省区旅游空间结构形成与演进的动力机制、机理及优化模式,并以在边疆省区旅游业发展中具有代表性和先进性的云南省为例进行了实证研究,对改革开放以来该省旅游空间结构形成与演进的整体脉络进行了详细梳理。根据以上思路,本论文由理论和实证两大部分组成。理论部分(第一章、第二章、第三章、第四章、第五章)详细回顾了国内外的相关研究成果,在界定了边疆、边疆省区、旅游空间结构概念的基础上,辨析了边疆省区旅游空间结构要素、边疆省区旅游空间结构的组合及功能;然后从环境条件、旅游资源条件、旅游产品条件、经济条件、政治条件、技术进步条件等方面分析了我国边疆省区旅游空间结构形成与演进的驱动因素及整体特点;接着探讨了边疆省区旅游空间结构形成的中心地、点轴空间、轴幅式空间等过程原理,剖析了边疆省区旅游核心—边缘空间结构形成原理、旅游梯度推移原理、边界地区旅游业边缘不对称原理、地缘政治原理;最后剖析了边疆省区旅游空间结构优化的背景、内涵、模式,归纳出边疆省区要构建三核牵引的多中心旅游空间结构、以国际旅游大通道促进旅游轴线耦合发展、推进多枢纽轴幅式网络空间结构形成、加强对外开放与合作等四方面的优化重点。实证部分(第六章、第七章、第八章、第九章、第十章、第十一章、第十二章)在介绍了云南省旅游空间结构形成背景的基础上,分析了改革开放以来云南省旅游空间结构的重心变化和旅游经济收入分布变动,并分别从市(州)域、县域两个尺度探讨了旅游收入的增长与时空变化,进而对云南省旅游空间结构的趋同与分异进行了检验;其次,分别从1988、1999、2010年三个时间截面探讨了云南省内旅游经济联系强度、旅游经济隶属度、旅游空间结构特征,归纳了云南省旅游空间结构形成与演进的特征;探讨了环境条件、旅游资源条件、经济条件、旅游产品条件、技术进步条件、政治条件等对云南省旅游空间结构驱动机制;最后,提出了云南省旅游空间结构的优化对策。经过研究,本文得出如下结论:1)边疆省区旅游空间结构包括旅游节点、旅游轴线、旅游域面、旅游边界和旅游流等要素。2)环境条件是边疆省区旅游空间结构的形成与演进的孕育因素,决定了边疆省区旅游节点(轴线、域面)的形态具有不规律性、相异性、多样性、分割性、边缘性,也提供了对外开放的先天优势;旅游资源条件是边疆省区旅游空间结构的基础因素,有助于打造与多元甚至破碎地理单元相对一致的旅游节点(域面);旅游产品条件是边疆省区旅游空间结构的支撑因素,牵引着边疆省区旅游空间结构的外向化拓展与有变嬗变;经济条件是边疆省区旅游空间结构的激发因素,薄弱的经济基础使得边疆省区对外部旅游客源、资金、技术、政策和口岸等有着较大的依赖性,缺乏常规经济产业发展基础的地方往往会更加重视旅游发展;政治条件是边疆省区旅游空间结构形成和演进的重要传导,国际地缘政治和国内旅游发展政策影响着旅游要素的空间配置和旅游空间结构的发展方向、时序;技术进步条件是边疆省区旅游空间结构的促进因素,快速旅游交通、节事信息传递等在很大程度上决定了各旅游节点(轴线、域面)的区位与旅游资源等势能转化为旅游产业动能的可能性与效率。3)边疆省区旅游空间结构的形成与发展,可以分为节点状离散发展阶段、点轴状发展阶段、放射串珠状发展阶段和轴辐网络状发展阶段,旅游中心地原理、旅游点轴结构原理与轴辐式旅游网络结构原理都分别在不同阶段发挥了不同的作用,轴幅式旅游网络空间结构是边疆省区旅游空间结构的最高级阶段。4)边疆省区旅游业核心—边缘结构特征明显;旅游空间结构的梯度推移方式多样;省际边界与国界地区大都属于旅游业边缘地区和中低梯度地区,且国境边界地区与省际边界地区的旅游业呈现一定的不对称状况,国境边界地区旅游业整体水平更高;地缘政治关系的不同阶段都分别对边疆旅游空间演进产生了深远的影响。5)边疆省区旅游空间结构的优化宜采取非均衡协调发展模式。要突出三核牵引的多枢纽多中心轴幅式旅游空间结构战略,以国际旅游大通道战略促进旅游轴线的耦合发展,特别是发挥航空交通对大尺度、跳跃式旅游发展轴线和主要旅游枢纽的促进作用,以旅游桥头堡战略推进边疆省区周边旅游经济带(圈)建设。6)改革开放以来,云南省入境旅游总体呈现出由非均衡到均衡的发展趋势,有向集中型分布的转变趋向;国内旅游的发育相对更均衡、协调。全省旅游总收入的市州际差异主要是地带内差异和地带间差异共同影响所致;县域旅游收入空间分结构的核心—边缘特征明显。云南省的旅游外汇收入增长基本表现为分异,人均国内旅游收入出现了一定的趋同趋势;全省的国际旅游与国内旅游经济增长都存在向低收入、高收入组的趋同。7)从1988年、1999年、2010年的共时性分析来看,云南省旅游空间结构历经了节点离散型、点轴型、放射串珠型阶段,正在向以昆明为中心的轴幅式网络旅游空间初步转化,体现出了阶段性、差异性、等级性,以及中心、梯度、边界、资源、交通、民族区域等方面的空间指向性。8)云南省旅游空间结构形成与演化受到了环境条件、旅游资源条件、经济条件、旅游产品条件、技术进步条件、政治条件的耦合作用与关联性影响。其中,环境条件、经济条件已经逐步下降甚至不太显著。9)云南省应该构建昆明、西双版纳、大理—丽江三大旅游极核,逐步将红河建设为未来云南省真正的旅游热点;整合省域旅游空间网络,促进省内旅游一体化发展;促进中低梯度地区旅游业逐步发展的同时,要推动滇中、滇西北、滇西、滇西南等旅游业较为发达的地区率先一体融合;构建面向境外与省外纵深的国际、国内旅游合作体系,使云南成为中国南亚、东南亚和印度洋、太平洋旅游合作的重要跳板、通道与基地。

【Abstract】 The spatial structure, as one of main study directions in tourism geography, is relevant with the deployment of tourist elements and the spatial location of tourist economic activities, meanwhile it relates with the issue whether the geographical space restricts the constraints of tourist economic activities, reduction of costs, the improvement of tourist economic efficiency. The vast geographical space in china and diverse levels of tourism development lead to the uniqueness of tourism spatial structure for different places. As the important strength, the border areas in China, are facing an important transit period to upgrade their tourism spatial structure. In light of nearness to foreign countries, long borderline and complex periphery, those border areas which are main tourism targets, far from the political, cultural and economic center, have a quite different location and tourist spatial structure from inland and coastland, displaying a certain peculiarities and uniqueness. At present, the studies of regional tourism spatial structure are mostly static, and mainly starting from developed regions and cities, but the perspectives from provinces and borderland areas are very few. Further, the conclusion for the whole after1978is absent. Considering these, the dissertation starts from the elements of tourist spatial structure for border provinces, deeply explores the conformation and evolution motives, mechanism and optimization modes for the borderland provinces. Meanwhile, the dissertation has an empirical study of Yunnan Province which is mostly represented and advanced, and reshuffle the formation of tourism space in Yunnan Province and its arteries and veins of the evolution.The dissertation consists of the two sections:the theory section (chapter1,2,3,4,5) reviews the previous relevant studies, distinguishes the elements of borderland province tourism spatial structure, their integration and function based on defining such concepts as borderland areas, borderland provinces, tourism spatial structure etc. Then from these points, such as environment, tourism resource, tourism product, economic condition, political condition, technical advance conditions etc., the section discusses the process principles to form center, point-routes space for tourism spatial structure in borderland provinces, and analyzes the principles of how center-rim space structure forms, tourism gradient developing principles, asymmetric principles of tourism marginal in borderland areas, geopolitical principles. Finally the section analyzes the background, connotation and mode for tourism spatial construction optimization for borderland areas, sums up the optimization emphasis combined by the four sides:multi-central tourism structure drawn by three heads, routes coupling development fostered by international tourism channel, the multiple pivot radioactive network formation, the enforcement of external opening and cooperation. The empirical section (chapter6.7,8,9,10,11,12) analyzes the emphasis changes of tourism spatial structure in Yunnan and the changes of tourism income distribution after an introduction to the forming of tourism spatial structure in Yunnan, and explores the income increase and space-time changes from two points of city area and county area, further testing the tendency to be similar and analysis. Secondly, the section explores the linking strength degree within Yunnan tourism, independency degree, the features of tourism spatial structure, generalizes the features for spatial structure forming and evolution, investigates into the motive mechanism propelled by different factors such as geographical location, tourism source condition, economic development condition, tourism products and technical conditions and political conditions etc Finally, the section puts forward some strategies to optimize the tourism spatial structure in Yunnan.After the study, the dissertation has the following conclusions:1) the tourism spatial structure in borderland provinces (TSSBP) consists of tourist nods, tourist routes, tourist domain, tourist edge and tourist flow etc.2) the environment condition, as the element of forming and evolving the tourism spatial structure in border provinces, determines the irregularities, differences, diversities, segmentation, marginality of the forms for tourism nods (routes, domains), and also offers inborn strength for opening to foreign countries. Tourism source conditions are the fundamental factors of tourism spatial structure in borderland provinces, which are helpful to build tourism nodes (domains) consistent with diverse even tattered geographical units. As supporting factors for the spatial structure, tourist products lead to the expansion and orderly changes for TSSBP. Economic conditions are the triggering factors for TSSBP. The borderland provinces are heavily reliable to tourism sources, money, technology, policies and ports for their weak economic base. Without regular economic industries, these places put more emphasizes on developing tourism. The political policies are the important conduct to the forming and evolution of TSSBP. International geopolitics and tourism development in China influence the spatial distribution of tourism element and the development direction and order of tourism spatial structure. The technical development conditions are the factors to stimulate TSSBP. Fast tourism transportation, information transfer etc makes various tourism nodes (routes, domains) and tourist sources transform into kinetic energies to develop tourism industry.3) the forming and development of TSSBP can be divided into different stages:joint discrete development stage, joint-routes development stage, radioactive chain development stage, radioactive network development stage. The principles of tourism centers, nodes-routes structure and radioactive network structure have different functions. Routes radioactive network spatial structure is the highest stage for TSSBP.4) The core-periphery structure is prominent in TSSBP. The gradient forms have various ways to develop. The inter-provincial border and the border areas mostly belong to tourism fringe areas and low-gradient region, and frontier border areas and border areas in the inter-provincial travel industry show a certain asymmetry. The tourism in the border area as a whole has a higher level; geopolitical relationship between the different stages, respectively, has a profound impact on the evolution of border tourism space.5) The optimization of the TSSBP should be highlighted by the non-balanced and coordinated development mode. To highlight the triple-core multi-hub center routes of traction increase tourism spatial structure strategy, channel strategy to international tourism and travel routes coupling, in particular, play an air traffic on a large domain, by leaps and bounds the routes of the Tourism Development and the main touristm hub role in promoting tourism bridgehead strategy to promote the frontier provinces, autonomous regions, the surrounding tourism economic zone (circle) construction.6) Since the reform and opening up, Yunnan Province, in general tends to show from unbalanced to balanced development inbound tourism, having the trend of change centralized distribution. The domestic tourism spatial structure development is relatively more balanced, coordinated. The interstate differences in the main zone of the province’s total tourism is the income of differences and the differences between the zones due to the combined effect. County tourism revenue is characteristic by the spatial structure of the core-the edge. Yunnan tourism foreign exchange earnings growth performs divergence, and the per capita gross domestic tourism income has the convergence trend. Comparison with the province’s international tourism and domestic tourism economic growth, there is a convergence to low-income, high-income group.7) The synchronic analysis in1988,1999and2010, reveals that tourism spatial structure of Yunnan has experienced the conjoined discrete stage, point-routes radiation beaded stage, now it is changing primarily into Kunming-central mode which is routes-radioactive network form. The whole reflects different periods, differences, ranks, as well as borders, gradients, transportation, regional national and spatial dexis etc.8) The tourism spatial structure formation and evolution in Yunnan Province are constrained by the coupling effect and relevance of environmental conditions, tourism resources, economic conditions, conditions of travel products, technical conditions, political conditions. Among them, environmental conditions, economic conditions have gradually declined even less significantly.9) The three polar tourism centers, Kunming, Xishuangbanna, Dali-Lijiang should be established gradually in Yunnan Province. Honghe should be established into a real tourist destination in future. The integration of the provincial tourism spatial network and promotion of the unity of province tourism will be undergone. When the tourism in the gradient region should be gradually developed, more developed tourism map of northwest Yunnan, western and southwestern Yunnan should be unified into a whole. The international and domestic tourism cooperation system for overseas and outside the province depth should be constructed, so that Yunnan can become an important springboard, the channel and base of China to South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean, the Pacific cooperation in tourism.
