

"Liang-nong" Identity of Peasant and Its Change:Estimating Cross-referring the Countryman Transformation into Townspeople Began in2002

【作者】 陈彧

【导师】 文军;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 “粮农”是农民的一种身份。在中华民族几千年的历史中,农民是一个不可或缺和不可忽视的群体。就当代中国城市化进程而言,对城镇常住人口做出最大贡献的也当属农民。然而,由于长期以来,我国国家财政投入偏向城市,形成了城乡居民的“二元结构”。而又由于主体性因素的制约与限制,农民则以一种“问题”的形态出现。农民问题,是“三农”问题的有机部分,而且逐渐移至首位。近些年来,政府关注和学界研究日益聚焦在一个谓之为“农民市民化”的议题上。虽然目前中央文件中尚未出现过“农民市民化”的提法或字样,但就2002年以来的中国实践情况来看,却契合了这一主题。农民市民化的提出,是在认识上对农民“相对剥夺”状况的一次正视。一般认为,在农民市民化过程中,应该实现农民身份的转换。这里的身份,大体是指从农业户口转向非农业户口的户籍身份。然而,如果从学理上来看,身份则远比户籍身份复杂得许多。身份,是社会成员在资源占有形式和使用方式上的集体象征。正是由于身份的象征意义,标示着社会群体的同一性和差异性。身份是永恒的,因为身份根植于资源,而资源的稀缺性则会与人类社会一样长久。身份的永恒并不意味着一成不变。随着人类社会的发展,身份逐渐走出“等级化”的桎梏,在“特殊化”的轨道上迈向“平等化”的台阶,表现出崭新的一面。进入近代以来,身份已经开始了多重身份共存的局面。对于农民群体来说,无论是历史地选择,还是人为地安排,“粮农”都是农民身份的一种重要形式。“粮农”身份的主体是农民,然而,在经济高速发展和社会快速转型中的当代中国,对“农民是谁”问题的回答似乎陷入了一种困境。因为在当代中国实践中,有农民工、失地农民,还有在“市民”和“农民”夹缝中的“准市民”,都与农民有着千丝万缕般的关系。其实,农民就是那些根植于农村社区的社会成员,他们深受农村社区场域的作用,在生活方式、思想观念等方面都表现出农业社会成员所具有的传统性特征。而对于农民的身份来说,无论是在五千年农耕文化的长河中,还是在日新月异的当代中国,都主要是一种“粮农”。“粮农”,农民的一种身份,身份是建构的产物。对于现代来说,任何存在形式的建构都无法挣脱民族国家的场域。国家作为民族国家场域中支配者,建构着各种形式的身份。国家建构农民的“粮农”身份,是基于国家的粮食需求。粮食,从学理上看与常说食物略有不同,主要是指作为人类主食的植物性食物。国家之所以会产生粮食需求,是因为民族国家在人口生存上的需要,以及粮食产业在国民经济发展中的地位等。而国家对“粮农”身份的建构行为,则是通过将有限的土地资源分配给农民来完成,这种国家行为的形式则一般表现为土地制度的安排。因此,可以概括地说,国家通过将土地资源分配给农民,期望农民的主体行动达成“粮农”身份的实践,从而在一定程度上满足国家对粮食的需求。农民的“粮农”身份,与国家的粮食需求密切相关。对于一个民族国家来说,粮食需求的满足与否,直接表现为粮食安全状况的好坏。粮食安全状况,既可以通过微观层面上主体需求满足的未然状况来体现,又可以通过宏观层面上粮食生产与消费的己然状况来表现,也可以在粮食安全综合指标系数中予以最直接的显示。粮食不仅仅是关系国计民生的重要问题,而且,粮食安全的状况,既是农民主体行为在民族国家层面上的说明,也是“粮农”身份实践的结果。与此同时,“粮农”身份的变化,也与粮食安全状况有着莫大的联系。对于当代中国实践来说,“粮农”身份的国家建构行为离不开户籍制度的安排。1958年出台的《户口登记条例》及其相应的配套措施,构成了我国现行的户籍制度体系。户籍制度将农民束缚在农村,从事着农业,尤其是进行着粮食作物生产的“粮农”身份实践。因此,户籍制度则成为我国“粮农”身份建构中的又一个国家行为的集中表现。随着改革开放步伐的加快,户籍制度也逐渐松动,农民开始向外流动。加上经济理性的使然,农民也开始种植经济作物,或者从事非农行业,户籍制度对农民“粮农”身份建构的作用力在不断减小。如果从动态上综合考察我国农民“粮农”身份的变动的话,就需要兼顾粮食安全和户籍制度这两个关键的因素。因为粮食安全状况是“粮农”身份实践的结果与变动的前提,而户籍制度是国家建构“粮农”身份行为的主要表现。从1985-2009年实证数据分析的结果来看,大体经历了常态波动、非常跌落和平缓下降三个时期。也就是说,在二十世纪八十年代中至九十年代中的十年时间,我国农民的“粮农”身份并未发生实质性的变动。直到二十世纪九十年代末,农民的“粮农”身份才发生了消解的骤变。2002年拉开的农民市民化进程,虽然造成“粮农”身份一定程度的固化可能,但并没有改变其持续消解的态势。

【Abstract】 "Liang-nong" is a significant identity of peasant as a kind of group. Peasants play an unassailable role and occupy a crucial position in the long history of the Chinese nation. In regard to urbanization in China, peasants have a large proportion of urban population. Whereas, contemporary peasants become "problems" why generated by the urban-rural dual structure of residents and the constraints themselves, concerning the former reason that because Chinese governmental financial investment focuses on to urban areas.Peasants are situated primary position of issues of agriculture, farmer and rural area. Recently, an issue called "the Countryman Transformation into Townspeople" has attracting the government and academic, when occurred in China from2002, despite that the words above not appeared in official documents of central government. Calling for "the Countryman Transformation into Townspeople" is directly recognize the fact that peasants is in the "relative deprivation" way. In a general sense, the first step of "the Countryman Transformation into Townspeople" is peasant achieve identity transformation which means alteration in permanent residence form agricultural registered to Non-agricultural registered. But if we understand the concept of identity more formally, that suggests more abstruse and more recondite.Identities, the collective symbol, show what way social members occupy and use the resource, indicating sameness and difference between them. In an aspect, identity is eternal, due to it embed in resource and the lack of the resource will be with the human society for ever. In another aspect, eternal identity doesn’t express it is a invariable being. With the development of human society, identities display new character, when it is away from "Classification", in the course of "specialization", and will toward "equalization". After the human society into the modern times, coexistence of multiple identities in one individual was exited."Liang-nong" identities are essential and collectives form of peasants.Peasant is the subject of "Liang-nong" identities. However, in the modern China, with the context of rapid economic development and social transformation, it is so difficulty to answer the question "who is the peasant ", and if one person try to answer immediately, he would be in embarrassment absolutely. China today has several words equivocally and ambiguously related to the concept of peasant, such as "Migrant Workers","Landless peasants","Newcomer of Townspeople"(or "Forerunner of Townspeople") and so on. Naturally, peasants are the social members who rooted in the rural community and take the specific traditional attribute related to the value, the attitude, and way of life, mode of behavior which influenced by "Field of Rural Areas". And these traditional attribute of peasants manifest signs usually agricultural society. For the identity of peasants,"Liang-nong" identities are basic and vital, whether in history, in today, or in future."Liang-nong" identities of peasant are the outcome of the construction. In modern times, nation-state is field of constructing identity. In the field of nation-state, Nation suited in the controller positions of the field build different sorts of identity. Dynamic of nation building "Liang-nong" identities is the demand for grain. In daily using, we commonly confuse the concept of food with the concept grain. Precisely, grain only is the plant food which can be used as major nutriment for supporting the human body’s lives. We can attribute the demand for grain of nation to the people’s survival in scale of nation-state and the grain industry in national economic development. The way of nation building "Liang-nong" identities is land resources distributed to peasant as a kind of group, and the process of the nation building behavior depend on the land institution. Summarize to say that, nation distribute the land resources to peasant in order to meet the national demand for grain by the practice of "Liang-nong" identities."Liang-nong" identities of peasant associate with national demand for grain. At perspective of nation-state, the situation or level of food security reflects the instance national demand for grain can be met or not. We can make use multidimensional analytical method and model to estimate food security of a nation. Firstly, in microcosmic dimension, we can compare the index of per need grain with the index of per capita grain in one year to estimate food security of a nation. Secondly, in macroscopic dimension, we can compare the index of national food supply with the index of national food consumption in one year to estimate. And finally, we can establish a systematic evaluation indicator by select several indexes which could respectively reflect food security, to measure the level of food security. Referring to nation-state, the situation of food security is generated by the practice of "Liang-nong" identities. The situation of food security can be considered both as a result of the practice of "Liang-nong" identities and as a precondition of change of "Liang-nong" identities.At the present time, the Household Register System is a way to building "Liang-nong" identities by nation in China. The household register system available today is an aggregation of institution system in the core of "the Statute of Household Register" released by the Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China in1958. The household register system controls the bodies of peasants with the manner of limiting peasant as rural population move to urban areas, which the arrangement aim at forcing peasants to engage in agriculture work and labor, especially cultivate the crop of grain in order to attain the practice of "Liang-nong" identities. Accordingly, the household register system becomes a national action in the process of building "Liang-nong" identities of peasant. It is a fact that the Chinese opening and reforming policy arose in1978. Recent adjustment operations of the household register system bring social mobility in the form of rural population actively move to urban areas and on a large scale. The dynamic of economic rationality of "peasantry" causes the variety of behavior. Which peasant either turns to cultivate the economic crops, such as cotton, peanut, tea and tobacco, or engaged in the secondary or the tertiary industry. This phenomenon illustrates that the influence and impact of the household register system has reducing and decreasing, which orientation is building the "Liang-nong" identities of peasant.Estimating the change of the "Liang-nong" identities cross-referring "the Countryman Transformation into Townspeople" in2002must base on both food security and the household register system. For "Liang-nong" identities, the situation of food security is can be considered both as a result in the view of nation-state perspective, and a precondition of change, and the household register system is strengthening means in the process of nation building. Conclusion to this dissertation after analyzing empirical data as follow:"Liang-nong" identities of peasant didn’t change before the late1990s. Since the late1990s,"Liang-nong" identities of peasant have entering into process, and "The Countryman Transformation into Townspeople" began in2002intercepts the process temporally and slightly, but has holding the fact that "Liang-nong" identities is dissolving.

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