

A Study about Russia-soviet Literature Scholars of New Period China

【作者】 张磊

【导师】 陈建华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 我国俄苏文学研究自20世纪初发端以来,经过几个时期的发展和积淀,至今成果已蔚为可观。这一领域的蓬勃发展局面的形成是众多学人筚路蓝缕、辛勤耕耘的结果。俄苏文学学科的发展和学人的努力是密切相关的,因此对俄苏文学学人的研究也是学科发展的一个重要方面。20世纪90年代以来,学界开始从学术史的角度对俄苏文学研究进行回顾和反思。本论文在此基础上选择俄苏文学学人作为研究对象,结合研究方法问题,试图揭示出学者在学术史中的地位、作用及贡献,进一步丰富俄苏文学学术史的研究内容。俄苏文学学人群体庞大,本论文主要选取新时期以来的学者作为研究对象,但个别研究内容会涉及到新时期以前的情况。同时,本论文采取以点带面的方法,选取学者较集中的中国社会科学院外国文学研究所的学者为个案,从中选取五位不同类型的学者进行分析论述。绪论主要论述了论文的选题原因、研究机制、国内外研究现状以及论文的整体框架问题。第一章梳理了新时期以来我国俄苏文学学人的概况。按照学者所属单位的所在地区,将我国的俄苏文学学人划归到北京、沪宁杭地区、北方其他地区和南方其他地区四个区域中,并对其基本情况进行概述。第二章探讨了新时期以来我国俄苏文学学人的主要研究方法,如社会历史批评、实证主义批评、宗教文化批评、生态批评、女性主义批评以及神话原型批评等方法,并选取若干学者的有代表性的例证加以分析。第三章以戈宝权为个案,探讨他在俄苏文学研究中重材料、重实证的研究方法,以及他在普希金研究、中俄文学关系研究等方面取得的成就。第四章以高莽为个案,从“视角独特的俄苏文学研究”,“绘画和文学研究交相辉映”以及“俄罗斯文化的传播者”等角度,论述他在俄苏文学研究中的特色。第五章以吴元迈为个案,从俄苏马克思主义文论研究,苏联文学思潮研究以及俄苏文艺学方法论研究等角度,探讨他在俄苏文学研究中取得的成绩。第六章以周启超为个案,从白银时代研究,俄国经典作家研究以及俄苏文论研究等角度,阐述他在俄苏文学研究中涉及的重要领域。第七章以刘文飞为个案,从布罗茨基研究,俄语诗歌研究以及俄罗斯思想文化研究等角度,论述他在俄苏文学研究中的特点。结语认为,学人和方法都是俄苏文学学术史的重要组成部分,对我国俄苏文学学科的发展起到至关重要的作用。

【Abstract】 The study of Russia-Soviet literature in China has experienced several stages of development and deposit since it began in20th century, and now it achieved a lot. The developed situation in this field attributes to many people’s great effort. The development of the subject of Russia-Soviet literature is so closely related to the scholars in this field that the study of Russia-Soviet literature scholars is another important aspect of the subject development.Since1990s, scholars have begun to review and reflect Russia-Soviet literature from the perspective of Academic history. Therefore, with the scholars of Russia-Soviet literature as the subject, combining researching method, the dissertation tries to disclose the importance, influence and contribution of scholars in Academic history and enrich the researching content of Russia-Soviet literature academic history on the base of abundant materials.Because the number of Russia-Soviet scholars is quite big, the dissertation only chooses the scholars in new age to research. But a few research can involve the things happened before the new age. Meanwhile, the dissertation adopts the method that to use one individual case represents the things alike, and chooses Foreign language Institute in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences where scholars are flocked as a case study,5scholars of different styles from which are analyzed.The dissertation is divided into seven chapters besides the introduction. The introduction mainly talks about the reason of choosing the topic, researching mechanic, the domestic and foreign situation of the research and the general framework of it.The first chapter collects the information about Russia-Soviet literature scholars in new age. Scholars are divided into four kinds according to their places, they are scholars in Beijing, in Shanghai-Nanjing-Hangzhou region, in other places in the North and in other places in the South.The second chapter explores the researching methods that the Russia-Soviet scholars in China have used since the new period, and analyzes those scholars with spectacular methods. Then it illustrates six researching method:social historical criticism, positivism criticism, religious culture criticism, ecological criticism, feminist criticism and mythology prototype criticism.The third chapter is a case study of Ge Baoquan. It explores his contribution to the study of Russia-Soviet literature and Corroboration of original evidence he used, in which his contribution to the study of Pushkin and Sino-Russia literature relationship is also analyzed.The fourth chapter chooses Gao Mang as a case and describes his achievement he got in the research of Russia-Soviet literature, which begins from three different angles:special angle of Russia-Soviet literature study, reflection between drawing and literature study and the relentless broadcaster of Russian culture.The fifth chapter chooses Wu Yuanmai as a case and analyzes his achievement in Russia-Soviet literature study under the influence of integrated researching method from three aspects:they are Russian and Soviet Union Marxism literary theory research, Russian literature trend and Russian literary theory and mythology research.The sixth chapter chooses Zhou Qichao as a case and summarizes his achievement in Russia-Soviet literature research under the comparative researching method, which focuses on the following three angles:Russian Symbolist research, Silver age and the construction of Russian Epics in20th century and Russian literary theory research.The seventh chapter chooses Liu Wenfei as a case and illustrates his road of studying Russia-Soviet literature under the text detailed-reading method, which mainly focuses on three angles:they are Brodsky research, Russian poetry research and Russian thoughts and culture research.It is concluded that both scholars and methods are important to Russia-Soviet literature academic history, and they also play a significant role in the development of the subject of Russia-Soviet literature in China.

【关键词】 学人研究戈宝权高莽吴元迈周启超刘文飞
【Key words】 study of scholarsGe BaoquanGao MangWu YuanmaiZhou QichaoLiu Wenfei
  • 【分类号】I512.06
  • 【下载频次】500