

A Study on Listening Teaching

【作者】 周杰

【导师】 张华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 传统教学论是时代的产物,在特定的历史时期曾发挥过重要的作用。然而,昔日的辉煌并不能遮掩今日的困境:传统教学论愈加显示出内容陈旧落后、缺乏对实践的解释力和指导力的缺陷。受此理论体系影响的教学实践亦呈现出苍白无力的症侯:教学按照工厂的运行方式去“生产”学生,教师成为主宰、成为控制学生的操作手,学生只是“附庸”、只是程序运行中不可或缺的“产品”;教师仅将课程解释为“跑道”,采用顺序、线性的方式对课程进行编排;规训技术被引入教学并逐渐演变成教育教学技术,“合法”地对学生的身体和精神实施着规训;教学中的教化精神的式微使得学生精神的自由成长受到压抑、强迫和控制……在此背景下,许多学者在反思传统教学论弊端的基础开始了创造性的探索,教学论研究呈现出多元化的景状,涌现出诸多与时代特色相吻合、基于教育本身需要、有利于彰显学生个性自由的教学理念和教学模式,这在丰富教学理论的同时,实现着对教学实践的有效影响。倾听教学的研究即是在反思传统教学理论基础上的探索,其意在于:重估“倾听”的价值,将“倾听精神”渗透于教学之中并切实使师生之间、生生之间的“相互倾听”成为可能。倾听教学的研究是克服传统教学理论对教学实践持久且顽固的负面影响的一种尝试。为了更好地呈现倾听教学的本真以及倾听教学的实践景状,研究紧紧围绕四个主要问题展开,即:东西方文化境脉中倾听的意蕴、教学的真谛与倾听精神的契合、倾听教学的核心理念、倾听教学的课堂实践。循此理路,论文由四部分构成,具体表现如下:第一部分:首先从辞源学的角度探寻“倾听”原初本义,这是洞悉“倾听”本质的始基。然后将“倾听”置于东西方不同文化境脉中加以考察,试图从西方“由视至听”的文化嬗变中捕捉“倾听”的意蕴,试图在我国博大精深的文化中探寻“倾听”的智慧。第二部分:在反思失真教学的诸多危机的基础上,探讨倾听精神的本真诉求;在反思、探讨的过程中,试图发现失真教学与倾听精神的悖离以及本真教学与倾听精神的内在关联,并由此得出一个基本判断,即:本真的教学是充盈倾听精神的教学。如此,倾听与教学的内在勾联得以清晰地呈现。第三部分:倾听教学的核心理念是倾听教学的灵魂,理解和把握倾听教学的核心理念是倾听教学顺利开展的关键。基于这种考虑,本部分逐一对倾听教学的目的观、过程观、评价观及师生观进行深入探讨。倾听教学将培养兼有德性与创造性的会倾听的人作为目的;倾听教学是师生、生生之间相互倾听的过程;倾听教学的评价遵循“差异逻辑”并将差异优先性放在首位;倾听教学师生关系的构建应渗透对“他者”关切的伦理精神。第四部分:先从反思传统教学课堂实践开始,尔后描摹了倾听教学课堂实践的理想图景,其间重点考察了师生、生生之间有效倾听的实现问题,这将为教师实施倾听教学提供可资借鉴的框架和思路。然而,实践中,制约倾听教学开展的因素颇多,由此导致了倾听教学实践遭遇诸多阻力并陷于困境之中。因此,剖析影响倾听教学有效开展的制约因素必将对倾听教学实践走出困境有所裨益。

【Abstract】 The traditional teaching theory as a product of the times has played an important role in the specific historical period. However, the glory of the past can not cover today’s dilemma. The traditional teaching theory presents a series of limitations. The theory, which is outdated, lacks interpretation and guidance for practice. Because of the impact of traditional teaching theory system, the teaching practice emerges unhelpful symptom:teaching in accordance with the operation of the plant "produce" students. Teachers become dominator and operator to control students, students are only "vassal" or indispensable "products" during the program running.Curriculum is only interpreted as "runway" by teachers who arrange curriculum with sequential and linear method. Discipline techniques introduced to the teaching have gradually evolved into the educational techniques which puts surveillance on body and spirit "legally". Students’spiritual freedom development is repressed, forced and controlled because of the spiritual degeneration of civilization.Under this background, many scholars began to explore teaching creatively on the basis of reflecting on the drawbacks of traditional teaching. Therefore the study on teaching theory presents a wide range of scenes, emerges lots of teaching concepts and patterns in accordance with the characteristics of the times, which are based on educational needs and helpful to students’freedom and individuality. This will enrich the teaching theory and achieve effective impacts on teaching practices. Study on listening teaching is a kind of exploration based on the reflection on traditional teaching theory. It means that the value of listening will be reappraise and the spirit of listening will be infiltrated into teaching practice,which makes "mutual listening" possible between students and between teachers and students. The study on listening teaching will overcome the persistent and stubborn negative effects of traditional teaching theory to teaching practice.In order to better present the real state and the practical view of listening teaching, this study is closely around four issues including the implication of listening in the cultural context of the East and West, the combination between the true meaning of teaching and the listening spirit, the core idea of listening teaching and teaching practice of listening teaching in the classroom. In this way, the thesis consists of four parts:Part I:At first, the paper explores the original meaning of "listen" from the point of view of Etymology. This is original insight into the nature of "listen". And then "listen" is examined in Eastern and Western cultural context in an attempt to capture the implication of "listen" in Western cultural evolution from "see" to "listen" and the wisdom of "listen" in our extensive and profound oriental culture.Part II:On the basis of reflection on crisis of distortion teaching, the study investigates the true aspirations of listening spirit. In the course of reflection and exploration, paper attempts to find the contradiction between the distortion teaching and the listening spirit as well as the combination between the true teaching and the listening spirit. So a basic judgment that the true teaching is full of listening spirit will clearly present the internal linkage between "listening" and "teaching".Part III:The core idea of listening teaching is the spirit of listening teaching. Understanding and grasping the soul and spirit of listening teaching is the key to implement listening teaching successfully. Based on this consideration, this section discusses the goal view, the process view, evaluation view of listening teaching and teachers and students view. The aim of listening teaching is to cultivate listeners with morality and creativity. Listening teaching is the process in which "mutual listening" exists between students, between teachers and students. Listening teaching evaluation follows "the logic of difference" and puts the priority of differences as the core.Listening teaching makes an attempt to construct the relationship between teachers and students which embodies the concerning of "otherness".Part IV:This section reflects on the traditional teaching practice at first, then describes ideal picture of listening teaching practice and makes major investigation on the realization of effective listening between students, between teachers and students. That will provide the essential idea which is helpful to implement the listening teaching for teachers. However, there are lots of restrictive factors which may make listening teaching encounter a lot of resistance and difficulties in practice. Therefore, the analysis of these restrictive factors is bound to help the listening teaching practice to get out of dilemma.

【关键词】 倾听倾听精神倾听教学
【Key words】 listenlistening spiritlistening teaching
  • 【分类号】G420
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1887