

Research on Evaluation and Evolution of Agricultural Industrial Structure Under the Process of Suburban Urbanization in Shanghai

【作者】 汤进华

【导师】 吴永兴;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 论文是基于上海市政府委托项目——《上海农业布局规划》而立题的。大都市郊区是城镇化影响最为深刻的地区之一,建设用地的巨大需求造成郊区农用土地特别是耕地资源的大量减少,并强烈地影响着农业的可持续发展;而郊区农业对于保障城市居民的“菜篮子”安全和改善城区生态环境等至关重要。因此,在快速城镇化进程中,如何发展农业是大都市郊区面临的重要课题。而要保障郊区农业持续发展,需要对农业与城镇化协同发展的过程需要有一个清醒的认识,只有这样,才可以较为准确地找到郊区农业和城镇化发展过程中存在的具体问题,进而为大都市郊区农业持续发展提出切实可行的办法。这正是本研究的切入点。本文以上海市郊为研究区域,按照历史、现状、未来与理论、实证、对策的逻辑主线,首先,本文运用相关理论和文献界定了上海市郊的范围(近郊的嘉定、宝山、闵行、浦东和中远郊区的青浦、松江、奉贤、崇明)、农业结构(重点是产业结构、产品结构)和城镇化(衡量标准为非农业人口的占比)的概念,简要探讨了农业发展与城镇化的辩证关系;然后,运用上海市及其郊区的大量历史统计数据,结合实地调查资料,采用比较分析与历史分析相结合、理论研究与实证分析相结合的方法,重点探讨了建国以来上海市郊城镇化背景下农业结构演变过程,较为深入地分析了农业发展过程中的主要影响因子;并以实现农业与城镇化协调可持续发展理念为指导,运用AHP等方法定量评价了改革开放以来二者协同发展的程度;最后,本文结合荷兰和日本等发达地区城镇化进程中农业发展的实践经验,设想了上海市郊农业未来发展的方向,并提出了相应的保障措施。本研究由九大部分组成:第一章绪论。主要阐述论文研究的背景与意义,介绍了论文的总体框架、研究思路与研究方法以及论文研究的关键点和可能的创新点。第二章研究进展与理论基础。对国内外农业结构调整及其与城镇化发展的协同关系研究的相关文献、基本理论作了简要评析与归纳总结,探讨农业结构调整与城镇化协同发展的一般机理和主要原因,理清两者发展的逻辑路径,为实证研究奠定理论基础。第三章城镇化进程中上海市郊农业产业结构演进分析。运用建国以来上海郊区统计年鉴数据,采用定性与定量结合的方法,划分上海市郊农业发展与城镇化阶段,并系统梳理了上海市郊农业结构在不同城镇化阶段下的演变特征,探讨二者在并行发展中存在的问题。第四章城镇化进程中上海市郊农业生产空间布局演变分析。主要从县区、乡镇等角度,选取1980、1993和2009年三个截面的相关指标数据,深刻剖析改革开放以来的上海市郊农业生产空间布局的演变特征及其产生的原因。第五章城镇化进程中上海市郊农业产业结构调整的机制分析。试图运用产业结构变动理论和空间结构演变理论,从经济体制改革、消费结构演变、农村工业的发展、农业产业化经营、农业政策措施、环境影响、人口增长及技术进步等角度探讨影响农业结构调整的原因。第六章上海市郊农业和城镇化协同发展的综合评价。通过对农业结构调整与城镇化互动发展的机理分析,按照可持续发展理论和原则,运用专家咨询法、文献查询法和聚类分析法相结合的综合方法,分层构建了农业发展(资源、技术、经济、环境、制度)和城镇发展(人口、经济、社会、生态)九子系统31个具体指标的上海市郊农业和城镇化发展综合评价指标体系。选用层次分析法、熵赋权法等成熟的研究方法与评价模型,在相关软件的支撑下,对1985年以来上海市郊农业及其各子系统持续发展能力变化、城镇化持续发展能力变化、农业和城镇化协同发展程度的变化等进行定量综合评价,并对评价结果进行分析。第七章城镇化进程中发达地区农业结构调整的实践与启示。深入分析荷兰、日本等国家和地区在城镇化进程中农业结构的调整过程,总结这些地区在推进农业结构调整与城镇化发展的经验,以期为推进上海市郊农业可持续发展提供参考。第八章城镇化背景下上海市郊农业结构未来调整方向和保障措施。根据上述评价结果和发达地区农业与城镇化协同发展的经验,探讨城镇化前景下上海市郊农业未来发展的目标和功能定位,并确立了产业结构调整的思路和空间布局的方向;最后,提出了推动上海市郊现代都市型高效生态农业可持续发展的保障措施。第九章结论与展望。概括本研究得出的主要结论,并展望后续研究的工作。

【Abstract】 Metropolitan suburb is one of the areas where are the most profoundly influenced by urbanization. Huge demand of construction land caused to significant reduction of agricultural land, especially the cultivated land resources in suburb, which strongly affected on the sustainable development of agriculture. And yet, it is very vital that suburban agriculture ensure the public’s security of "vegetable basket" and improve urban eco-environment, etc.Therefore, how to develop suburban agriculture is an important subject in the background of the rapid urbanization in shanghais suburbs. And first of all, we must deeply understand the process of the interactive development of between agriculture and urbanization. Only in this way, we could accurately find specific problems existed in the interactive evolvement of between agricultural structure adjust and urbanization development, and put forward feasible measures of agricultural sustainable development in shanghai suburbs. This is just as point of tangency of this dissertation. Based on the outskirts of Shanghai as the study area, according to history, present situation, future and theory, empirical research, countermeasures as a logic line, first of all, with adoption of relative theory and document, this thesis defined the scope of Shanghai suburbs, and concept of agricultural structure and the urbanization, and briefly discussed dialectical relationship of the interactive development of between agriculture and urbanization.Then based on large amount historical data, rooted in Statistic Yearbooks of Shanghai and its suburbs and the survey data, with the methods of combining comparative analysis and historical analysis, the theory study and the empirical analysis, this thesis probed in the characteristics of agricultural structure restructuring, and deeply analyzed the main factors influenced agricultural structure restructuring in Shanghai suburb since1949.And in order to realize harmonious and sustainable development of the agricultural development and urbanization, and quantitative evaluated the degree of coordinated development of between agriculture and the urbanization in Shanghai suburb with the methods of AHP, etc since the reform and opening up. Finally, combined with practical experiences of the coordinated development of agriculture and urbanization in the Netherlands, Japan and other developed region, the thesis expects future direction to agriculture development, and puts forward some incentives for balancing development between modern agriculture and urbanization in Shanghai suburb.The main contents and conclusions are as follows.In the first section, the paper expounded background and significance, and introduced the general framework, thoughts, methods and innovations.In the second section, the paper made a brief analysis and sum-up on the domestic and international document, and basic theory of the related relationship of between the agricultural structure restructuring and urbanization. We made a theoretical analysis on the general mechanism of the related development of agricultural structure restructuring and urbanization, and cleared their logical path. All of these were made a theoretical foundation for empirical research.In the third section, the process of agricultural development and suburban urbanization was divided into3stages (that is1949-1978,1979-1992,1993-2009) with the adoption of methods combining qualitative analysis and quantitative evaluation, based on Shanghai suburbs statistical yearbook data since1949. And we systematically straightened out the evolution characteristics of agricultural structure restructuring under the different development stage of suburb urbanization in Shanghai, and looked for some problems existed in interactive development of between agricultural structure restructuring and urbanization.In the fourth section, we profoundly analyzed the evolution characteristics of the agricultural production space layout on the basis of three of the relevant data section--1980,1993and2009year, mainly on the scale of counties and towns in Shanghai suburbs.In the fifth section, we studied the influenced mechanisms on agricultural structure restructuring under the process of suburb urbanization in Shanghai. The forming mechanisms were mainly involved in the economic system reform, the consumption structure, township enterprises, agricultural industrialized management, agricultural policy measures, population growth and technological advance and so on.In the sixth section, the comprehensive evaluation target systems of the coordinated development of between agricultural structure restructuring and urbanization were founded on the basis of principles of scientific, comprehensiveness, purpose, feasibility and independence. It is made up of agricultural resources, agricultural technology, agricultural economy agricultural environment, population urbanization, economy urbanization, society urbanization and ecology urbanization nine subsystem including31indices.This paper took Analytic Hierarchy Process of the methods to define the significance of indicator system, and to define weight of each indicator based on the judgment matrix constructed by experts. The index weight was modified based on Entropy method. By means of measurement and assessment of the index system and on basis of the related software support, we evaluated and analyzed sustainable development ability of each subsystem since1985. Disadvantages of the coordinated development of between agricultural structure restructuring and urbanization could be discovered, which could provide strategy on basis of setting up relevant policies.In the seventh section, we deeply analyzed the interactive development process of agricultural structure restructuring and urbanization in the Netherlands, Japan and other countries, and further summarized useful experience on the interactive development of agricultural structure restructuring and urbanization in these regions. It will be helpful to promote sustainable development between agriculture and urbanization in Shanghai suburbs.In the eighth section, according to the evaluation results and the international experiences, the paper put forward to the prospective target and functions of agriculture development, and established the direction of the agricultural structure restructuring and spatial distribution under the background of urbanization in Shanghai suburb. At last, the paper provided some incentives for balancing development between modern agriculture and urbanization in Shanghai suburb.

  • 【分类号】F327
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】3332