

A Study on American Children-Learning-Outcomes-Oriented Teach Er Education Programs

【作者】 谢赛

【导师】 胡惠闵;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 教师教育课程价值取向对课程的设计、实施及评价起着重要作用,不同的价值取向表达了不同的教师教育课程改革诉求。20世纪90年代后半期,美国教师教育课程价值取向在历经知识取向、技术取向、反思取向的演变后开始朝儿童学习结果取向转型,价值追求从关注未来教师转向关注儿童,儿童的学习与发展成了建构教师教育课程的旨趣。改革开放以来,我国教师教育课程进行了一系列改革,取得了显著的成效;2011年教育部颁布了《教师教育课程标准(试行)》,为深化教师教育课程改革提供了政策依据。在这种背景下,研究美国儿童学习结果取向的课程价值观及其对教师教育课程改革的影响对于有效推进我国教师教育课程改革具有重要的借鉴意义。论文采用文献分析法,从研究目的出发,通过多种途径搜集了从19世纪初(美国教师教育诞生)至21世纪初与美国教师教育课程研究直接或间接相关的文章、专著、论文、报告、法案及演说,并对资料进行了整理与分析,形成了论文的基本框架和观点。论文梳理了美国教师教育课程价值取向的历史演变及其影响因素,分析了不同价值取向的内涵、特征以及相互之间存在的传承关系,重点分析了儿童学习结果取向的形成背景。论文从多元智能理论、学科教学知识(PCK)理论及高等教育质量理论阐释了儿童学习结果取向的理论基础,陈述了儿童学习结果取向的内涵,澄清了儿童学习结果取向对教师教育课程的要求,即从儿童学习与发展角度构建课程、突显儿童在课程实施中的作用以及通过儿童学习结果评价课程质量。论文以美国数所著名大学的教师教育课程为例,全面而翔实地剖析了儿童学习结果取向如何影响美国教师教育课程的目标、体系、实施及评价。儿童学习结果取向的教师教育课程目标旨在让未来教师树立了解与热爱每一位儿童的道德情操、掌握提升儿童学习结果的基本知识与能力、具备指向儿童学习结果的反思与探究素养;将课程划分为由儿童类课程和学科教学类课程组成的理论部分以及与理论学习同步的实践部分;为了突显儿童的作用以及未来教师和儿童之间的互动交流,在课程实施中特别注重运用观察与记录儿童言行、研究儿童案例、制作收集儿童作品在内的教学档案袋、设计课程或教学单元等方式;在课程评价上,将儿童学习结果视为评价的核心指标,所采用的两种课程评价方法分别是通过儿童学习成绩以及通过指向儿童学习结果的未来教师教学表现评价课程质量。论文对美国儿童学习结果取向及其对教师教育课程的影响进行了评析,从价值取向的角度揭示了我国教师教育课程所存在的问题。基于对问题的分析,论文对我国教师教育课程改革提出了三条建议:确立促进儿童发展的课程价值取向、设计体现儿童发展取向的课程目标和体系、通过课程实施与评价确保儿童发展取向的实现。

【Abstract】 The value orientation of teacher education programs (TEPs) is crucial to the design, implementation and evaluation of TEPs, different value orientations shed distinct light on the reform of TEPs. During the late of1990s, the value orientation of American TEPs, originally emphasizing the knowledge, technical or reflective nature, came to place priority on children’s learning outcomes. As a result, the attention initially revolving exclusively around prospective teachers is now focusing on children and children’s learning and development becomes the core pursuit of TEPs. Since the policy of reform and opening up, TEPs in China have been subjected to a series of adjustments and significant achievements have been made. In2011,(Chinese) Ministry of Education issued Standards for Teacher Education Programs (Trial Implementation) which provides policy foundations for deepening the reform of TEPs. Under such a background, exploring American children-learning-outcomes-oriented curriculum outlook and its implications for reforming TEPs is of great significance to the innovation of TEPs of our country.By means of documentary research method and in compliance of research purposes, this dissertation, through a variety of means, collected articles, monographs, theses, dissertations, reports, bills and remarks which are directly or indirectly relevant to American TEPs study. The time range of those literature is from the early19th century which marks the dawn of American Teacher Education to the beginning of the21st century. After the collection, the work of sorting and analyzing literature was carried out, based on which the main framework and viewpoints of the dissertation surfaced.This dissertation first traces the historical revolution of American TEPs’value orientations, reveals the factors that influence those orientations, analyzes the connotation, characteristics and mutual relationship of different value orientations, and especially investigates the emergence background of children-learning-outcomes orientation (CLOO). Then, it discuses theoretical foundations of CLOO from the perspectives of multiple intelligences theory, pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) theory and higher education quality theory respectively. After this, connotations of CLOO are presented which is followed by the elaboration of three requirements demanded by CLOO on TEPs, viz., the construction of TEPs based on children’s learning and development, the reinforcement of children’s roles in the implementation of TEPs and the judgment of the quality of TEPs through children’s learning outcomes.Taking TEPs from a couple of well-known American teacher training institutions as examples, this dissertation proceeds to dissect the impact of CLOO on the goals, structures, implementations and evaluations of American TEPs in an all-round and well-argued way. With respect to curriculum goals, TEPs of CLOO aim to make prospective teachers understand and love every child, possess the knowledge and abilities of promoting children’s learning outcomes, and master the children-learning-outcomes-directed reflection. In terms of curriculum structures, TEPs are composed of theoretical coursework and field experiences. Theoretical coursework includes curriculum on children and that on subject teaching; field experiences are tightly interwoven with university-based coursework. In order to stress the role played by children and the interaction between prospective teachers and children, curriculum implementation in TEPs favors following methods:observing and recording children’s words and behavior, conducting child case studies, making teaching portfolios which contain children work samples, and designing curriculum or teaching units. With regard to curriculum evaluation, children’s learning outcomes are chief indices. In the practice, the quality of TEPs is evaluated by dint of children’s scores in standardized tests or children-learning-outcomes-directed teaching performance of prospective teachers.Next, the dissertation reviews American CLOO and its influences on TEPs. It then moves to expose problems of TEPs of our country from the perspective of value orientation. Based on the analysis of those problems, the dissertation finally puts forward three suggestions for the innovation of our TEPs, they are:identifying the promotion of children’s development as TEPs’ value orientation. Aligning curriculum goals and structures with the children-development orientation, and guaranteeing the realization of children-development orientation through curriculum implementation and evaluation.

  • 【分类号】G451
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1436