

Research on Promotion of Vocational School Principal’s Leadership

【作者】 周文锦

【导师】 马庆发;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 在我国深化改革,加快实施创新驱动战略,调整经济结构,切实转变经济发展方式的关键时期,《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》再次提出大力发展职业教育,明确了职业教育在推动经济发展、促进就业、改善民生、解决“三农”问题、缓解劳动力供求结构矛盾、完善终身教育体系等方面的重要作用,将职业教育纳入了国家发展战略之中。在我国经济结构调整和产业升级过程中,中等职业学校承担着培养具有熟练操作技能、职业发展能力、良好职业素质劳动者和技术工人的重任。如何适应国家发展战略的需要,改革创新,改变人才培养模式,提高教育质量,办成让人民满意的教育,提升社会服务能力,提高学生生存与发展的能力,对中职校长提出了严峻挑战。中等职业教育与社会经济有着密切的联系,其人才培养与社会经济的发展有着相互制约的影响。中等职业教育的改革创新与发展必须适应社会与经济发展和产业结构调整的需要,因此对中职校长而言,考量社会与经济环境等因素较之普通学校要复杂得多。职业教育的特性决定了中职校长领导力的内涵与其他行业领域或部门的领导既有共性之处又具有其特别的内容,这对中职校长提出了更加多元的要求。同时,面对繁复的、相互依赖、相互制约的环境因素,面对人的复杂,面对不可预知的未来,对中职校长领导力也提出了更高的要求与挑战。不断提升中职校长的领导力,建设具有高素质、具有较强领导力的中职校长队伍是提高职业教育质量,增强职业教育吸引力的关键。中职校长的领导力不仅关系到学生与学校的发展,也关系到职业教育改革与发展的成败。因此,提高中职校长的道德、业务理论素养和管理领导能力,造就一支高素质的中职校长队伍,已成为当前职业教育改革与发展中十分重要而紧迫的任务。本文在分析中职校长现状与历史使命的基础上,结合中职校长所处复杂环境分析,从复杂性视角对中职校长领导力自我发展和培训策略,以及相关机制构建进行了研究。中职校长领导力提升是基于生命个体发展与组织有效发展的有机结合,首先源自中职校长自身的发展动机与需求,体现在中职校长自身内在道德素养与人格魅力的提高;专业素养与专业能力的提高与发展。通过中职校长的培训可促进校长自我反思、自我发展;使校长更加关注专业精神、专业伦理、专业知识、专业能力、实践智慧、个性品质,全面促进校长的专业发展。中职校长培训的有效程度和校长任职、考评制度等相关机制是促进中职校长领导力提升的外部保障。中职校长领导力的提升不是线性的,而是受多种复杂因素的影响,各因素相互作用,最终还是要通过中职校长个人的自组织意识与行为来达到其领导力提升的效果。中职校长领导力的提升最终表现出具有系统性、高度的非线性以及自组织现象,正是事物复杂性特征的综合体现。从复杂性视角研究可以为中职校长领导力提升的研究打开一扇新的视窗。

【Abstract】 Our country is deepening reform, accelerating the implementation of innovation driven strategy, adjusting economic structure and changing the mode of economic development. In the critical period National Medium and Long-term Educational Reform and Development Program (2010-2020) once again proposes that great efforts be taken in the development of vocational education. It makes clear the important role of the vocational education in promoting economic growth, promoting employment, improving people’s livelihood, solving the issues of agriculture, farmers and rural areas, alleviating the contradiction of labor supply and demand structure, and improving the system of lifelong education. Vocational education is incorporated into the national development strategy. In the process of economic structure adjustment and industrial upgrade, secondary vocational school takes the responsibility of training the workers who are highly skilled, capable and qualified. Vocational school principals have to face the severe challenges, such as how to adapt to the needs of the national development strategy, how to reform and innovate, how to change the mode of talent training, how to improve education quality, how to promote social service ability, how to improve students’ survival and development ability and how to make people satisfied with vocational education.Secondary vocational education and social economy are closely linked. The personnel training and social economic development have a mutual influence. Secondary vocational education reform and innovation and development must be adapted to the social and economic development and meet the needs of industrial structure adjustment. Therefore the secondary vocational school principals must consider the social and economic environment and other factors more than common school headmasters. The characteristics of vocational education determine the connotation of principals’ leadership in vocational schools, which has something in common with the leadership of other industries but also has its special contents. Thus there are more diverse requirements for secondary vocational school principals. In the face of complex, interdependent, mutually restricted environmental factors, the complex of people, the unpredictable future, vocational school principals confront higher requirements and challenges to promote leadership. The promotion and construction of principals’ leadership with high-quality is the key to improve the quality of education and the attraction. Principals’ leadership is not only related to the development of students and schools, but also decides whether vocation education reform and development succeeds or fails. Consequently it has become an urgent task of current vocation education reform and development to improve principals’ accomplishment on moral, professional theories and management leadership, to bring up high-quality secondary vocational school principals.This dissertation is based on the analysis of principals’ status, historical mission and the complex environments. It studies the self development, training strategies, and related mechanism construction of vocational school principals’ leadership from the view of complexity.The promotion of principals’ leadership is based on the organic combination of the individual life development and organization development. It comes from the principals’ own development motivation and demand, and is reflected in the accomplishment of principals’intrinsic moral, promotion of personality charm, and development of professional quality and ability. Principal training can promote principals’ self reflection, self development and make principals pay more attention to professional spirit, professional ethics, professional knowledge, professional ability, practical intelligence, and personality. Principal training promotes the principals’ professional development. The effectiveness of principal training, principal appointing,evaluation system and other related mechanisms are external security to promote vocational school principals’ leadership.The promotion of vocational school principals’leadership is not linear, but influenced by many complicated factors. All elements interact and work eventually through the self organization consciousness and behavior of principal individual to achieve the promotion of leadership. The promotion of leadership turns out to be systematic, highly nonlinear and self organization phenomenon, which is exactly the comprehensive embodiment of the characteristics of complexity. The research from the view of complexity can open a new window for the study on promotion of vocational school principals’ leadership.

  • 【分类号】G717
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1104