

"Vocational Nature":the Study of Essential Characteristics of Germany Vocational Education

【作者】 陈莹

【导师】 马庆发;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 在我国,职业教育企业缺位,职业教育地位低下,成为不争的事实。与此相反,在德国,企业有着联合培养劳动力的传统,职业教育享受着崇高的社会声望。然而,我国引进德国双元制职业教育模式所面临的困难,使得我思考这样一个问题:如何“以一种正确的精神和严谨的治学态度去研究国外教育制度”?从系统的角度出发,分析德国职业教育的本质特征及其发展动力,是本论文的主要内容。德国职业教育的本质特征是“职业性”(Beruflichkeit)。首先,“职业性”概念,指的是需要专门资质化的个人和以分工为基础的社会之间复杂的关系,其基本内涵是职业导向。其次,“职业性”作为一个诠释性概念,在不同的历史阶段有不同的内涵。再次,“职业性”特征发展的三个典型历史阶段是:“职业性”的生成阶段、嬗变阶段以及升华阶段。最后,“职业性”反映了特定的社会需求、政治需求和文化需求。这三大需求为“职业性”的生成、嬗变和升华提供了发展动力。从历史角度来看,德国职业教育的“职业性”特征和发展动力密不可分。首先,德国劳动力市场具有职业导向的特点,职业形态经历了手工业—工业—后工业的变化,这为“职业性”的生成、嬗变和升华提供了发展动力。其次,各利益集团在博弈的过程中,表现出一种极具德国特色的特殊方式:合作主义。行会掌握职业教育事务的自治(Selbstverwaltung)权利,直接促成了“职业性”的生成。在“双元制”体系中,绝大部分职业教育权利还是掌握在行会手中,因此,“职业性”特征得以传承下来。再次,职业和教育表现出一种和谐关系。具体表现为:基于宗教的和谐关系;基于文化和基于批判的和谐关系;基于个性化的和谐关系。对职业和教育具有和谐关系的信仰,直接促成了职业教育的“职业性”特征。“职业性”及其发展动力具有稳定性和动态性的特征。“职业性”的稳定性体现在:职业教育是以职业为标准的,举办者以行会为主,教学过程主要在工作岗位上展开。“职业性”的动态性表现在职业教育目的、培养标准、举办者和培养途径的变化。“职业性”的稳定性和动态性源于其发展动力的稳定性和动态性。德国职业教育的良性发展和各类需求的满足是分不开的。社会需求的满足保证了职业教育人才的人尽其用。政治需求的满足保证了职业教育信息通畅、制度稳定、参与积极、教育优质。文化需求的满足保证了职业教育的教育价值的提升。在“职业性”内涵的渐变过程中,“职业性”的教育价值不断增强,促进人的全面发展的功能日益得到彰显。职业教育发展动力也显示出同样的趋势。对社会需求来说,“去职业化”(Entberuflichung)的趋势意味着职业教育的社会需求和教育要求得到了兼顾和统一。对政治需求来说,通过职业教育国家化,促进人格发展,增强职业教育的教育性元素。对文化需求来说,促进人格发展是职业教育的终极价值追求。要借鉴德国职业教育成功经验,单单凭借制度的抄袭是完全行不通的。我们应当深入研究职业教育本质特征,揭示职业教育发展动力。职业教育应当优化自身系统。职业教育应当尽可能地满足各类需求。职业教育应当坚持促进人的全面发展的终极追求。这是德国职业教育成功经验为我们提供的基本思路。

【Abstract】 In China, the absence of vocational education enterprise and the vocational education status become an indisputable fact. While in German, on the contrary, the enterprise has the tradition to train and develop the labor in a cooperative way and the vocational education enjoys high social prestige. In China, how to use its successful experience is very challenging and difficult. A question keeps in my mind, how to study the foreign education system with the right spirit and rigorous scholarship?The main content of this paper is to study and analyze the essential characters and impetus to the Germany vocational education.The essential character of Germany vocational education is the "vocational nature". Firstly, the concept of "vocational nature" is about the qualified individuals and division-based complicated social relations, and its connotation is vocation orientation. Secondly, as an annotation concept,"vocational nature" has different connotations at different stages. Thirdly, the three historical development periods of the "vocational nature" are generation, transmutation and sublimation. Lastly, the "vocational nature" reflects the special social requirements, political requirements and cultural requirements. These three kinds of requirements drive the generation, transmutation and sublimation of the "vocational nature".From a historical point of view, the "vocational nature" characters and the impetus to development are inseparable. Firstly, the Germany labor market has the character of vocation orientation, and vocation formation is experienced through the transition from handicraft to industry and post-industry, which contributes to the generation, transmutation and sublimation of the "vocational nature". Secondly, from the game between different interests groups, there comes a Germany specialized style, corporatism. Guilds have the vocation education business autonomy, which contributes to the generation of "vocational nature". In Dual System, most of the vocational education business autonomy is still under the control of the guilds. Consequently the "vocational nature" character can be inherited. Thirdly, the vocation and education show harmonious relationships, religion based "harmonious relationship", culture and criticism based "harmonious relationship", customization based "harmonious relationship". The belief in the harmonious relationship between vocation and education contributes to the "vocational nature" of the vocational education."Vocational nature" and its impetus to development have the characters of stability and dynamic. The stability of "vocational nature" lies in that the vocational education takes the vocation as the standard, guilds act as key part of the sponsors and the teaching is implemented on the operation position. The dynamic of "vocational nature" shows from the changes of vocational education’s objective, training standard, sponsors and training methods. The stability and dynamic of "vocational nature" derive from the stability and dynamic of its impetus to developmentThe healthy development of vocational education and the satisfaction of various needs are inseparable. Meeting the social requirements ensure the maximal usage of vocational education human resource. Meeting political requirements makes the communication smooth, system stable and education perfect. Meeting the cultural requirements results in the promotion of the value of vocational education.During the gradual change of "vocational nature" connotation, the education value of "vocational nature" gets continuously enhanced and the promotion of overall people development is highlighted. The impetus to development of vocational education shows the same trend. For the social requirements, the trend of "flexibility of the vocation" means the social requirements and educational requirements are both considered. Regarding the political requirements, vocational education’s nationalization promotes the personality development and enhances the educational nature of the vocational education. For cultural requirements, to promote the personality development is the pursuit of the ultimate value of vocational education. To learn from the successful experience of the Germany vocational education, the simple system plagiarism is totally impracticable. We should deeply study the vocational education essential characteristics and reveal the impetus to the vocational education development. Vocational education should optimize its own system, meet various requirements and adhere to the ultimate pursuit of people’s comprehensive development. These are the basic ideas from the successful experience of the Germany vocational education.

【关键词】 德国职业教育本质特征发展动力
【Key words】 GermanVocational EducationEssential CharactersImpetus
  • 【分类号】G719.516
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】4817