
合作 共生 共赢

Collaboration Symbiosis All-win on the Internal Creative Logic of University-school Partnership

【作者】 武云斐

【导师】 杨小微;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 随着学校变革的推进和中国教育学的发展,近几年大学与中小学合作表现出涌现的态势。同时合作过程中表现出各种行动和认识上的问题:对于学校变革的内与外的关系理解不足,导致变革动力欠缺;对大学与中小学合作的学校变革的整体性认识不足,影响学校整体性变革的实现;大学与中小学合作关系本质上的非共生性发展导致各种合作困境进而影响到合作的展开及各自的发展;中国教育学的发展也表现出自我发展上的“无根感”“去学科感”“被殖民感”以及与实践互动的“乏力感”;这些问题呈现在教育理论研究和实践的各个层面,以各种不同的方式表现出来。长久以来的实践证明,这些问题的解决不能只局限于理论和实践的内部,也不能在教育理论和实践相互孤立的环境下解决,而需要教育理论和实践以合作的方式,平等的态度,共生的内在逻辑,达致最终的共赢和发展。首先,本论文从中外对大学与中小学合作的研究的角度,分析了目前国内外关于大学与中小学合作的研究热点、存在的问题,今后的发展方向。指出我国对于大学与中小学合作的研究表现出对合作变革的载体和运行机制讨论不足,对大学研究人员的发展讨论不足,对合作中的其它变革力量的开发和研究不深入等问题。基于此研究基础,本论文关注于对大学与中小学合作的共生的内在逻辑的研究,并在过程中分析合作变革双方各自的自主发展的可能性。进而,本论文从历史、理论、实践等角度探讨了共生的内生逻辑的问题。从中国古代哲学来看,我国古代哲学对世界生成的视角是生成性的,并且儒家和道家的典籍中均隐含着对于生成性回环的描述。现代西方哲学也正在经历着从预成的思维方式向生成性思维的转换,怀特海则以“合生”“创造力”论述了事物相互间的合作与生成机制。复杂科学则以反馈和递归的回环详尽地解释了事物运行中的内在机制。从教育学史的角度来看,整个教育学的发展史,也可以被看作是教育理论不断地寻找与教育实践共生发展的过程,这个过程本身也体现了对内生逻辑的路径探索。从实践的角度而言,本论文选择了中外三个比较成功的学校变革的案例,分析了其中所蕴含的共同的生成机制的表现形态;并从自组织条件方法论、协同动力学以及组织功能的角度分析了生成机制所表现出的内在生成的逻辑。本论文还从校长、学校管理制度建设、教育行政单位以及校际网络等方面讨论了内生机制的运行环境。本论文在最后一部分对大学与中小学合作变革的前景和走向进行了分析,指出大学与中小学的合作变革需要进一步走向与社区和家长的合作,进而实现大范围的区域推进的学校变革。

【Abstract】 With the development of school reform and Chinese education science, University-School partnership blossom in lately twenty years. Meanwhile there are also some problems emerge on the perspective of reaction and idea. They are:l) The internal motivation of school reform is lack because the relationship of inside and outside of school reform hasn’t been understood well;2) The holistic reform doesn’t go well because the school reform doesn’t been treated in holistic way;3) The partnership shows many problems because the essence of the partnership isn’t symbiosis. The problem also showed on the educational researchers side, such as the baseless of Chinese traditional culture and educational research; Chinese educational research field has been invaded by other subjects or other countries theory; the educational theory show powerless in front of the practice. All those problems show in different levels and fields in educational theory and practice, but we can not solve them separately. Those problems will be solved only by the condition that educational theory and practice build up the symbiosis partnership to reach win-win situation with the equality attitude.First of all, the dissertation review the research topic, the problem and trend on the research about U-S partnership, argue that there is lack of the research on carrier and mechanism of partnership, lack of the research on development of university educational research; lack of the research on other school change power. Based on the researches we have, this dissertation focus on the logic and mechanism of University-School partnership, and the creation and self development in the process.Then, the dissertation analyzes the internal logic and mechanism of U-S partnership from the historical, theoretical and practice perspective. In the Chinese ancient literature, the perspective is creative and there are some descriptions about the creative logic of the universal. The modern western philosophy is on the process from immobile perspective to the creative perspective, Whitehead argued the collaboration and creative logic by the idea of and creation. The complex theory detailed stated about the mechanism of creation by feedback-recursion circle. As for the historical perspective, the history of the education is also the history which the educational theory and practice tried to build up the symbiosis relationship. The process itself shows the process to build up the feedback-recursion circle. From the practice perspective, the dissertation picks up three cases to analyze the manifestation of creative mechanism. More important, the dissertation stated the process of the self-organization about the individuals and teams in the school circumstance. Meanwhile, the support conditions for the creative mechanisms such as the principls, institutions, administration and network also have been discussed.The dissertation discussed the future and trend in the last part, argued the necessary and creative logic of community/parents involvement, the trend of U-S partnership will move into the large scale school reform.

  • 【分类号】G47
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1118