

Relations between Australia and ASEAN Countries (1967-2007)

【作者】 甘振军

【导师】 沐涛;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 论文分为绪论、正文和余论三大部分,绪论部分主要介绍本论文研究对象涉及到的地域及时间界定;对国内外澳大利亚与东南亚、东盟国家关系研究现状评述;论文的选题意义和研究方法。余论部分是对澳大利亚与东盟关系进行评价和反思。正文部分共有四章。第一章追溯东盟成立前澳大利亚与东南亚的关系的缘起和发展。本章依照历史发展的进程回顾了第二次世界大战前澳大利亚与东南亚的关系概况;叙述冷战前期澳大利亚与东南亚的安全外交关系,如战后初期澳大利亚支持东南亚民族独立运动;澳大利亚筹划东南亚集体联防并卷入越南战争等;介绍了双边的经济关系概况,如澳大利亚与东南亚国家经贸关系的扩大以及“科伦坡计划”下澳大利亚对东南亚的经济援助。论文将澳大利亚和东盟发展的过程,以冷战结束为界分成两大阶段。第二章叙述1967-1991年澳大利亚与东盟关系的第一阶段。在复杂多变的国际和地区形势下,随着澳大利亚国内政局的稳定,惠特拉姆政府同东盟建立了区域外大国对话伙伴关系。双方关系开始步入正式交往阶段。在这一时期,东盟自身的整合度并不高,东盟五国开始在内部加强区域内经济合作,同时澳大利亚与东盟成员国的经济合作开始起步。双边的经贸关系和经济援助既有发展的一面也存在一些突出的问题,如经济结构相似和贸易不平衡等问题。澳大利亚与东盟的关系更多的是体现在澳大利亚与东盟成员国的关系上。双方的防务安全合作是十分重要的方面。在东盟成员国当中,印尼对澳大利亚具有特别的战略意义。本章具体分三个层次从防务安全的角度分别探讨澳印关系、澳大利亚与东盟英联邦国家马来西亚、新加坡的关系和澳大利亚与泰国、菲律宾的关系。在柬埔寨和平进程当中,澳大利亚和东盟都在解决地区事务中发挥了重要的作用,东盟的政治地位在国际社会上开始显现,双方在这个过程中加强了接触和交往。第三章论述1991-2007年澳大利亚与东盟的关系。冷战结束后,东盟国家启动了“大东盟”框架和“东盟共同体”,旨在从经济领域深化经济合作,这与澳大利亚继续实施“全面融入亚洲”的战略不谋而合。澳大利亚与东盟在APEC等合作平台加强了彼此的经贸往来,但1997年东南亚金融危机的爆发给双边关系带来了较大的影响。尽管如此,这一阶段双边贸易虽然有了很大发展,但不平衡的格局没有根本改变,在贸易和投资方面存在一些问题,澳大利亚对东盟的投资在东盟外资比重中较低,而且澳大利亚与东盟成员国的经贸依存度也是有轻重之别。在安全防务政策方面,双方注重在东盟地区论坛的作用,但澳大利亚基廷工党政府和霍华德自由党—国家党联合政府对东盟的地区政策摇摆不定,恐怖主义对澳大利亚与东盟的安全合作和龃龉带来了很大的影响。本节还探讨了这一阶段澳大利亚与东盟成员国的安全防务关系,对新入盟的成员国也予以关注。澳大利亚和东盟国家在外交和安全政策上既有共识,也有分歧。第四章探析影响澳大利亚与东盟关系中的外部因素,重点探讨美国、日本和中国在其中的影响。在叙述过程中,对外部因素的侧重是不同的。美国因素在影响澳大利亚与东盟双边防务安全合作层面上影响较大,而日本则在经贸和对外援助方面。中国因素对澳大利亚与东盟的关系十分重要,澳大利亚和东盟都对中国经济的崛起视作机遇,但同时仍存有疑虑。随着中国—东盟自贸区合作的加快和中澳自贸区谈判的启动,澳大利亚、新西兰和东盟的自贸区合作也步入实质阶段。余论部分是对澳大利亚与东盟国家关系的评价,对双边关系提出反思和几点思考。首先,战略互信是双边政治和安全关系的基础。澳大利亚和东盟的关系首先就是安全的问题。澳大利亚在处理同东盟国家安全的问题上只有战略互信,避免强硬的“先发制人”言论才能有利于地区和平和稳定,签署《东南亚互不侵犯条约》具有积极意义。其次,区域经济合作是双边关系的基础和发展趋势。再者,东盟国家移民是维系双边关系的纽带。澳大利亚是个移民国家,地广人稀,地理位置上和东南亚相邻,来自东南亚国家的移民在澳大利亚历史进程和社会发展中对双边关系起到了纽带的作用。

【Abstract】 The thesis is divided into three parts, namely, introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction has such four issues as definition of geography and time in the thesis, comment on academic research of relations between Australia and ASEAN countries, meanings of the topic selection and research methods and discourse patterns of the thesis. The Epilogue part makes the prospects for relations between Australia and ASEAN countries in the recent years. In addition, the body part composed of five chapters.The text is divided into four chapters:the first chapter, and trace the origin and development of Australia and Southeast Asia before the establishment of the ASEAN. The process of review in this chapter in accordance with the historical development of the relationship between the profile of Australia and Southeast Asia before the Second World War; described in the pre-Cold Foreign Affairs of Australia and Southeast Asia security relations, such as the early postwar period, Australia’s support for the independent movement of the Southeast Asia nation; Australian planning for collective defense in Southeast Asia and volume into the Vietnam War; the bilateral economic relations overview, under the financial assistance of Australia, Southeast Asia, such as the expansion of economic and trade relations in Australia and Southeast Asian countries, as well as the Colombo Plan.The historical process of the papers based on the object of Australia and the ASEAN Development sector is divided into two stages before and after the end of the Cold War. The second chapter describes the Australia-ASEAN relations, the first phase (1967-1991). Complex and volatile international and regional situation, with the Australian domestic political stability, the Whitlam government with ASEAN dialogue partnership of the big countries outside the region. Relations between the two sides started to enter the formal stage of interaction. This stage, ASEAN’s own integration is not high, the five ASEAN countries in the internal strengthening regional economic cooperation between Australia and ASEAN member countries economic cooperation started. The bilateral economic and trade relations and economic assistance to both the development side there are some outstanding issues, such as economic structure and trade imbalances. The relationship between Australia and ASEAN is reflected in the relationship between Australia and ASEAN member countries. Bilateral defense and security cooperation is a very important aspect. Among the ASEAN member countries, Indonesia and Australia has a special strategic significance. The present section is divided into three levels to explore the relationship between Australia and Indonesia, respectively, from the point of view of defense and security relationship between Australia and ASEAN, Commonwealth countries, Malaysia, Singapore and Australia and Thailand, the Philippines. During the peace process in Cambodia, Australia and ASEAN in addressing regional affairs has played an important role in ASEAN’s political status in the international community, the two sides have strengthened contacts and exchanges in this process.The third chapter deals with the Australia-ASEAN relations, the second phase (1991-2007). At the end of the Cold War, ASEAN countries have launched a "Greater ASEAN framework and the" ASEAN Community ", aimed at deepening economic cooperation from the economic field, and Australia continue to implement the strategy coincides with the" full integration into Asia ". Australia and ASEAN, APEC and other cooperation platform to enhance each other’s economic and trade exchanges, the Southeast Asian financial crisis of1997brought a greater impact to the bilateral relations. Nevertheless, this stage of bilateral trade has made significant progress, but the unbalanced pattern is not fundamentally changed, there are some problems in trade and investment, Australian investment in ASEAN in the ASEAN foreign investment proportion in the lower, and Australia and ASEAN members of the trade and economic dependence is the severity of the other. Security and defense policy, the two sides focus on the role of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), but the Keating Labor government in Australia and the Howard Liberal Party-National Party coalition government of the ASEAN regional policy wavering, terrorism, security cooperation between Australia and ASEAN, and discord bring had a great impact. This section also discusses the security and defense relations this stage, Australia and ASEAN member countries to be concerned about new member states. Australia and ASEAN countries, both in foreign and security policy consensus, there are also differences.Chapter IV Analysis of impact of external factors in the Australia-ASEAN relations, focusing on the U.S. factor, the factor of Japan and the China factor. In the narrative process, the focus of the external factors are different. The U.S. factor in influencing a greater impact on the level of the bilateral defense and security cooperation in Australia and ASEAN, and Japan in economic, trade and foreign aid. The China factor in Australia and ASEAN relations are very important to accelerate the cooperation between China-ASEAN Free Trade Area and Australia to start FTA negotiations, Australia, New Zealand and the ASEAN Free Trade Area of cooperation has entered a substantive stage.The last part is the evaluation and reflections on the relationship between Australia and ASEAN countries. First, the strategic mutual trust is the foundation of bilateral political and security relations. The relationship between Australia and ASEAN first is security issues, security in their respective national interests priority. Australia on the issue of national security with ASEAN strategic mutual trust, to avoid tough "preemptive strike" remarks can be conducive to regional peace and stability, signed non-aggression pact in Southeast Asia has a positive meaning. Secondly, regional economic cooperation is the trend of development of bilateral relations. Furthermore, the ASEAN countries, immigrants are maintaining the ties of bilateral relations. Australia is a country of immigrants, sparsely populated geographically and Southeast Asia and neighboring immigrants from Southeast Asian countries in the Australian historical process and social development of bilateral relations has played the role of the bond.

  • 【分类号】D861.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】748