

Debate of "Revolutionary Literature" and Lu Xun’s Thought and Literature

【作者】 薛羽

【导师】 张旭东;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 “革命文学”论争是中国现代文学史、思想文化史和中国革命史上重要的理论交锋、阵营分化与知识转型。这一过程是二十年代大革命兴起、推进和挫败背景下,知识人对围绕着“革命”展开的一系列话语和实践的调整与处理。不仅受到中国社会历史的影响,而且也受到了世界左翼思潮的影响。本土的抵抗资源与俄苏的革命理论、日本的学术理解等因素通过跨国界、跨语际的行动变奏、文本旅行交织、混杂在一起,形成中国左翼思想/文学丰富驳杂的世界语境和历史语境。这一时期也是所谓的鲁迅“转向”时期,通过与各方展开革命文学论争,他翻译、学习马克思主义文艺理论,获得自己独特的理解。不仅调整了自身的文学观念、社会定位,而且探索着通过文学参与革命,联系民众,展望新人,迈向“大时代”的方式。因此,论文试图追问的是,所谓鲁迅“转向”的问题是如何被历史地构造出来的,其真实的历史意涵究竟意味着什么?与“革命文学”论争构成了怎样的复杂关系?既然对马克思主义的“阅读”在鲁迅“从进化论进到阶级论”的过程里发挥了至关重要的作用,那么这一过程是根据怎样的文化语境获得可能?鲁迅的独特理解又是在怎样的“阅读史”中具体生成的?鲁迅坚守的“文学”在他“转向”中处于什么位置,经历了怎样的断裂和延续?在中国语境中,通过鲁迅一个个思想“瞬间”呈现的“文学”之于马克思主义的“阶级”、“宣传”、“新人”等等概念提供了哪些独特的理解,这些思想资源是否或如何提示进入历史与回应现实的力量?可以看到,“阅读史”研究所展示出来的鲁迅“转向”,既发生于思想的深层,又展现于语言的表层。正是这种微妙而具体的变化,成为鲁迅一点一点走向大时代的例证。马克思主义意义上的“阶级”与“阶级意识”成为了三十年代后鲁迅观察中国社会、分析中国问题常用的概念范畴,但这种运用不尽同于政治经济学的分析,而跟他原有的文学文化把握更为亲近。在鲁迅那里,文学不是对业已形成的阶级的透明反映,而是在反抗一切压迫,联结苦痛共通的意义上,文学为阶级的形成、阶级意识的生发提供表述和想象的空间,甚至是促成着这种阶级的诞生,并且为不同阶级间的沟通和转换提供可能。“宣传”与“意识形态”只在违背本心的层面成为鲁迅反感和反对的东西,“宣传”的感染力量是与鲁迅早年寄托于文学的“撄人心”联系在一起,也与他后来寻求“搅乱读者之心”的文学密切相关,但这种感染力究竟来自欺蒙的战略抑或求真的艺术,仍是鲁迅时时警惕和警醒的。“社会科学”则在鲁迅那里成为马克思主义理论实际运用于中国历史与现实分析的总体性方法,它既是研究“社会”问题,致力于改造“社会”的,又是一整套“科学”的手段与方法。在这个意义上,“文学”也不再仅是感性的艺术,抽象意义上“为人生”的艺术,而是社会现象的组成部分、社会经济结构的复杂反映,阶级心理的语言表征,可以经由马克思主义的“批评家”科学的分析,推进到为无声者发声,助无声者新生,讲述新的历史及其主体的故事的新的文学。与此同时,鲁迅那样作为历史“中间物”的非新兴阶级才有可能共同参与到新的历史塑造和想象过程之中,作为“批评家”实现自我意识,达成自我的历史位置。而鲁迅对历史前景、历史主体的想象并不寄托于接触革命、参与革命,但对革命不甚理解,保持距离,冷淡相对的“同路人”身上,尽管他们有着文学技巧的优势,有着“不偏不倚”的姿态,终难以前行到底;他虽然屡屡论及“革命人”的重要,认为只有其做出来的才是“革命文学”,但并不承认“革命人”天生的完美性和革命性,仍要追问从旧家庭走向新社会,从旧阶级渡到新阶级的“桥梁”过程;只有通过苏联无产阶级革命文学的“新人”,鲁迅才逐渐接近到“思想”与“行动”合一,“先驱”与“群众”同行,在大时代艰难苦繁的现实斗争中迈向新生的历史意识。

【Abstract】 The debate of "Revolutionary Literature" was very important theoretical debates, camp differentiation, and knowledge transformation in the history of modern Chinese literature, thought and revolution. It’s also the process that intellectuals dealt with discourse and practice about "revolution" under the background of1920s’nationalist revolution. It’s not only under the influence of Chinese society and history,but also under the influence of the left wing thought around the world. The local resistance resources, the revolutionary theory from Russian, and the academic thought from Japan mixed together, formed the varied and colourful context of Chinese left wing thought and literature.This period was also the stage of Lu Xun’s "transformation". He gained his own understanding of Marxist theory of literature and art by translating during the debate of "revolutionary literature". Lu Xun not adjust his thought and literature, but participated in the revolution, got together with people, prospected new man, moved towards the great times through literature.So this thesis focuses on the following questions:how did Lu Xun’s "transformation" been produced historically? What’s the real connotation? What’s the relation between it and the debate of "revolutionary literature"? Since the reading of Marxism played a big role in Lu Xun’s "transformation", how can this process got its possibility? How did Lu Xun’s unique understanding created in the "history of reading"? What’s the position of Lu Xun’s "literature" during his "transformation"? In the context of China, What’s the unique understanding of "Class","Propaganda","New Man" and so on, how can these resources prompt the power to respond to history and reality?As we see, in the study of "history of reading", Lu Xun’s "transformation" not only happened in the deep level, but also appeared on the surface of language. From these changes, we can see how did Lu Xun moved to the great times."Class","Class Consciousness " were the conceptions that Lu Xun used to observe Chinese society, but the using was different from the critique of political economics, it was close to his own literature. For Lu Xun, literature was not the transparent reflection of the class which was formed, it will provide the space of formulation and imagination, help to bring about the class come into being, and the possibility of communication and transformation between different classes."Propaganda" and "Ideology" were not the things Lu Xun opposed unless they were not consistent with man’s own idea. As early stage of Lu Xun’s literature,"Propaganda" was very powerful. But it was the power of the deceive or the truth, that is Lu Xun maintain sharp vigilance constantly.Lu Xun taken "Social Sciences" as the totality method that Marxist applied to practice of China. It can research and reform "society" as well as a series of scientific method. In this sense, literature was not simply the art of sentiment, but the part of social phenomenon, the complex reflection of economic structure and the representation of class psychology, it can become the new literature that help people get their voices and new life by Marxist critic. At the same time, the old class people like Lu Xun can get their position in new history.Lu Xun did not repose his hope on the Fellow Traveler who participate in the revolution, but did not understand it, though they are very skilful with literature. He mentioned the Revolutionary People frequently, but did not think they are perfect, still want to ask how to get the transition. Though the new man in the proletarian revolution literature of Russian, Lu Xun approached the new Historical consciousness gradually.

  • 【分类号】I206.6
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