

Research on Demand and Development of Livelihoods Technology in Xinjiang from the Perspective of Resource Exploration

【作者】 董晔

【导师】 安尼瓦尔·阿木提;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以可持续发展思想为指导,以全国对口援疆为背景,以新疆民生科技需求与发展为研究主线,对民生科技解决资源开发引起的民生问题作深入研究,以期为新疆民生改善及跨越式发展提供决策参考。本文分四个部分,共九章。第一部分(第1、2章)为理论研究,是本文研究的逻辑起点,对研究该论文的重要意义做了探讨。首先介绍论文的研究背景和意义;民生及民生科技的国内外研究综述;新疆资源开发与可持续发展的研究综述;研究方法和技术路线;相关概念的界定、研究重点、难点及技术路线;其次介绍可持续发展理论、循环经济理论、外部性理论、科技创新理论、经济增长理论等相关理论。通过分析相关文献了解目前该领域的研究状况,明确本论文研究的框架;通过研究相关理论,力求在理论层面上为资源开发视角下新疆民生科技需求与发展提供理论支撑。第二部分(第3、4、5章)为论证分析,探讨论文研究的必要性。首先分析新疆资源开发利用的优势、劣势及现状,并从环境、经济、社会三个方面分析了新疆资源开发利用过程中的民生问题;其次对1996-2010年科技进步支撑新疆民生发展进行实证分析。结果表明:新疆科技进步不仅对民生发展具有明显的促进作用,而且两者的关系符合多元线性回归模型;最后分别从1949-1977年、1978-2002年、2003年至今三个阶段研究新疆民生科技需求的动态演化历程。第三部分(第6、7章)为对策建议,是全文的重点和落脚点,从微观视角和宏观视角研究新疆民生科技的发展。首先从微观层面阐述具体采用哪些科技手段来改善新疆民生,当然这个科技手段的应用是基于可持续发展的思想;其次从国家宏观层面、新疆地方政府的中观层面提出新疆民生科技发展的政策建议。第四部分(第8、9章)是全论文观点的浓缩。首先以新疆托克逊县为例进行案例分析。在阐述新疆托克逊县资源概况及资源开发的可持续发展情况的基础上,分析托克逊县民生问题及民生科技发展情况,总结托克逊县民生科技解决民生问题的经验与启示;其次对整篇论文进行总结,阐述论文所做的主要工作以及主要结论、论文的创新、不足之处以及未来展望。本文的创新点:首先,凝练出新疆这样一个资源富集、生态脆弱、经济不发达的特殊区域的民生问题;其次,通过实证分析,证实了科技进步对新疆民生发展具有支撑作用;最后,总结出新疆民生科技需求的动态变化历程。

【Abstract】 Guided by the Sustainable Development thought, this thesis mainly discussed thedemand and development of livelihoods in Xinjiang under the background of NationalCounterpart Yuanjiang. It will study on the livelihoods problems that caused duringthe process of solving resource exploration by livelihoods technology.The paper is divided into four parts, nine chapters. Part I (Chapter1,2) is thelogical foundation that will discuss the significance of the Study from the perspectiveof theory. The study background, significance and literature Review will beintroduced in the first. Also it will present research methods, definitions and the keypoints of study. In the second the paper offered theoretical support for the study on thedemand and development of livelihood under the resource exploration by introducingthe Sustainable Development Theory, circular economy Theory, Externality Theory,Technical Innovation Theory and The theory of economic growth.PartⅡ(Chapter3,4,5) discusses the necessity of the study as a demonstrationand analysis part. Firstly the paper mainly discusses livelihoods problems during theresource exploration process in Xinjiang by presenting the advantages, disadvantagesand current situation of the resource exploration, and then discussing the livelihoodsproblems in environment, economic and social respectively. Secondly the paperdemonstrates dynamic relation between scientific and technological progress andlivelihoods development from1996to2010for the argument that scientific andtechnological progress will promote the livelihood development. The results showthat the scientific and technological progress in Xinjiang gives a promotion to thelivelihoods development, and they conforms the multiple linear regression model.Lastly the paper discusses the livelihoods technology requirement by analyzingdynamic evolution process respectively from three stages of1949-1977,1978-2002,and2003until now.Part Ⅲ(Chapter6,7) is the focus to discuss the feasibility of the study from the micro and macro perspective. Firstly the paper demonstrates the current situation oflivelihood technology support, analyzes main factors that constrained livelihoodstechnology development and then presents specific scientific and technologicalmeasures based on sustainable thought to improve livelihoods in Xinjiang. Secondlythe paper makes suggestions about livelihoods technology development in Xinjiangfrom perspective of the country and local government.Part Ⅳ(Chapter8,9) summarizes the argument of the study. In the first thepaper takes Toksun, a county in Xinjiang as a case study to present its experiencethat gained in solving the livelihoods problems by livelihoods technology on the baseof its resource development. In the second the paper summarizes the study bypresents main findings, innovation points, shortages and expectation in the future.The new ideas of the study will be listed as following:1. The author summarizesthe livelihoods problems of Xinjiang, the resource-rich and under-developed region;2.confirmed that scientific and technological progress would promote livelihoodsdevelopment by empirical analysis.3. Summarizes the dynamic process of livelihoodsdevelopment requirement in Xinjiang.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期
  • 【分类号】G322.7;F224
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】494
  • 攻读期成果