

Study of Agricultural Technological Innovation in Poverty Alleviation and Development of Xinjiang

【作者】 胡艳丽

【导师】 鲍敦全;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 贫困是世界各国面临的挑战。促进发展,消除贫困,实现共同富裕,是人类孜孜以求的理想。进入“十二五”以来,新疆的扶贫开发面临着新的挑战。在此新阶段,巩固温饱成果、加快脱贫致富、提高发展能力、缩小发展差距是新疆扶贫的现实要求。利用农业科技创新拓展扶贫开发工作,充分发挥科技进步和创新在加快农业经济发展方式转变中的重要支撑作用,必将助推新疆贫困地区经济社会实现跨越式发展。过去,新疆扶贫工作面临的是发展相对滞后形成的普遍性及绝对性极端贫困,而现在面对的是以收入不平衡为特点的转型性贫困。2011年12月,国家确定了新的扶贫标准为2300元,新疆的扶贫标准与全国测定的平均值一致,也大幅度提高了标准。符合扶贫标准的农村低收入人口达到329万人,占全区农村人口的31%。农村低收入人口相对集中的南疆三地州连片特困地区、边境地区、贫困山区成为新疆扶贫攻坚主战场。当前扶贫工作的首要任务是稳定解决扶贫对象温饱、尽快实现脱贫致富,加快转变经济发展方式,增强扶贫对象自我发展能力,解决制约发展的突出问题,努力推动贫困地区经济社会实现更好更快地发展。在这样的时代背景下,科技创新是实现贫困地区农户脱贫致富以及农业持续稳定发展,缓和贫困地区水资源短缺、生态环境脆弱与农村低收入人口之间巨大矛盾的根本路径之一。农业科技是突破资源环境约束的必然选择,是加快现代农业建设的决定力量。以农业科技创新体系为载体,综合运用科技、推广、教育等多种手段,有望使新疆贫困地区彻底摆脱贫困的束缚,缩小地区之间的差距,实现社会的稳定和长治久安。本论文以新疆扶贫开发的现实、科技创新、市场化为基本背景,以有效促进农民脱贫致富、农业的可持续发展、农村社会的和谐为价值取向,在充分考虑农业科技特性和农业技术创新内在要求的基础上,以农业科研、农技推广、农村教育作为研究重点,运用相关理论和多种分析手段,通过对新疆科技扶贫与典型扶贫农业企业在技术创新方面的实证分析,探究农业科技创新发展在减少新疆农村贫困过程中出现的新问题,并给出相应的学术建议和政策建议。本论文由八个章节构成。第1章:首先提出问题,引出科技创新是新时期扶贫的需要,然后阐述本论文的研究目的和意义、研究思路以及研究内容等。第2章:主要对国内外相关文献进行了梳理,包括反贫困理论与实践的研究、农业科技创新理论及构成要素的研究。第3章:主要阐释农业科技创新的概念和理论。首先从农业科技创新概念的提出及特点出发,对农业科技创新体系的相关内容做了简要论述,并详细介绍了农业科技创新理论。第4章:主要分析新疆农村贫困的现状以及贫困产生的主要原因,并对新疆扶贫开发主要的创新模式、新疆农村扶贫开发的成就做了较为详实的研究分析,为深入探索新疆科技扶农、科技富农的发展道路提供依据。第5章:介绍建国以来新疆农业科技发展的不同阶段以及新疆科技兴新战略,并对新疆科技资金投入与科研条件、科技机构的发展等方面进行分析和研究。第6章:回顾新疆科技扶贫工作及取得的主要成效,实证分析科技示范乡工程及扶贫龙头企业案例,并对新疆农村科技扶贫的实践模式进行了探讨。第7章:深入分析农业科研管理机制、农业技术推广、农村教育管理中存在的问题,并对新疆农业科技创新在减贫中存在的不足和不完善进行阐释,为政策研究提供有效的视角。第8章:提出依靠科技创新的驱动进而减少新疆农村贫困的有效途径。即加强科研创新能力、提升农业技术推广能力、振兴发展农业教育和加强科技创新管理。总而言之,面对严峻的扶贫任务,本论文在新疆全面实施创新型战略的背景下,以农业科技创新为视角探索了新时期扶贫开发中科技创新的推动和支撑作用,并提出相应的政策性建议:构建以农业科研、农技推广和农村教育的有机体,对农业科技创新进行有效管理,增强新疆自主创新能力和自我发展能力以实现农村的减贫脱贫,促进新疆更好地实现农业资源优势向经济优势的转变,并推进新疆区域可持续发展及跨越式发展,最终达到社会稳定和长治久安。

【Abstract】 Poverty is the challenge facing the world. To promote development, eradicatepoverty and achieve common prosperity, is the eternal ideal and pursuit of mankind.Enter the “12th Five-Year Plan”, poverty alleviation and development of Xinjiang isfacing new challenges. In this new stage, to consolidate the achievements of food andclothing, accelerate poverty alleviation, improve the development capacity andnarrow the development gap, is the practical requirements of poverty reduction inXinjiang. With the agricultural scientific and technological innovation in expandinganti-poverty work and its important supporting role in speeding up the transformationof the mode in the development of agricultural economy, the leap-forwarddevelopment of the economics society will be achived in poverty-stricken areas ofXinjiang.In the past, the poverty alleviation work in Xinjiang was facing the universal andabsolute poverty resulted from the development lagging, but now facing thetransformation of poverty characterized by the income inequality. In December2011,the state identified a new poverty line of2,300yuan. The Xinjiang poverty line isconsistent with the national average line, and also substantial increased in the standard.The rural low-income population of329million in line with poverty alleviationstandards accounts for31percent of Xinjiang’s rural population. The contiguous poorareas, border areas and the poor mountainous areas in three southern states, wherelow-income rural population is relatively concentrated, become the main battlefield ofthe Anti-Poverty in Xinjiang. The primary task of poverty alleviation is to stable solvethe food and clothing of the poverty reduction target, eliminate poverty alleviation assoon as possible, accelerate the transformation of economic development mode,enhance their ability to self-development of the poverty reduction target, solve theoutstanding problems that hinder their development, promote the better and faster economic and social development in poverty-stricken areas.In this background, the scientific and technological innovation is one of thefundamental paths to help the farmers in poor areas out of poverty, promoteagriculture sustainable and stable development, and ease the enormous contradictionsamong the shortage of water resources, a fragile ecological environment andlow-income rural population in poor areas. Agricultural science and technology is thedecisive force to break the constraints of resource and environmental and acceleratethe construction of modern agriculture. By using agricultural science and technologyinnovation system as the carrier, and combining various means such as technology,promotion, education and so on, it is expected to get rid of the shackles of poverty,narrow the gap between regions and achive the social stability and long-term stabilityof the poverty-stricken areas in Xinjiang.For this thesis, the basic background is the reality of poverty alleviation anddevelopment, technological innovation and market economy of Xinjiang, and thevalue orientation is to effectively promote the local farmers poverty alleviation,sustainable agricultural development and rural social harmony. Based on the fullaccounts of the characteristics of agricultural science and technology and inherentrequirements of agricultural technology innovation, with the focus on the agriculturalresearch, agricultural extension, rural education, and using the relevant theory andanalytical tools, I empirical analyzed some cases of technological and typical pro-pooragricultural enterprises in Xinjiang, explored the new problems of agricultural scienceand technology innovation and development emerged in the process of reducing ruralpoverty in Xinjiang, and gave some academic recommendations and policy advice.This thesis consists of eight chapters.Chapter1: Firstly asking questions, and then putting forward the recommendationthat technological innovation is the requirement of helping the poor in the new era,last describing the purpose, meaning, research ideas and research contents for the thesis.Chapter2: The main domestic and foreign literatures including studies onanti-poverty theory and practice, the agricultural science and technology innovationtheory and its elements.Chapter3: Explaination of the concept and theory of agricultural science andtechnology innovation. First, describing the concept and characteristics of agriculturalscientific and technological innovation, then briefly discussing the agricultural scienceand technology innovation system, finally introducing in detail the theory ofagricultural science and technology innovation.Chapter4: Analysis for the status and main reasons of rural poverty in Xinjiang.Detailed research analysis for the main innovation modes and achievements ofpoverty alleviation and development in rural areas of Xinjiang. All of analysis abovewill be the basis of in-depth exploring the development road of science andtechnology helping peasants in Xinjiang.Chapter5: Introduce the different development stages of agricultural science andtechnology since the founding, explain the new strategy for science and technology torevitalize Xinjiang, and analyze the funds of Science and Technology, the researchconditions and science and technology institutions in Xinjiang.Chapter6: Review the poverty alleviation and the main results obtained inXinjiang, empirically analyze the cases of technology demonstration townshipprojects and poverty alleviation leading enterprises, then discuss the practical patternsof poverty alleviation in Xinjiang rural areas.Chapter7: In-depth analyze the problems existed in the management system ofagricultural research, agricultural extension, management of rural education, thendiscuss the gaps and imperfections for agricultural technological innovation inreducing the poverty in Xinjiang, finally provide an effective perspective of the PolicyStudies. Chapter8: Provide an effective way based on the scientific and technologicalinnovation to reduce rural poverty of Xinjiang: strengthen research and innovationcapacity, enhance the capacity of agricultural technology promotion, develop theagricultural education, and reinforce the scientific and technological innovationmanagement.In short, facing with the grim task of poverty alleviation, based on the fullimplementation of innovative strategies in Xinjiang, and from the perspective of theagricultural science and technology innovation, I explore the new era role ofscientific and technological innovation in promoting and supporting povertyalleviation and development in Xinjiang, and put forward appropriate policyrecommendations: construct the organisms for agricultural research, agriculturalextension and rural education, effectively manage the agricultural scientific andtechnological innovation, enhance the independent innovation capability and theself-development capacity in order to achieve the poverty alleviation or rural povertyreduction, promote Xinjiang’s better advantages in agricultural resources to changes inthe economic advantages, facilitate regional sustainable development in Xinjiang andthe leaps and bounds, and ultimately achieve social stability and long-term stability.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期
  • 【分类号】F323.3
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】929