

Research on the Life Cycle Management Theory and Method in Distribution System Planning

【作者】 苏海锋

【导师】 张建华; 梁志瑞;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 配电系统是电力系统中的重要组成部分,同发达国家相比,我国配电系统建设相对落后、投入不足,随着我国经济的持续高速发展,配电系统在将来的一段时间内有很大的发展空间。由于配电系统具有系统性、长期性的特点,运营维护阶段发生的费用在配网全寿命周期成本中占很大比重。从全寿命周期管理的角度出发,深入分析配电系统规划、运营阶段的各种成本,优化规划设计方案,在保证配电系统安全、可靠的前提下,最大限度地发挥配电系统潜力,实现配电系统全寿命周期成本最小化和经济与社会效益最大化,是当前配电系统规划和运行人员急需解决的问题,对构建安全可靠、运行经济的配电系统来说具有十分重要意义。本文将全寿命周期管理理论应用在配电系统规划方案优化的各个环节中,主要研究内容如下:1.深入分析配电系统规划建设及运行管理的整个过程,对配电系统规划方案的全寿命周期进行阶段划分,建立配电系统规划方案的全寿命周期成本模型,提出配电系统规划方案全寿命周期各成本计算方法和规划方案经济评价方法,为全寿命周期管理理论在配电系统规划中的应用奠定理论基础。2.基于设备全寿命周期成本(Life Cycle Cost,简称LCC)建立配电变电站选址定容新模型,模型同时考虑变电站上级输电网、下级配电网、变电站的初始投资、运行维护成本、故障损失、废弃成本,以LCC最低的方案为最佳规划方案,协调规划方案的可靠性与经济性,使得规划方案在满足可靠性要求的同时经济性最优,规划结果更科学,更符合实际。利用ArcGIS空间分析功能来处理选址定容过程中地理因素的限制,提高规划效率。提出将k均值聚类分析与多种群随机粒子群算法相结合的改进算法对上述模型进行求解,该算法克服了传统粒子群优化算法早熟现象,全局寻优能力得到显著提高。3.基于设备全寿命周期成本LCC建立配电网网架及分段开关布置规划新模型,规划模型同时考虑了规划方案初始投资、运行维护成本、故障成本、废弃成本,使得规划方案不仅满足经济上的最优,而且兼顾一定的可靠性水平。建立了配电网用户停电持续时间与停电损失模型,该模型能反映停电频率、停电持续时间及停电电量对停电成本的综合影响,能更科学准确地计算出停电损失成本。提出将均值聚类与随机粒子群算法相结合的改进离散粒子群算法,应用该算法对上述模型进行求解,克服了粒子群优化算法(PS0)的早熟现象,提高算法的全局寻优能力。4.建立以配电网无功补偿设备全寿命周期收益净现值为目标函数的配电网无功优化数学模型,该模型直观地反映了补偿方案的降损节能收益能力。利用聚类排挤小生境遗传算法对配电网无功规划进行求解,通过调整聚类距离控制收敛到的小生境数目,提高了算法的全局寻优能力和解的稳定性。5.提出以配电馈线为基本单元的配电网设备全寿命周期安全、效能、成本管理的方法,建立基于年度安全效能成本指标的配电网规划方案评价模型,结合配电系统特点对模型中的安全指标进行了定义,给出了配电设备及配电网络的全寿命周期各成本计算方法。上述模型既考虑了规划方案的LCC值,还兼顾了规划方案的安全效能值,克服了基于LCC方法的配电网规划方案评价中不能考虑设备利用率的不足。开发了配电设备资产全寿命周期信息管理和评估指标计算程序,为配电设备选型、配电系统规划方案评价提供了决策依据,提高了管理效率和决策的准确性。

【Abstract】 The distribution network is an important part in the power system. Comparing with developed countries, the distribution network in China is backward and the investment is inadequate. With the sustained and rapid development of China’s economy, there is much room for development of distribution network in the future. As the distribution system has the characteristics of systematicness and long-term, the costs of operation and maintenance stages have a large proportion in the life cycle cost. It is important for the network planning and operation staff that all costs of distribution network planning and the operational stage were analyse using the life cycle management theory in the ditribution planning and design. By the method not only the economy and the reliability of the planning scheme can be optimized,but also the life cycle cost minimization and the economic and social benefits maximization can be achieved. So the the ditribution system planning based on the life cycle cost is important to build safe, reliable and economic distribution network. In this paper, the theory of life cycle management is applied in all aspects of distribution network planning, the main research results are as follows:1. The whole process of distribution network planning, construction and the operation management was analysised deeply. The life cycle of distribution system planning was divided into different stages and the calculation methods and the economic evaluation methods based on the LCC were established. The theoretical foundation of the life cycle cost management theory applycation in distribution network planning was built.2. The new model of substation locating and sizing planning based on the life cycle cost of equipment was presented. The initial investment, operation and maintenance cost, fault cost and disposal cost of the high voltage transmission lines, the lower voltage distribution networks and the substation equipment were considered. The certain reliability and the optimal economy of the planning scheme were considered in the model. The ArcGIS spatial analysis function was used to overcome the constraint of geographical factors of planning substation, and the planning efficiency was improved. The improved algorithm based on the k-mean clustering algorithm and multi-swarms stochastic particle swarm optimization algorithm was presented. The new algorithm’s global searching capability was improved tremendously.3. The new model of the distribution network planning and the configuration of switches based on the life cycle cost of equipment was presented. The initial investment, operation and maintenance cost, fault cost and disposal cost of planning scheme were considered in the new model. The planning scheme not only meet the optimal economic, but also was reliable. The function of outage cost was built, and the new function reflected the comprehensive effect of the frequency, duration and quantity of outage to the outage cost. This method was more scientific and accurate to calculate the outage cost. The improved algorithm based on the combined mean clustering algorithm and random particle swarm algorithm was represented. The new algorithm’s global searching capability was improved observably.4. A mathematical model was proposed with the objective function of maximum net benefit in present value, and the model showed the benefit of power loss reduction vividly. The clustering and crowding niche genetic algorithm was used to the reactive power planning of distribution network, and it enhanced the ability of global optimization and the stability of results by adjusting the cluster distance.5. The life cycle security, efficiency and cost management method of distribution network equipment with distribution feeder as the basic unit was presented. The evaluation model of distribution network planning scheme based on the annual security efficiency and cost index was built. According to the distribution system characteristics the safety indexs and the life cycle cost calculation method of the model were defined. The model not only meet the optimal LCC, but also cansidered the security effectiveness value of the planning program. So the shortcoming without considering the utilization rate of the model based on only the LCC value was overcome. The calculation programming of distribution equipment asset life cycle information management and indexs evaluation was developed, and the method provided a basis for making decision of equipment selection and distribution network planning evaluation, improving the management efficiency and the accuracy of decision making.
