

Study on Application Systems of Visual Identity Elements Based on the Products of Apparel Brand

【作者】 厉莉

【导师】 刘晓刚;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 服装设计与工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过学科交叉与借鉴的研究方法,就目前我国服装品牌形象构建中的产品视觉识别元素系统进行探讨,构建基于服装品牌产品的视觉识别元素系统框架,并利用数字化技术实现系统的应用。本研究工作分为以下几个部分:一、服装品牌视觉形象构建理论研究在研究了目前我国服装品牌形象建设存在的主要问题后发现,影响我国品牌形象构建的主要因素之一是品牌视觉营销中对产品视觉识别元素应用的忽视。品牌视觉元素的应用主要取决于该品牌设计师设计水平的高低,企业内部缺少对视觉识别元素系统相关数据的收集、整理及应用规范的制定。因此,本文提出了基于服装品牌产品的视觉识别元素应用系统的构建,希望能够改变企业对视觉识别元素应用的某些观点和做法。鉴于服装品牌视觉识别元素主要以图形、色彩、文字等形式出现,无法用精确的数学理论来解释,因此本文使用眼动仪实验与问卷调查相结合的研究方式来分析,同时结合相关科研项目以及对国内男装市场热点品牌的调研,探讨服装品牌视觉识别元素对国内服装品牌的战略发展的重要作用。二、构建服装品牌视觉识别元素的数据库模型在理论研究基础上,本文将在知识管理相关理论的支持下构建一个品牌视觉识别元素数据库模型,引导服装企业在设计管理过程中提高对视觉识别元素获取、整合、分享乃至创造的能力,有效缩短产品的开发过程,同时通过视觉化元素使消费者对品牌产生联想和记忆,更好地对产品进行策划和研发工作。三、服装产品视觉化设计的数字化表现本文尝试把服装产品设计与数字化技术相结合,在行业内现有的产品生命周期管理系统上拓展一个视觉识别元素应用设计平台。研究对人机交互界面设计、产品视觉识别元素应用、元素获取、知识库构建及其管理机制建立等一系列问题进行了研究。最后,运用Java语言为开发工具,实现视觉识别元素自动化应用的构想,达到提高设计效率、统一品牌形象、缩短产品开发过程的目的。本文的创新点主要体现在以下方面:一、首次提出APVIES系统概念本文首次提出APVIES系统概念,并把知识管理理论引入服装产品视觉识别元素系统构建中。系统能够正确引导服装企业提高知识获取、整合、分享乃至创造方面的能力。有效缩短产品的开发过程,同时通过产品上的视觉化元素使消费者对品牌产生联想和记忆,更好地对产品进行策划和研发工作。二、先进工具与研究对象结合的研究方法本文采用三位一体的认知研究方法,分别采用市场调研、问卷研究以及眼动仪实验对目标研究对象进行相关数据的采集。三位一体的研究方法能够互相补充印证数据的准确性。其中,眼动仪实验采用业内先进的SMI RED眼动仪对研究对象(消费者)关于服装品牌视觉识别元素应用认知的状况进行科学的分析研究,确保研究基础和研究结果的科学性和严密性。市场调研是在相关课题基础上开展研究,对男装市场热点品牌持续跟踪,对使用了视觉识别元素的产品进行分类整理、数据统计。三、自主知识导入的产学研结合研究与美国参数技术软件有限公司(Parametric Technology Corporation,以下简称PTC)’合作构建APVIES系统,改变简单的软件应用,导入自主知识成分,引导和完善了产品生命周期管理系统中品牌产品视觉识别元素应用系统,包括数据库构建、系统可视化应用以及服装品牌视觉识别元素自动化应用模型的构建。APVIES系统的开发,满足了企业品牌产品视觉形象构建的基本需求。本文基于对真正能够体现品牌形象风格、提升品牌附加值、蕴涵品牌文化理念的品牌特征化元素的研究出发,通过对服装品牌中具有特征化的视觉化元素进行科学、系统的研究,为业内同仁开拓一种新的思考方式,提供创新的理论基石和行动指南。同时使产品能在消费群中得到共鸣,通过视觉化元素使消费者对品牌产生联想和记忆。

【Abstract】 Employing interdiscipline and reference as research methods, this paper discusses the products visual identity elements of the building of apparel brand in our country. It also builds the systems framework of visual identity elements which is based on the products of apparel brand, and uses digital technology to enforce the application of systems. And this study can be divided into the following sections:1. Study on the Theory of Visual Image of Apparel BrandAfter studying the principal problems existed in the building of apparel brand image in present China, it is found that, in brand visual marking, the neglect of application of visual identity elements of products is one of the main factors to build brand image in China. And the application of brand visual elements most depends on the designer’s level. However, the internal divisions within the company lack the collection, arrangement and the formulation of application standards about the related dates of visual identity elements system. Therefore, hoping to change the companies’ideas and practices about visual identity elements, this paper, based on the products of apparel brand, advances the building of the application systems of visual identity elements.Because the apparel brand is usually shown as the forms of graphics, colors, words and so on, it is hard to explain through precise mathematical theory. So, this paper employs the combination of Eyetrace experiment and questionnaire survey as the research method to analysis it. Meanwhile, combined with the relevant research projects as well as the research of hot brand about men’s apparel in domestic market, this paper discuss about the important of visual identity elements of apparel brand to strategic development of domestic apparel brand. 2. Building the Database Model of Visual Identity Symbol of Apparel BrandThis paper, on the basis of theory, will build a database model of visual identity symbol of apparel brand in support of relevant knowledge management, which can guides apparel enterprises to improve the ability to access, integrate, share and even create the visual identity elements in the process of design and management. It also can effectively shorten the development process of products, and can do better working about the planning and development of products through visualization elements which will enable consumers have the association and memory of brand products.3. The Digitization Performance of Visualization Design of Apparel ProductsThis paper attempts to expand a design stage of visual identity elements based on the life-cycle management system of existed products in the industry, with the association of apparel products design and digital technology. And it also study the series matters about the interfaces design of human-computer, the application of products’ visual identity elements, the symbol acquisition, the building of knowledge database and the building of management mechanism. Finally, using the language Java as the development tool, this paper achieves the vision of automation application of visual identity elements, which will achieve the goal of improving efficiency of design, unifying brand image and shortening the process of products development.And innovation in this paper can be shown as the following points:1. The Concept of APVIES System is First Proposed by This PaperThe concept of APVIES system is first proposed by this paper, and the management theory is also introduced into the building of visual identity elements system of apparel products in this paper. System can correctly guide enterprise to improve the capacity of knowledge acquisition, integration, sharing and even creating. It can effectively shorten the process of products development, and at the same time, it enables consumers to own the association and memory about the brand products through the visualization elements in products, which can make better working about the products planning and development.2. The Study Method is the Combination of Advanced Tools and Research Target.In this paper, the thrinity of cognitive research methods is used to collect related date of study target, which including market researh, questionnaire survey and Eyetrace experiment. Triune research methods can complement and confirm the accuracy of data each other. Among them, the Eyetrace experiment, employing advanced SMI RED Eyetrace in the dustry, make scientific analysis and research of consumers’ cognitive status of visual identity elements of apparel brand, which can ensure the scientific and rigorous of research base and result. Based on related research topics, this paper keeps track of hot brand in men’s apparel market with sorting and statistics of products which have used visual identity elements. 3. The Combination of Product and Study of Leading-in Self-knowledgeWorking together with the Parametric Technology Corporation, we build the APVIES system. It can change simple application of software with leading in self-knowledge, which guide and perfects the application system of visual identity elements of brand products in life-cycle management system, including the building of database, the application of system visualization and the building of automation application model of visual identity elements of apparel brand.The development of brand visual identity elements meets the basic needs of building of visual image of enterprises’ brand products. Based on the study of brand’s characterization factors which can really show brand image style, enhance brand value and contain culture ideas of brand and through a scientific and systematic study of visualization elements which own characterization in apparel brand, this paper develop a new way of thinking, theoretical foundation of innovation and the guidance of action for industry colleagues. At the same time, it can make resonate among consumers group through visualization elements which can make consumers have association and memory to brand.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】TS941.1;F273.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1261
  • 攻读期成果