

Organizational Elements in Service-Enhanced Manufacturing Enterprises

【作者】 沈其强

【导师】 徐明;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济进入“后工业化时代”,市场竞争强度不断提高,导致实体产品(physical products)的利润率在不断下降,顾客需求决策的考虑重点从“工业时代”的实体产品价格和质量,扩展到了与实体产品相关的服务。这就使得制造企业越来越难以依赖单纯的实体产品来满足消费者多元化的需求。许多有前瞻性的公司如IBM、GE、苹果、海尔、远大、华为等国内外公司在重视产品创新的同时,纷纷借助服务创新来获取新的价值来源。西方学者将这一现象称为“服务增强(Service Enhancement)”。他们发现,服务增强现象在制造业中具有广泛的行业分布性,在不同知识含量和不同产品类型的制造部门中都存在较为普遍的服务增强现象。然而,通过文献分析发现,与产品创新或技术创新研究相比,目前针对制造企业服务增强战略的研究非常少,无法对制造企业的服务增强战略变革提供具体的指导。因此,有必要从制造企业的视角出发研究制造企业服务增强战略的具体动因和实施过程,帮助中国制造企业跳出低价竞争的陷阱,通过服务创新提升企业的持续竞争力,向“微笑曲线”的两端发展,实现产业的升级。为此,本论文根据战略管理研究中的“环境—战略—组织”权变理论,以实证研究为主的、理论研究与实证研究相结合的方法,通过横向和纵向调查数据,识别出当前我国制造企业服务增强的模式及其变革的路径,同时对如何通过组织设计提高服务增强的绩效水平提出了初步的建议。本文从内涵、模式、组织要素及战略等方面对服务增强研究进行了综述,提出了服务增强战略变革的理论模型并进行了实证研究,主要的研究工作如下:第一,从“环境—战略”匹配理论出发,研究了中国制造企业的服务增强战略模式,深化了“产品——服务连续体(Product-Service Continuum)”理论,并为制造企业制定具体的服务增强战略提供借鉴。首先,从竞争强度、市场成长性、客户需求类型、价格敏感性等8个因子出发,运用聚类分析将制造企业外部市场环境的市场环境分为4种类型:竞争强度高且关注价格、竞争强度低且关注设备优化、竞争强度高且关注降低初始投资、低竞争强度且关注协作创新;接着,在整合了竞争优势定位和服务产品两个服务增强战略测量方法的基础上,从制造企业的视角出发,根据成本领先、服务差异化等7个因子将制造企业的服务增强战略定位分为:关注成本领先和售后服务、关注高度差异化和维护服务、成本领先和运营服务、产品和服务的差异化等4类;最后,运用交叉表(cross-tabulation)将环境类型和战略类型进行匹配,得出中国制造企业服务增强战略的具体匹配模式,并对这些模式的特点进行了解释。“环境—战略匹配”的结果表明,中国制造企业的服务增强战略分为4类:售后服务提供商、维护服务提供商、运营服务提供商和研发服务提供商;它们的客户价格敏感性差异较大,并不是所有类型的服务增强战略都需要强调价格竞争;另外,仅仅提供基本服务(如产品咨询、送货、安装、调试等)并不能产生服务差异化。第二,在制造企业服务增强战略模型研究的基础上,运用交叉表采用对制造企业2008年和2010年的服务增强战略进行比较,识别出服务增强战略的变革路径。结果表明,服务增强变革存在5种路径:从“售后服务战略”转变为“维护服务提供商”、从“售后服务提供商”转变为“运营服务提供商”、从“维护服务提供商”转型为“运营服务提供商”、从“维护服务提供商”转型为“研发服务提供商”、从“运营服务提供商”转型为“研发服务提供商”第三,从“战略—组织”权变理论出发,对制造企业服务增强战略中的6个关键性组织要素进行研究,分析这些要素对绩效水平的直接效应和间接效应。(1)通过对组织要素文献进行梳理,分析出与战略变革密切相关的六个组织要素:最高管理层对服务的承诺、服务报酬、服务技术、服务人员跨职能部门的沟通、服务培训、客户待遇;(2)将服务增强战略按照与产品和服务的紧密程度分为客户导向型服务增强战略(Services in Support of Client, SSC)和产品导向型服务增强战略(Services in Support of Product, SSP)两类,通过理论分析,构建起组织要素与这两类服务导向之间的关系假设,包括12个直接效应和11个间接效应;(3)运用分层回归对正式调查问卷数据进行分析,并对结果进行解释。最终发现了一些非常有意义的结果,如SSC能够促进产品的销售却不能增加服务的销售、SSP能够促进服务的销售却不能促进产品的销售、高层领导对服务的重视只能使组织更加重视SSP导向却不能提高组织的SSC导向、而通过增加服务技术的运用、提高员工的服务报酬等方式却可以同时提高组织的SSC导向和SSP导向。这些结论对于服务增强战略的实施都非常有启发意义。本研究深入分析了制造企业通过服务增强战略获取竞争优势的方式,在以下几个方面进行对现有研究进行了拓展:(1)从“环境—战略匹配”的视角出发,分析了制造企业市场环境的竞争强度、客户服务需求、价格敏感度、市场成长等特性,识别出客户对制造企业存在4类服务增强需求;(2)综合采用竞争定位和服务产品两个维度对目前中国制造企业服务增强战略定位进行了实证分析,识别出4种类型服务增强活动和4类战略定位,并对各自的管理重点进行深入的研究;(3)根据匹配理论,识别出制造企业的4类服务增强战略模式,并对这些模式的内涵进行了分析,同时实证分析了服务增强战略的5种变革路径;(4)结合组织管理理论和战略管理理论,对制造企业如何改进组织要素进而提升服务增强战略的绩效水平进行了研究,并提出相应的建议。

【Abstract】 As the environment for manufacturers is shifting from industrial to post-industrial, market competition is increasing competitive, resulting in the profit margins declining of physical products, which to some extent means that the effectiveness of current product differentiation strategy has been greatly declined. Meanwhile, the focus of customer needs is shifting from price and quality of physical products to related services. This makes it difficult to rely solely on physical products to meet the diverse needs of customers. Many forward-looking companies such as IBM, GE, Haier, Broad, Huawei, are getting increasingly profit growth by service innovation. However, current studies in innovation field mainly focus on technology innovation and product innovation, while just a little attention is paid to service innovation, let alone service enhancement of manufacturing enterprises. Therefore, it is very significant to study service enhancement of manufacturers in terms of both theory and reality. The research can guide Chinese manufacturing enterprises out of the trap of vicious competition and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises through the continued service innovation, and finally realize the upgrading of manufacturing industries. Therefore, using "environment-strategy configurations" and organizational management theories as reference, this thesis studied systematically the patterns of services strategies and their changes, and how to improve the performance by appropriated organizational parameters. This thesis is a empirical and theoretical research through combination of horizontal and vertical questionare data. Based on the revew on the present studies of contents, patterns, organization paramenters, and strategy of services enhancement, the research work of this thesis are as follows:Firstly, according to environment-strategy configuration theory, this thesis finds the patterns of services strategy in Chinese manufacturing enterprises, which can give implications to the implementation of service strategy.(1) Using8differentiating factors such as competitive intensity, market growth, customer needs, customer’s price sensitivity and so on, the paper classifys the market environment of Chinese manufacturers into four groups by cluster analysis of SPSS17.0.(2) By7differentiating factors of competitive positionings and service products of Chinese manufacturers, the paper and then classifys service-enhancement strategy of Chinese manufactures into4types;(3) Using an exploratory factor and cluster analysis for testing Chinese manufactures, the study highlights four different service strategies. Those4types of configuration can be interpreted as:aftersale service provider, maintenance service provider, business operation service provider, and R&D service provider; customer’s price sensitivity between them are very different, not all types of service strategy need to focus on price competition; Also, just to provide basic services (such as product consulting, delivery, installation, commissioning, etc.) can not produce service differentiation.Secondly, according to the previous classification of China business service strategy, the paper use2008and2010longitudinal data of service-enhanced strategy for SPSS17.0cross-table analysis, and identifies5kinds of strategic change patterns: from "aftersale service provider" to "maintenance service providers", from "aftersale service provider" to "business operation service provider", from "maintenance service providers" to "business operation service provider", from "maintenance service providers " to "R&D service provider", from "business operation service provider" to "R&D service provider".Thirdly, the paper analyzes the direct and indirect effects of key organizational elements on the level of organization performance.(1) After reviewing literatures on organization parameters, the thesis analysis six key organizational elements that is closely related to service strategy:top management commitment to and leadership of services, service rewords, service technology, across-function communication of service employees, services training, customer treatment.(2) According to the closeness of product and service, the paper seperates those four service strategies into two types:services:service-oriented service enhancement strategy (services in support of the client’s actions, SSC) and product-oriented service enhancement strategy (services in the support of the product, SSP).(3) Through theoretical analysis, the paper constructs assumptions on the relationship between organizational parameters and two types of service-oriented, including the12direct effects and11indirect effects; then use the partial least squares (PLS) in SPSS17.0and questionnaire data to exam these effects by nested model method. Finally the thesis finds some very interesting results, such as SSC can promote product sale but cannot increase service sale, SSP can promote the sale of service but cannot promote product sale; senior leadership’s commitment to service can only improve SSP orientation but can not improve organization’s SSC orientation; and organization paraments such as service technology, service rewords can increase both SSC orientation and SSP orientation. These findings are very instructive and can enhance the performance of service-enhanced strategy.With depth analysis of the the mechanism of how services-enhanced strategy can help manufacturing enterprises gain competitive advantage, the thesis extend existing researches in the following aspects:(1) the thesis builds a theoretical framework of how manufactructuring enterprises can choice a proper service strategy from "environment strategy fit" perspective;(2) through analysis of competitive strength of market environment, customer service needs, price sensitivity, market growth and other characteristics, the thesisi identifies what types of service enhancement needs are customers asked for;(3)and by using competitive positioning and service products as two differention parameters, the thesis identifies4categories of service enhancement strategy of Chinese manufacturers and analyzes their characteristics;(4) according to matching theory, the paper identifies four matching categories between service strategies and envirnoment, and discusses the meaning of these patterns;(5) by combining organization theory, innovation management and strategic management theory, the paper analyzes how manufacturing companies can improve performance level by choicing propal organizational elements.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期