

Research on Model Control and Management for Computer Supporting Collaborative Design Process of Mechanical Products

【作者】 郭银章

【导师】 曾建潮;

【作者基本信息】 太原科技大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化进程的进一步推进,作为我国国民经济重要支柱产业的机械制造业,将面临更加激烈的市场竞争。机械制造业竞争的核心在于机械产品的设计能力。目前,我国虽然已经成为全球制造大国,但远不是制造强国。究其原因主要是机械制造企业生产的产品缺乏创新设计能力、缺少自主知识产权、市场竞争能力较低。建立一种适应用户与市场需求的、具有快速响应机制的网络化产品设计模式将是当前机械制造业所面临的最紧迫的任务之一,是制造企业摆脱困境、赢得市场和掌握竞争主动权的关键。机械产品协同设计是一种基于分布设计资源共享、采用现代设计理论进行产品设计的先进设计模式。它是指多学科群组人员,在分布式网络环境下,针对某一复杂机械产品的设计目标,通过远程设计资源共享,相互协作、互相协同地完成设计目标的过程。机械产品协同设计过程具有设计任务并发多主体性和设计过程动态不确定性的特点。如何有效地对机械产品的协同设计过程进行动态建模、控制和管理,已经成为协同设计研究的核心问题之一。本文主要针对机械产品协同设计过程建模、控制与管理问题进行研究,其主要工作和创新点如下:(1)在机械产品协同设计过程动态建模与决策控制问题的研究方面,针对机械产品协同设计过程的群体协作性、动态分布性、并发执行性和共享协同性的特点,在分析了机械产品设计业务流程的基础上,通过引入决策信息库所和决策变迁,将面向对象Petri网建模理论进行扩展,提出一种基于元模型调用的机械产品协同设计过程动态模型。给出了基本设计单元的元模型和设计过程控制网模型的形式化描述。通过元模型调用输入输出接口与过程控制网模型的决策变迁绑定,动态地描述机械产品的协同设计过程。同时,就机械产品协同设计过程的决策控制问题,采用模糊Petri网的模糊推理规则,提出一种基于模糊推理规则的机械产品协同设计过程控制决策策略与算法。最后对所建模型的性能进行了分析。(2)在机械产品协同设计过程时间约束推理与一致性分析问题的研究方面,针对协同设计过程所具有的时间约束关系和时间计算推理问题,通过引入时间约束Petri网与线性逻辑表达理论,提出一种适用于机械产品协同设计过程时间约束的TCPN模型。给出了时间约束关系的描述方法、时间约束控制结构以及时间约束运算关系。针对不同控制结构的时间约束类型,给出其时间约束触发规则与推理机制。(3)在机械产品协同设计过程资源约束可调度性问题的研究方面,针对产品协同设计过程中设计资源的有限性和设计活动的并发性所引起的资源约束冲突问题,基于时间约束Petri网理论,将设计资源约束冲突问题转化为用户占有资源的时间约束可调度性问题,提出一种基于TCPN的协同设计过程资源约束模型。通过对非同步设计活动变迁的弱可调度、同步设计活动变迁的强可调度的研究,给出产品协同设计过程资源约束的可调度性规则及算法。(4)在机械产品协同设计方案模糊综合评价与决策问题的研究方面,针对基本设计单元初始方案与设计过程总体方案的综合评价与决策问题,提出一种适用于协同设计过程的多目标、多层次模糊综合评价模型及其算法。对于初始方案的评价层次,采用以设计目标关键因素为主导的评价策略,通过求解各初始方案评分值与评价指标的隶属度向量矩阵进行评价。对于总体方案的评价层次,采用多目标因素综合加权处理策略,基于广义明可夫斯基距离算法,通过求解评审专家评分值与评价级别的隶属度向量矩阵进行评价。(5)在机械产品协同设计过程管理系统动态访问控制问题的研究方面,针对具有周期时间约束、访问次数限制和设计过程动态变化特点的协同设计过程访问控制问题,基于RBAC模型和TBAC模型的扩展与融合,提出了一种适应于协同设计过程管理系统的动态访问控制模型CSCD-TRBAC。通过设计任务的状态迁移和约束依赖关系,来控制访问授权状态的变化和权限的约束。同时,通过设定权限激活周期时间约束和权限访问次数约束,来解决权限访问时间限制和事务完整性约束问题。最后给出了基于任务的权限分配策略和权限激活机制。(6)综合以上理论研究,以变速器产品协同设计过程管理为例,在详细分析了变速器的功能结构、工作原理及设计过程模型的基础上,对整个系统的项目任务管理、设计资源管理、产品数据管理、设计过程建模分析和访问控制管理等五个子系统进行了详细设计。建立了系统的数据库概念模型和物理模型。给出了系统的详细设计方案。

【Abstract】 With the further development of economic globalization process, as one ofpillar industries in our national economy, the machine-building industry willface even more fierce market competition. The core of competition amongmachine-building industries lies on their design ability for mechanical products.Presently, China has been a major country but not a strong power among globalmanufacturing. The main reason is that most products in our country are lack ofinnovative design ability, are short of own intellectual property rights as well aswith a low market competition. Hence, it is one of the most pressing tasks tobuild a net products design pattern fitting for the requirement of uses andmarkets and responding fast, which is also a key for manufacture industry to getout of morass, gain market and have the initiative of competition.Manufacture products collaborative design is an advanced design patternbased on sharing distributive design resource; meanwhile, it adopts moderntheory to design products. It also means a process of completing design tasks toa complex mechanical products design task by multi-subject groupscooperatively and collaboratively by means of sharing design resourceremotedly under the environment of distributed network. The mechanicalproducts collaborative process has such characteristics as concurrent andmulti-agent design tasks and dynamic and uncertain design process. How todynamically model, control and manage it effectively has been one of coreproblems to be studied in collaborative design domain. This thesis mainlyreseaches on the problems of model, control and management to mechanicalproducts collaborative design process and its work and innovation include asfollows:1. The problems of dynamic modeling and decision-making controlling inmechanical products collaborative design process are studie. Mechanicalproducts collaborative design process has the characteristics of groupcooperating, dynamically distributing, concurrently executing and sharingcollaborating. At first, mechanical products design business flow model isanalyzed and built. Then, a metamodel of mechanical products basic design unit is constructed based on OPN theory. Meanwhile, control net model of designprocess is established by introducing decision-making information place anddecision-making transition. Finally, a dynamic model for mechanical productscollaborative design based on metamodel invoking is proposed. This modelachieves dynamic description of mechanical products collaborative designprocess by banding input/output interface of metamodel invoking withdecision-making transition of process control net model. At the same time, acontrolling decision-making strategy and algorithm of mechanical productscollaborative design process based on fuzzy inference rules is presented byadopting fuzzy inference rules in fuzzy Petri net to solve the problem ofdecision-making controlling in mechanical products collaborative designprocess.2. The problems of temporal constraint inference and consistency analysisof mechanical products collaborative design process are studied. A temporalconstraint TCPN model fitting for mechanical products collaborative designprocess is proposed by introducting temporal constraint Petri net and linearitylogic expression theory to solve the problems of time constraint relation andtime computing inference for collaborative design process. Synchronously,temporal constraint relation expression, temporal constraint controlling structureand temporal constraint calculation relationship are given. For the temporalconstraint types with different controlling structure, their temporal constraintspring rules and inference rules are also given.3. The problem of resource constraint scheduling of mechanical productscollaborative design process are studied. In order to solve resource constraintconflict caused by limited design resource and concurrent design activity, theproblem of design rescource constraint conflict is turned into the problem oftemporal constraint scheduling for users occuping resource. As a result, aresource constraint model of collaborative design process based on TCPN isproposed. Meanwhile, the resource constraint scheduling rules and algorithm ofproducts collaborative design process are presented by studyingweak-scheduling of asynchronous design activity transition andstrong-scheduling of synchronous design activity transition. 4. The problems fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and decision-making arestudied. A fuzzy and comprehensive model and its algorithm fitting mechanicaloriginal design schemes and system general design scheme productscollaborative design process with multi-objectives and multi-layers arepresented to solve the problem of comprehensive evaluation anddecision-making for the stages of original design schemes and system generaldesign scheme. To the layer of evaluating initial schemes, the evaluation strategyof key objective factor is adopted, which are evaluated by calculating the vectormatrix of membership degree between evaluated characteristic values ofmultiple initial schemes and the evaluation indices. To the layer of evaluatingsystem general design scheme, the vector matrix of membership degree betweenevaluation characteristic values of experts and evaluation rank is calculated bythe comprehensive weighted strategy for multi-objective and the algorithm ofgeneralized Minkowski distance.5. The problem of dynamic access control to mechanical productscollaborative design process management system is studied. A dynamic accesscontrol model of CSCD-TRBAC fitting collaborative design processmanagement system is proposed based on extending and integrating RBACmodel and TBAC model to solve the collaborative design process controlproblem with the characteristics of cycle temporal constraint, access numberslimitation and design process dynamically variety. In this model, the accessauthorization status varying and authority restraining are controlled by the statustransition and constraint dependence relationship of design tasks.Simultaneously, the problems of authority access time limitation and transactionintegration constraint are solved by setting the limits to authority activatingcycle time and the limits to authority access numbers. Finally, the authorityallocation strategy and authority activiting mechanism of task-based are given.6. The above theories are synthesized and the collaborative design processmanagement of transmission gear box is taken as prototype. Its functionstructure and engine principle are analyzed firstly and its design processbusiness flow model is presented. Then five subsystems of the whole systemsuch as project task management, design resource management, products data management, process modeling and analyzing, and access control managementare designed detailly based on the detail analysis to the and design processmodel. Finally, the conceptual model and physical model of system database arebuilt. Meanwhile, the detail design schemes of the system are given.
