

Reseach on the Comparisons of the International Competitiveness of Aquatic Product between Fujian and Taiwan

【作者】 郑思宁

【导师】 蔡贤恩;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业经济管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 目前,国内外关于国际竞争力问题研究的著作论文颇多,但渔业领域国际竞争力问题的研究则较少,尚没有形成成熟的理论分析框架。福建与台湾都是渔业大省,二者有着不同的渔业产业结构和生产要素条件,并处于不同的经济发展阶段。为此,比较研究二者水产品国际竞争力的状况对于丰富国际竞争力理论有着重要的意义。另外,2010年ECFA的签订为闽台渔业的共同发展带来了前所未有的契机。闽台渔业资源要素禀赋和产业结构的互补是两地渔业合作的基础,分析评价闽台水产品国际竞争力及影响因素,探讨在ECFA下通过合作提升二者的国际竞争力有理论与现实意义。本研究对福建与台湾水产品国际竞争力进行全面系统的研究,并提出闽台渔业合作的建议。主要成果如下:(1)本文依托国际贸易理论和产业竞争力理论,基于闽台渔业实际情况,以竞争业绩、竞争实力、竞争潜力与竞争环境为国际竞争力的理论分析框架,对闽台水产品国际竞争力状况和影响因素进行分析。(2)应用详实的数据对闽台水产品生产与贸易特征进行全面阐述,得出以下主要结论:一是,世界水产品贸易流向主要从发展中国家流向发达国家,生鲜产品占据着重要地位。二是,依靠水产养殖业的发展,福建水产品产量迅速增长,水产品出口额不断上升,出口结构表现出产品均匀化和市场集中度下降的特征。三是,台湾以远洋捕捞业为主,水产品产量与出口额均增长缓慢,出口结构表现出产品结构高度集中于生鲜鱼类产品,而市场结构均匀化的特征。四是,闽台水产品出口产品相似度较低,而市场相似度较高,闽台水产品贸易互补性较强,并以产业间互补为主。(3)从市场份额、净出口和出口结构三个方面评价闽台水产品的竞争业绩,结果表明:无论从哪个角度分析,福建水产品国际市场竞争力不断提升,具备竞争优势的水产品种类逐步增多,而台湾竞争力则不断下降,具备竞争力的水产品种类较少,主要集中在鱼类产品上。总体上,福建水产品的国际竞争力要强于台湾。(4)从价格和质量两个角度分析闽台水产品国际竞争力的直接因素,结果表明:福建在国际市场的价格优势正逐步丧失,质量优势则日趋明显,而台湾的价格优势进一步增强,质量优势则逐步丧失。(5)在波特理论的指导下,本文以详实和权威的数据,应用定量分析和计量研究相结合的方法研究闽台水产品国际竞争力的影响因素,得出以下主要结论:渔业生产技术水平、人力资本和水产品质量安全管理水平阻碍了福建水产品国际竞争力的提升;水产品的初级生产要素、产业结构和内部市场需求则制约了台湾水产品国际竞争力的提升;相关与支持性产业的发展、加入WTO和国际市场需求对闽台水产品国际竞争力的提升均具促进作用。(6)总体上,福建水产品国际竞争力要强于台湾。这主要是由于二者产业结构的不同造成的,以水产养殖业为主的产业结构较以远洋捕捞业为主的产业结构在生产上具备更强的可控性,品种选择更为丰富。同时,水产养殖业更便于水产品的深加工,使产品种类更为多样化。为此,福建较台湾更能即时有效地根据国际市场需求调整产品结构,在提高单价的同时提升水产品品质。而自然资源的匮乏是阻碍台湾调整渔业产业结构的主要原因。(7)全文的研究结果表明,闽台渔业存在着广泛的合作空间,主要表现在以下几个方面:第一、闽台水产品贸易存在很强的产业间互补关系。第二、福建在初级生产要素上较台湾有竞争优势,而台湾则在高级生产要素上优于福建,闽台渔业存在生产要素的上下游互补。第三、福建消费者更注重水产品的消费数量,而台湾消费者则注重水产品的质量和风味,二者在消费水平上互补。第四、福建渔业以水产养殖业为主要生产方式,而台湾以远洋捕捞业为主,二者在渔业产业结构上互补。(8)最后,本文在ECFA背景下,根据前文的研究结果,结合闽台渔业合作的现状与存在问题,提出共同提升二者水产品国际竞争力的渔业合作建议,包括水产品贸易、水产养殖业、远洋捕捞业、近海捕捞业、水产品加工业、渔业投资、渔业人才培养、特色水产品及水产品国际市场营销等领域的合作。本研究的主要创新点有:较为完整地构建了水产品国际竞争力的理论分析框架;根据波特的“钻石模型”理论,应用计量模型(主成分回归模型)对水产品国际竞争力的四个主要影响因素进行实证研究;比较研究处在不同的经济发展阶段、地理位置较为接近、渔业生产要素和产业结构有较大差别的两个地区水产品国际竞争力状况和影响因素以及各指标对水产品国际竞争力影响程度的大小;提出同一国家内不同关税区的渔业合作方式。

【Abstract】 There are many papers focusing on the issue of international competitiveness at home andabroad. But the research on international competitiveness of fishery is rare and hasn’t formed amature theoretical framework yet. Fujian and Taiwan are major fisheries provinces. But they stayon different stages of economic development and have different industry structure and productionconditions. So it is of great importance to improve the international competitiveness. The signingof the ECFA in2010brought an unprecedented good opportunity for fishery development betweenFujian and Taiwan altogether. On the other hand, there are many complementarities of factorendowments and industrial structure between Fujian and Taiwan’s fisheries. For these reasons, it isof theoretical and practical significance to estimate the international competitiveness of Fujian andTaiwan’s aquatic product systematically and roundly and to investigate the mode of cooperationbetween Fujian and Taiwan based on this.This dissertation comprehensively and systematically researches on the internationalcompetitiveness of fishery in Fujian and Taiwan. On this basis, this paper also puts forward therecommendation of the fishery cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan. The main results are asfollows:(1) Putting forward the theoretical framework basing on extensively researching internationaltrade theory and industrial competitiveness as well as according to the actual situation of Fujianand Taiwan’s fisheries. Moreover, this dissertation also analyzes the state of internationalcompetitiveness of Fujian and Taiwan’s aquatic product according to this framework which iscomposed of competitive performance, competitive strength, competitive potential andcompetitive environment.(2) The dissertation comprehensively analyzes the aquatic product’s production and tradecharacteristics of Fujian and Taiwan by detailed data. The following conclusions are drawn: firstly,the world trade of aquatic product outflows from developing countries into developed countriesand fresh aquatic product is playing an important role in international trade. Secondly, relying onthe development of aquaculture, Fujian’s output of aquatic product is growing rapidly. The exportis rapidly growing and the export structure shows the features like equalization of products andreduction of regional concentration. Thirdly, deep-sea fishing industry is the major component of fisheries in Taiwan and its output and export value of aquatic product is growing slowly. Theexport structure shows the features like products concentrating in fresh fish products and reductionof regional concentration. Fourthly, Fujian and Taiwan aquatic products is different in tradeproduct and similar in market ones. The complementary relations are the inter-industry tradecomplementary relations.(3) Investigating the competitiveness of aquatic product in Fujian and Taiwan from marketshare, net export and export structure shows that the competitiveness of aquatic product in Fujianis continuously enhancing and there are more and more species of aquatic product withcompetitive advantage, which in Taiwan is declining and the species with competitive advantage isdecreasing, the species with competitive advantage in Taiwan is mainly fish product.(4) Investigating the directly determinant factors to international competitiveness of aquaticproduct in Fujian and Taiwan from international prices and product quality shows that thecompetitive advantage of price is gradually lost in Fujian and the advantage is increasinglyenhanced in Taiwan; the advantage of quality is more and more obvious in Fujian and is losing inTaiwan.(5) The dissertation analyzes the impact of factors on international competitiveness of aquaticproduct in Fujian and Taiwan by using quantitative analysis together with econometric analysis,Porter theory as a guide, informative and authoritative data. The result shows that the developmentof related and support industries, accession to the WTO and the international market demandproduces a positive impact on competitiveness of aquatic product in Fujian and Taiwan. Primaryfactor of production, the internal market demand and industrial structure hinders enhancement ofTaiwan’s international competitiveness of aquatic product. At the same time, the level oftechnology, human capital and the level of safety management of aquatic product hindersenhancement of Fujian’s international competitiveness of aquatic product.(6) Overall, the international competitiveness of aquatic product in Fujian is stronger thanTaiwan. The result is due to different industrial structure of fishery between them. There isstronger control on production of aquaculture than offshore fishing. So there are more aquaticspecies from aquaculture. At the same time, aquaculture is convenient for deep processing toaquatic product which causes more diversified aquatic products. So adjusting product structure ismore immediate and effective in Fujian than in Taiwan. Because of this, Fujian can enhance the price and quality of aquatic product. And the main obstruction of adjusting structure of Taiwan isthe scarcity of nature resources.(7)The result of the full dissertation shows that there is a broad space for cooperation infishery between Fujian and Taiwan: Firstly, there is a strong inter-industry trade complementaryrelationship between Fujian and Taiwan’s aquatic product. Secondly, Fujian is better than Taiwanin terms of basic factors of fisheries while Taiwan is better than Fujian in terms of advancedfactors. So there is strong complementary relationship between Fujian and Taiwan. Thirdly,because of the difference of economic development levels between Fujian and Taiwan, theconsumers of Fujian pay more attention to the quantity of aquatic products while consumers inTaiwan pay more attention on the quality and flavor of aquatic products. So there iscomplementary relationship in level of consumption between Fujian and Taiwan. Fourthly,Aquatic production in Fujian was dominated by agriculture fisheries and it was dominated bydeep-sea fishing industry in Taiwan. So there is complementary relationship in industrial structurebetween Fujian and Taiwan.(8) At last, according to the previous findings, this paper puts forward suggestions to enhanceinternational competitiveness of aquatic product in Fujian and Taiwan respectively. Someproposals are put forward to enhance the international competitiveness of aquatic product inFujian and Taiwan under the background of ECFA, such as the cooperation of trade of aquaticproduct, aquaculture, offshore fishing, deep-sea fishing industry, seafood processing industry,fishery investment and fisheries personal training and so on.(9) The main innovations of this study are: firstly, building a relatively complete theoreticalframework of the competitiveness of aquatic product; secondly, according to Porter “nationaldiamond” model, making econometric analysis (principal components regression) on four maininfluencing factors to competitiveness of aquatic product; thirdly, comparatively studying the state,impact factors and sizes of factors to competitiveness of aquatic product of two regions whichhave big gaps in economic development, factors of production, industrial structure but withgeographical proximity; forthly, investigating cooperation mode of fisheries in one country butdifferent tariff zone.
