

【作者】 韩登亮

【导师】 李国庆;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 社会的急剧转型已使学校教育处于紧迫的变革压力之中,因此,学校要想获得发展,就必须不停地审视社会对其所提出的具体要求,并采取对策进行相应的变革。学校变革是指为了适应内外的社会环境的变化而对学校相关要素的改造,从而达到提高学校效能,促进学校目标达成的行动。学校同社会其他组织一样,是一个典型的复杂适应系统,具有开放性、适应性和动态性的基本特征,面对复杂的环境学校要想生存发展就必须不断地与外界环境进行能量的交换,提高学校自身的社会适应能力,因此学校变革的过程也就是在复杂的环境中适应社会发展的过程。然而,实践表明:无论是世界东方的学校还是世界西方的学校,都“正进行着一场最终毫无结果的艰难的战斗”。各种致力于提高和改善学校教育的改革从未停止过,但学校真正发生改变的却很少。尽管许多学校可能声称它们一直积极投身于改革,而且做出了最大努力,但是学校改革多半缺乏成效是一个相当普遍的社会事实。为什么变革如此难以推行?它背后到底是什么因素在起着如此大的阻抗作用?学校变革的内在机制是什么?我国现存的学校变革机制存在怎样的问题?怎样完善现有的机制才能更好地促进学校发展?这已成为社会关注的焦点问题并且是各级教育界人士所必须面对的紧迫问题。当学校变革推进到一定程度后,仅有制度意识已经难以满足变革的需要,我们必须将对问题的把握提升到机制意识的层面。而对学校变革机制的研究,可以使我们更好地把握学校变革系统的的构成要素及其之间的关系和运行原理,形成良好的运行机制。有了良好的运行机制,就可以使学校变革系统接近于一个自适应系统,也就是说当外部环境发生不确定性变化时,学校系统能够自动地迅速地做出反应,调整原来的变革目标和策略,使变革得以顺利进行。本文中作者在建立了变革机制分析框架的基础上来反思学校现有的变革机制,分析其存在的问题,对于调整和改进学校变革机制建设进而改进变革的实践具有很强的意义。学校变革机制是指学校变革系统的核心要素及其工作原理,这个工作原理主要探讨的是变革各要素之间的相互作用关系。所以本论文中作者首先分析了学校变革系统的主要构成要素,认为主要包括变革的动力、变革的目标、变革的主体、变革的传导、变革的协调和变革的监督六个构成要素,并进而探讨了他们之间的相互作用关系,建立起了分析和研究学校变革机制的理论框架。然后在此基础上,作者从学校变革的启动、实施、制度化三个阶段,进一步探讨了学校变革机制的运行原理,揭示了学校变革机制是一个不断循环的动态系统,在变革实践中既要能够了解学校变革机制运行中的各个系统的运行状态,同时还要根据学校变革机制的整体运行情况做出局部的适当调整,进而更新或促成新的学校变革机制的生成。最后作者在建立的理论分析框架的基础上,运用了系统的方法,从学校变革系统的构成要素及其运行原理的整体角度来反观当前我国的基础教育学校变革机制,认为在学校变革目标设计与转化、变革主体多元与内耗、变革动力结构与变革成效、变革监督与反馈调节等方面存在问题。同时为了解决当前我国基础教育学校变革机制存在的问题,促进学校变革机制的良性运行,作者提出了相应的对策:一是要树立复杂性学校变革观,二是要强化学校变革机制建设的目标意识,三是要协调多元变革主体之问的利益冲突,四是要构建可持续性的动力结构,更多地激发变革的内生性的动力,五是健全科学的监督反馈机制,通过监督机制来调整各构成要素之间的结构和关系,促进学校变革的良性运行。

【Abstract】 With the advent of knowledge economy and the rapid development of science and technology, the current human society are undergoing profound transformations:the global economy comes into integration; our work and life go through oceans of changes. The rapid change and transformation of society has made schools confronted with urgent pressure of changing. Thus, schools should continuously reflect upon the requirements that society has raised and take countermeasures to carry out responsive reform. The reform of schools implies that in order to adapt itself to social environment inside and outside the campus, the related elements of schools should be remolded, thereby, the school efficacy can be improved and the school goals can be achieved. However, practice shows that whether the world of the East or the world of the West, people are holding "a futile and tough battle". All kinds of reforms that are endeavored to improve the quality of schools have never been stopped, but few schools are really changed to some extent. Although many schools possibly assert that they have thrown themselves into reforms actively, and expend their maximum efforts, there still exists a rather universal social fact that more than half of these schools lack of responsive effect. Thus, why are those reforms too difficult to be promoted? What factors are on earth producing so much resistance effect in the rear? What is the internal mechanism of schools reform? What problems are happening inside schools mechanism in our country? How to improve present mechanism so as to better promote development of schools? It has become a social focus and a pressing issue that personages of different levels of educational system must face.When present school reforms are advancing to some extent, only the awareness of institution can hardly meet the needs of reforms. Thus we must raise the issues to higher level of awareness of mechanism. In this thesis the author establish "framework of reforming mechanism" to reflect upon kinds of mechanisms to analyze its existing problems, which is of much significance to adjust and improve school reforming mechanism, moreover to enhance the practice reform.School reforming mechanism is the core factor as well as the operating principles of the school reforming system. These principles mainly probe interactive relations among each factor of the reforming system. So in this thesis the author firstly analyze chief constituents of reforming mechanism including the six factors of reforming dynamic, reforming objectives, reforming subjects, reforming transmission mechanism, coordination mechanism, and reforming supervision. Furthermore, the author also probe interactive relations among them and establish theoretical framework for analyzing and investigating schools reforming mechanism. Secondly the author further discuss operating principles of the schools reforming mechanism, reveals that the operating process mainly include the three stages of initiation, operation and systematizing, and indicate that internal mechanism of schools is a dynamic system that is cycling. In the reforming practice, people should comprehend the running states of each subsystem of the reforming mechanism, and make timely partial adjustments according to the general running state of school reforming mechanism, moreover to upgrade or promote the generation of new reforming mechanism. In the end, basing on the established theoretical framework, the author use systematic methods to observe school reforming mechanism of elementary education from the point of view of its constituents and its operating principles, and conclude: reforming objectives of schools are not clear; the power of reforming subjects is disperse; the reforming dynamic is not adequate, and the coordination and supervision mechanisms are not complete, and so on. In order to solve the existing problems of school reforming mechanism of elementary education of our country and promote healthy operation of school reforming mechanism, the author put forward relative countermeasures:first, to establish intricate perspective of school reforming; second, to make the objectives of school reforming concrete; third, to get the strength of reforming subjects together, coordinate relations of interest of reforming subjects, reduce resistance during the reforming process; fourth, to adjust dynamic structure of reforming mechanism, arouse androgenic power of reforming; fifth, to promote healthy operation of school reforming by means of supervising mechanism in order to adjust the structure and relation among constituent factors and promote healthy operation of school reforming.At present, at home and abroad the research findings about backgrounds, patterns and dynamic of school reforming are rather plentiful. However, few researches about reforming mechanism exist, and the existing research only center around principles and molds of reforming mechanism and other exterior issues, and they are seldom involved in constitution and operation of reforming mechanism of schools and other essential issues. Basing on related theories of systematology and social sociology, the author set up theoretical framework for analyzing school reforming mechanism, review the present existing problems of elementary education of our country on the basis of exploring and analyzing structure and operational moulds of the reforming mechanism, and raise operative suggestions that are of innovative significance from the angle of research and the perspective of deepening theoretical transformation of schools reforming. Of course, due to limitations of my own abilities and the shortage of data, so the rationality of theoretical framework about school reforming mechanism remains to be seen. As the classification of literature on reforming mechanism at home and abroad is not adequate, therefore, thus the field vision of this research is affected to some extent, which is the direction I will be endeavored to pursue in future.
