

【作者】 董辉

【导师】 袁祖社;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 现代性文化背景下,日新月异的新科技革命浪潮,从根本上改变了现代人的生存与生活图景,也不断地改写和颠覆着传统的价值观念。20世纪90年代以来,全球化的进程迅速加剧,客观上使得以功利主义、个人主义、享乐主义为基本追求的消费主义文化、价值观念和生活理念日渐渗透到社会生活的各个领域,财富的占有,花样繁多的、无尽的物品消费也已成为普通民众幸福的重要内容。对GDP的狂热追求,对财富的近乎疯狂的占有和享用,使得整个社会和民众并没有真正体验到快乐和幸福,相反,却陷入越来越深重的精神虚无和信念危机的境地,同时不得不承受着因资源的浪费、生态的恶化所带来的生命与生活质量不断下降的严重代价,幸福的承诺和实现成了一句空话。本文采用历史和逻辑相统一、理论和现实相关照的方法,从对“人类幸福的生态限度”问题的思考和关注入手,提出并立足“生态幸福”的理论视野,围绕财富与信仰之间的冲突这一核心主题,通过对传统不合理的发展观和社会进步观的全面反思,对消费主义等展开深刻的批判,系统地分析和阐释了生态幸福理论和实践的历史和时代背景,力图实现对传统幸福观的辩证扬弃和超越。论文坚持马克思主义实践幸福论的立场,运用现代生态伦理学的理论立场、观念和方法,从生态幸福观的角度分析财富、信仰与幸福的关系,尝试提出自己对于生态幸福的含义、实质、实现原则和路径等的理解。论文集中阐述了以下几个方面的主题性内容。一是通过思考片面理解的财富为什么不能带来真正的幸福这一问题,对中西方传统文化关注的幸福观念展开反思,在此基础上引入生态幸福的观念,展开生态幸福问题的理论分析。作者认为,生态幸福是中西方文化中幸福观念历史演进的当代形态,表达的是现代人对于自身生存与生活方式的新的生态觉悟和伦理自觉,秉持着新的历史使命;二是对现代人以占有和享乐为目的的生活方式所导致的现代人幸福的疏离化现象进行了分析,提出根本的原因是由于“生态维度”的缺失——非生态、反生态所导致。论文一方面通过对收入、消费与幸福三者关系的生态文化考量,全面分析现代人“文明病”的症结。另一方面,通过对以追求单纯增长为发展目的的财富创造和获取方式所导致的生态的缺失及其后果的分析,指出了现代人的幸福感受危机的症结和实质所在;三是作者认为,对生态幸福观的理解,必须明确当代人类所处时代的性质,作者认为,当今时代是一个“生态社会”的时代,马克思主义经典作家对此早有深刻的理论预见和前瞻性分析,经典作家所坚持的实践基础上的“生态幸福”是一种新价值公共性基础上的人类群体共享的幸福。作者认为,马克思主义的幸福观本质上是实践的,这种实践是对整个对象世界的尊重和敬畏的前提下展开的,在这种实践基础上所获得的幸福才是实在的、可靠的、可共享的。指出马克思主义经典作家理想中的未来美好社会,本质上是一个人与自然、人与社会以及人与人和谐相处的“生态社会”,这一社会追求人与对象世界之间物质变换的合理性,其结果就是现代人的“生态幸福”理论的达成和实现。四是在分析阐释生态幸福的本质问题的基础上,作者对发展主义、消费主义的财富、幸福与信仰观进行了深刻的审视,对生态幸福在何种意义上构成当代中国民众精神生活——社会价值理性信仰重建的新领域等问题做出了必要的阐明。一方面,在马克思主义理论指导下,深刻分析了当代中国民众合理信仰的选择问题;另一方面,分析财富与信仰之间冲突的的根源以及二者之间统一的基础和根据;认为,金钱和财富对信仰的僭越是荒谬的。五是探讨了生态幸福实现的社会基础与制度性条件。作者认为,生态幸福贵在实践,这种新质的、新形态的幸福的实现,需要付诸多方面的努力。论文着重探讨了与生态幸福实现相关的经济生活领域的包容性增长、绿色经济、生态补偿,政治生活领域“生态政治”的实践,以及文化价值领域的“生态中心主义的共同体”、“生态政治”、“生态公民与生态人”的培育问题等。作者明确指出,生态幸福不是一种乌托邦,而是一种通过全球社会的共同努力,完全可以达到并最终实现的美好生活理想。

【Abstract】 Modern cultural context of rapidly changing scientific and technological revolution to fundamentally change the survival and life of the modern picture also continue to rewrite and subvert the traditional values. Since the1990s, the process of globalization is rapidly increasing, Utilitarianism, individualism, hedonism, for the basic pursuit of consumer culture, values and philosophy of life is increasingly penetrated into various fields of social life, The possession of wealth, great variety, the endless consumption of goods has also been an important part of the happiness of ordinary people. The fanatical pursuit of the GDP, the frenzied possession of wealth and enjoyment, making the whole society and the public does not really experience the joy and happiness, on the contrary, they will find themselves increasingly deeper position of the heavy spirit of nothingness and the crisis of faith. And had to bear due to the waste of resources, serious consideration of ecological deterioration brought about by the life and quality of life declining happiness commitment and became a bubbleIn this paper, the history and logic of the unity of theory and reality according to the method, Thinking and attention from the problems of " the ecological limits of human happiness ", paper presented a theoretical perspective and based on the ecological well-being, Around the core theme of the conflict between wealth and faith through a comprehensive reflection of the traditional irrational concept of development and the concept of social progress, expand profound critique of consumerism, system analysis and interpretation of the theory and practice of ecological well-being history and background of the times, trying to discard and beyond the dialectic of the traditional concept of happiness.Adhere to Marxism practice happiness on the position paper, the use of modern ecological ethics, theoretical positions, concepts and methods, to analyze the relationship of wealth, faith and happiness from the perspective of the ecological concept of happiness, try to put forward their own ecological meaning of happiness, the real, to achieve understanding of the principles and path. The paper focuses on the thematic content of the following aspects. First, think one-sided understanding of the wealth, why not bring true happiness, to expand the reflection on the concept of traditional Chinese and Western culture audience happy, on this basis, the introduction of the concept of ecological well-being, expand the ecological well-being of the theoretical analysis. The author believes that the ecological well-being is a contemporary form of the historical evolution of the concept of happiness in Western culture, the expression is modern for their own survival and way of life of the new ecological consciousness and ethical consciously uphold the new historical mission; Second, the modern to the possession and enjoyment for the purpose of lifestyle caused by the alienation of modern happiness phenomenon, the fundamental reason is that due to the lack of "ecological dimension"-the non-ecological, anti-ecological cause. On one hand, considerations of income, consumption and happiness of the relationship among, the paper a comprehensive analysis of the crux of the modern " diseases of civilization". On the other hand, the lack of ecological consequences for development purposes in a simple growth of wealth creation and the way pointed out the crux and the essence of the crisis of the modern feeling happy; Third, the authors believe that understanding of the ecological concept of happiness, we must clear the nature of contemporary human era in which, The authors believe that the present era is the era of an "ecological society", the classic writers of Marxism has long been a profound theoretical foresight and prospective analysis, Classical writers adhere to the practice on the basis of the ecological well-being is to share the happiness of a new value on the basis of the public nature of the human population. The authors believe that the Marxist concept of happiness is essentially practical, this practice is carried out under the premise of respect and awe of the whole object world of such practices on the basis of happiness is real, reliable, can be shared. Pointed out that the future good society in the ideal of the classic writers of Marxism, in essence, is the harmony between man and nature, man and society and people such as "ecological society". This social rationality of the pursuit of material transformation between the world of people and objects, the result is to achieve and realize the modern theory of "ecological well-being". Fourth, on the basis of analysis of the nature of the problem of the interpretation of ecological well-being, the author has made a profound look at the development of doctrine, consumerism, wealth, happiness and faith concept, at the same time,of the ecological well-being in what sense,constitute the contemporary Chinese people the spiritual life-rational belief reconstruction of the social value of new fields, such as to make the necessary clarifications. On the one hand, under the theoretical guidance of Marxism, profound analysis of the choice of reasonable belief of the contemporary Chinese people; the other hand, the root causes of the conflict between the analysis of wealth and beliefs as well as between the two unified basis and in accordance with; Pointed out that money and wealth is the transgression of faith is absurd. The fifth is to explore the basis of ecological well-being to achieve social and institutional conditions. The authors believe that the most important of ecological well-being is the practice, this new quality, the implementation of new forms of happiness, we need to put many efforts. The paper focuses on the economic spheres of life and ecological well-being to achieve inclusive growth, green economy, ecological compensation, the area of political life "eco-politics" of the practice, as well as the field of cultural values "community of ecocentrism","ecological politics", the cultivation of "ecological citizenship and ecological man" problems. The authors believe that the ecological well-being is not a utopia, but a global community works together, can achieve the ideal and the eventual realization of a better life.

【关键词】 财富信仰生态幸福
【Key words】 wealthfaithecological well-being
  • 【分类号】F014.4;B91
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】611
  • 攻读期成果