

【作者】 陈荣泽

【导师】 邢向东;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 作为一个地域名称,“关中”有着悠久的历史。历史上,“关中”所指的地域范围不尽相同。本文的“关中”指关中平原。关中地区主要分布着中原官话关中片、秦陇片和汾河片方言,但还分布着较多的山东方言岛。此前,对关中地区山东方言岛的调查研究十分稀少。本文选取了11个村庄作为山东方言岛的代表点,主要调查其老派方言,并将山东方言岛与源方言、关中方言进行比较,旨在展现关中地区山东方言岛的方言面貌和揭示山东方言岛的演变规律。第1章为绪论。该部分首先确定本文“关中”的地域范围;而后对“方言岛”进行界定,指出“方言岛”一名出现于20世纪80年代初,认为“方言岛”须具备四个条件;综述国内及陕西的方言岛研究;指出本文研究的目的、意义和方法;介绍本文山东方言岛代表点的选取过程、标准和发音合作人的选择。第2章重点介绍关中地区山东移民的大致情况。该章首先论述清末至民国关中地区的人口变化对其方言分布格局的影响;继而分析大批山东移民迁入关中的原因,介绍山东移民的迁出时间、迁出地、迁徙路线、定居关中与再迁移和一些风俗习惯,指出山东移民对关中地区经济、宗教、方言分布的影响;最后介绍山东方言岛的分布、地理形状及类型。第3章选取八福村、保南洼、谭家村、凤凰村、马家村、大渠村、西石村、太平庄、新立村、大李村、山东庄等十一个村庄为关中地区山东方言岛的代表点,重点描写其音系。第4章则通过与中古音进行比较以反映关中地区山东方言岛的语音特点。第5章选取八福村、凤凰村、马家村、大渠村、太平庄、大李村等六个方言岛,分别从声母、韵母、声调三个方面将山东方言岛与源方言、关中方言进行比较。从比较中可看出,关中地区的许多山东方言岛的语音既保留着源方言的一些重要特征,又发生了或大或小的变化。这些语音变化以声母最为显著,其次为声调,韵母的变化最小。其中,声调主要是某些调类的调值发生了变化,而调类则基本保持不变,仅个别方言岛的调类发生了合并。韵母上的变化只是个别字的韵母发生了变化。根据第5章的比较,第6章首先分析山东方言岛语音发生变化的原因,认为语言接触是山东方言岛语音发生变化的外因,而语音系统内部的相互制约与自我调整是山东方言岛语音发生变化的内因;之后,指出关中地区山东方言岛的语音变化具有不平衡性,认为山东方言岛语音与关中方言的差异程度大概是造成其语音系统变化不平衡性的重要原因;指出山东方言岛的语音变化可以分为音值变化和音类变化两个方面,且这两类变化都属于语音的表层变化。第7章重点分析山东方言岛的词汇。首先简要介绍关中地区山东方言岛词汇的特点;之后选取保南洼、谭家村、凤凰村、马家村、大渠村、西石村、太平庄、新立村、大李村、山东庄等十个方言岛的129条词进行比较,认为山东方言岛词汇上的差异主要表现在音节、构词和意义三个方面;并选取凤凰村、大渠村两个方言岛的165条词与源方言和关中方言进行比较分析。最后,简要分析山东方言岛的语法情况。总的说来,山东方言岛的词汇和语法既保留了源方言的特征,又吸收了关中方言的一些成分。第8章分析山东方言岛在与关中方言接触的背景下发生的语言变化。这些变化既有语言结构上的变化,又有语言功能上的变化,如借用、兼用、萎缩、混杂等。本文最后指出,随着山东移民与关中当地人的交往日益密切和普通话在当地农村的大力推广,关中地区的山东方言岛呈现出一种逐渐衰颓的趋势。

【Abstract】 Guanzhong as a place name boasts a very long history, and may have meant different geographic ranges. Guanzhong used in this dissertation, however, refers only to the Guanzhong Plain, where Zhongyuan Mandarin is mostly spoken by the residents. The variety of Zhongyuan Mandarin consists chiefly of Guanzhong,Qinlong and Fenhe cluster but dozens of Shandong dialect islands exist. There were few study on Shandong dialect islands before. Our study takes eleven villages in the region as representative dialect spots, makes an investigation of the dialect of the old variation and a comparison of the dialect of Shandong with that of Guanzhong, in an attempt to uncover the features of the Shandong dialect islands and reveals the patterns of evolution of the Shandong dialect islands.The1st chapter serves as an introduction. It provides the definition of the geographic range of Guanzhong and the term of "dialect island", which first came into use in the early1980s and, when used in the study of language, must satisfy four essential requirements. It then makes a comprehensive review of the research on dialect island carried out within and without the province, points out the objective, significance and methodology, and explains the process and standard of choosing representative dialect spots as well as the interviewers.The2nd chapter makes a general survey of the the immigrants in Guanzhong from Shandong. It firstly expounds how the distribution pattern of Guanzhong dialects was influenced by the population change since the end of the Qing Dynasty to Minguo, and then analyses the reason why the population of Shandong immigrated to Guanzhong. The time, locale and line of such immigration, the settlement in Guanzhong and the removal, as well as some social customs and habits are introduced in order to bring to the light how the economy, religion and dialect in Guanzhong received their influence from the immigration. Lastly, it makes a study of the distribution, location and classification of the Shandong dialect islands.The3rd chapter selects11villages, i.e. Bafu, Baonanwa, Tanjia, Fenghuang Majia, Daqu, Xishi, Taiping, Xinli, Dali, Shandong, as representative dialect spots and makes a description of the phonological pattern. The4th chapter, then, makes a reflective study of the phonetic features of the Shandong dialect islands via a comparison with the middle Chinese sounds.The5th chapter selects6villages of Bafu, Fenghuang, Majia, Daqu, Taiping and Dali in order to make a comparison of the original dialects with Guanzhong dialects as far as the initial, final and tone are concerned. The comparison indicates that the photetic systems of the Shandong dialect islands retain some features of the original dialects but changes do occur. The change in the initial is most remarkable; then comes the tone; lastly the final. Change in the tone appears mostly in the value of some tonal categories, which almost remain invariant. Merging of tonal categories occurs but in a couple of Shandong dialect islands. Change in the final occurs but in several characters.Based on the comparison, the6th chapter first makes an analysis of the reasons for the sound change. The conclusion is that there are external cause as well as internal cause:the former being language contact; the latter being interaction and self-correction within the phonetic system. Since the sound change is unbalanced, levels of difference between Shandong dialect islands and Guanzhong dialects are considered to be an important cause. The sound change of Shandong dialect appears then in two aspects:change of the sound value and change of the phoneme, both of which belong to the superficial level.The7th chapter makes a special analysis of the vocabulary of Shandong dialect islands. It first gives a brief explanation of the lexical features of Shandong dialect islands, then selects129words for study from10villages of Baonanwa, Tanjia, Fenghuang, Majia, Daqu, Xishi, Taiping, Xinli, Dali and Shandong. A careful comparison shows that lexical differences occur mostly in the syllable, word-building and semantics.165words are then selected from two villaged (Fenghuang and Daqu) in order to make a comparison of the original dialects and the Guanzhong dialects. Another analysis is made of the grammar of Shandong dialect islands. In general, the vocabulary and grammar of Shandong dialect islands absorb some elments form the Guanzhong dialects while still preserve the features of the original dialects.The8th chapter analyses the language change of Shandong dialect islands in the contrext of the contact with Guanzhong dialcts. The change appears in the structure as well as in the function, in the form of loaning, diglot, withering and mixing. The last point made in the dissertation is that the Shandong dialect islands in Guanzhong is now just on the way of waning or declining.
