

【作者】 王萍

【导师】 魏耕原;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 建安文学一直是古代文学研究领域的热点之一,而作为建安之杰的曹植更是受到了人们特别的关注。建安时期形成了以三曹为代表的建安风骨,而曹植以其卓越的文学成就(现存诗歌有90余首,赋50余篇,文章表书信等散文120余篇)在数量与质量上都当之无愧地成为三曹之翘楚。他在文学上有多方面的开创之功,并且取得了足以代表一个时代的巨大的成就。他继承了先秦《诗》、《骚》的优秀文学传统,又从两汉辞赋民歌中汲取营养,骨气奇高,词采华茂,兼收并蓄,从内容与形式上两个方面丰富了诗赋,从而为六朝隋唐文学开辟了前进的道路。建国以来,虽然对于曹植的研究有了许多方面的突破性拓展,但是主要的研究成果依然还是体现在文本校注、作家作品研究,资料汇编上,且都以单篇论文为主,而研究曹植专著作则相对较少。作为一个乱世,建安既给当时的人们带来了无尽的灾难与伤痛,同时也卸掉了套在人们头上的精神枷锁,伴随着“人的觉醒”,人们纷纷寻找着自己的思想皈依。作为“群才之英”的曹植,其思想具有开放性、相济性和多元性等特点,他一生既执着于儒家追求“三不朽”,渴望建功立业,积极入世的精神,同时又带有道家文化中全素葆真的人生态度以及尚大求真的审美倾向,其次,还有侠文化中尚义、尚勇的个性特征。曹植的思想与人格特征是其不朽文学成就的基点,也是本文开篇之所在。汉魏汉魏六朝是诗运转关的重要时期,而曹植作为汉魏六朝时期的重要诗人之一,他的诗歌创作对后世形成了深远的影响。游仙诗、女性题材的诗歌与宴游诗是当时出现的三大题材,本文就以曹植的游仙诗与女性题材的诗歌为主,对其诗歌追源溯流,归纳总结艺术特色。曹植现存较为完整的辞赋共50余篇,其中歌功纪行一类赋作一方面说明汉大赋的题材内容在建安延续了它的影响的同时也充满了时代的气息,是为建安赋作者的肺腑之言,而不能简单视为阿谀溢美之辞。娱宾游宴类是作为贵公子的曹植在“洒笔以成酣歌,和墨以藉谈笑”的良好精神状态下创作的赋作,有其积极的一面。感时咏物类作品占曹植赋作的1/2,都含一定的寄托于其中,是曹植在各个时期的不同心理状态和心志的反映。再有曹植的怀思言志的辞赋之作,亦是其敏感多情的内心世界的反映,是读者理解其终其一生的功业思想与坎坷人生的一个重要的媒介与桥梁。以《洛神赋》为代表的爱情婚姻题材的辞赋之作是曹植作品中的巅峰之作,其卓越的艺术成就使其成为空前绝后的“千古美文”,古今中外为之驻足观赏,赞叹不已。总之,曹植的辞赋整体成就高,它题材广泛,用辞赋来表现日常生活,感情生动,言辞优美,音韵和谐。曹植的散文是研究其文学创作不可忽视的重要一环。其儒道互补之思想,政治理想与不凡的军事见地在其散文中都有体现,尤其还是我们研究其文学思想与艺术理念的重要资料。曹植文学思想已经达到他那个时代最高的水平,虽然他没有曹丕《典论·论文》那样的文学批评专著问世,但文学思想却相当丰富和成体系。因此,对曹植文学思想的深入研究必将使我们更全面和深入地理解建安文学在中国文学史上的意义。

【Abstract】 Caozhi is an outstanding representative of jian-an literature.His works incloud90poems,60pieces of F u,120pages of prose in the short forty years.0n the poetry and C ifu of this time,the academia has achieved a lot.0f his life. His achievement in many aspecpts are brilliant. T he researchers of past time have gotten great record in C aozhi study. We can find out that C aozhi’s works embody the openness,multivariatness and compatibility of the cultures by studying his whole works’text one by one.and the enthusiasm of Confucianism culture toward merits and virtues and the emphasis on ethics and clan relations. They also embody the life attitude of keeping nature in T aoism culture and his pursing greatness and the ture,meanwhile,his works embody the character of keeping justice and bravery of swordman culture Chuci also has its profound influence on C aozhi’s life conciousness formation and literature writing.As a troubled times,the era of ian’an not only Brings people endless calamity and misery, but also removal of the sleeve head in people spiritual shackles.With the awakening of the people,people have to find their ideal conversion. As an elite of this time, C aozhi’s thought is open,complementary and diversity. The thought of C onfucian is caozhi’s pursuit of life,he eager to build up establishment. At the same time, T aoist C ulture also is his pursit of his life. S econdly,as the thought of the chivalrous culture, C aozhi also advocate moral, advocate brave. In short, Caozhi’s thought and personality is the basics of his literary achievement.C aozhi is an important poets in the six dynasties,and he played a vital role in the changing time of the poetryrevolution,the mainly two points are:one,the expressing of individual emotion;two,a beautiful and elegant style of poetry. With both of these, C aozhi’s poetry has achieved the perfect union in this two aspects. In Cao Zhi’s female topic of writing, his perspective is changed from male to female in accordance of his experience change in the before and after period of his life, namely, from focusing on social reality and expressing his ambition on making contributions to the society to concentrating on inner feelings, expressing life emotion and unique life experience. Finally build up his own feature of "As a male writer spoke for women"By its emotion and contents,we can classified Caozhi’s fu with many parts,that are strolling in gardens with his friends,singing the praises of his father, describing love and marriage and so on. S inging the praises of his father, some kind of fu described the travels when he was young. O ne kinds of these fu intoned something,inclouding animals,plants and implements.with it we can pry into. T he other fu about love andmarriage, which is admired by people who are ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign. I n a word, C aozhi’s fu incloud multifaceted whole-accomplishments:extensive subjects,especially the daily life and vivid feelings of love story.C aozhi’s pages of prose are very important factor to study his complemented thinking and political ideal,and his idea about literature and arts.Most of his prose full of Confucianism which takes an active part in the social work,and splendid artistic characteristics. The were long writings and full of pretty phrases manifested C aozhi’s master artifices,with an wide and pround impact on the laster generations.
