

【作者】 司武林

【导师】 王继;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本篇论文立足于1978-2010年陕西乡村社会变迁的实际进程,对这一地域农村的现代化进行描述、分析。研究从陕西农村的经济、政治、社会、生活方式现代化四个主要方面展开,重点则是此一阶段陕西农村现代化的具体路径。本项研究的目的,是明确改革以来陕西农村现代化的实际进程,而重点分析其中的重大问题,寻求陕西农村发展的良性机制。之所以研究农村现代化,是因为它对于当代中国社会发展具有关键意义。笔者始终坚持这样的观点:“没有农村的现代化,就没有中国的现代化”;之所以研究陕西农村,是希望考察对象具体明确,言之有物,更期望研究结论能够有一定的针对性,尽可能避免过于抽象和宏观的泛泛而谈。全文内容包括以下八个部分。第1章,引言,即对本项研究的介绍。包括同类研究综述和理论基础,以及本项研究的思路、内容、方法和可能的创新等方面。第2章,农村现代化及其理论研究。包括世界现代化与乡村社会变迁的一般过程、发展理论对农村的思考以及中国农村现代化理论三个部分。这是展开研究的必要准备,也是陕西农村现代化的借鉴。第3章,陕西农村现代化的背景和条件。背景研究意在了解中国社会对陕西农村现代化的影响,条件分析意在了解陕西农村现代化的自然禀赋、人口状况和社会资源。第4章,陕西农村现代化的阶段。通过描述分析三十多年来陕西农村现代化的实际过程,完整认识当代陕西农村发展的逻辑和问题。第5章,路径之一:产业与市场的互动。这是陕西农村经济现代化的路径。农业和非农产业的结构调整,是农村传统经济形式适应市场体制的努力;农村市场体系的初步形成推动了农村繁荣,其后的市场萎缩则导致农村曲折发展。陕西农村经济复苏有待于市场体系的完善。第6章,路径之二:乡村治理体制创新。这是陕西农村政治现代化的重要路径。1980年代形成的“乡政村治”体制,在实际运行中却发生“畸变”,日益导致乡政困难和村治异化,表现为农村社会矛盾尖锐。从表面来看,原因在于乡村治理中难以实现多主体间的合作;从根源上讲,则在于当时国家、基层政府与乡村之间的关系格局。进入21世纪,这一格局开始发生改变,体制运行环境优化,而农村社区建设的提出和推行,将直接实现分类治理。笔者就此提出“多层竞争一合作体制”,并认为这是当前阶段乡村治理的基本走向。从分化到分治的体制创新,是陕西农村现代化的路径之一,也反映了陕西乡村治理的内在逻辑。第7章,路径之三:新主体与新功能的重构。新农村建设被认为是解决“三农"问题、实现城乡统筹发展的基本举措。笔者认为,新农村建设是农村社会结构现代化的基本途径,要求为政府与农民形成发展的合力,其实质则是新主体和新功能的重构。首先,政府需要积极转变职能,加大投入,实现公共产品供给的城乡一体化,大力改善农村基础设施和建立农村社会保障。其次,农民需要有效地组织起来,形成更积极和更有影响力的参与主体。农村反贫困就是政府与农民共同努力、改善农村现状的具体表现。第8章,路径之四:乡村与城市的“对接”。城镇化是实现农村生活形态现代化的关键途径。本文的基本观点是:应坚持城乡融合的基本思路,积极促进乡村与城市的“对接”。2004年后,陕西农村城镇化逐渐形成“重点镇建设与城镇体系构建”的特色,重点镇建设成为核心内容,而需要解决的突出问题包括产业聚集、市场融资机制、保护乡村传统、科学把握“为了谁”、准确定位“重点”等。本文的结论是:上述四个方面是三十多年来陕西农村现代化的基本路径,而现有问题的逐步解决,将使这些路径优化,进而形成陕西农村发展的良性机制。本文可能的创新之处。在方法上,运用学科综合的方法,着眼于较小地域的农村社会,重视政策文本与社会现实的互动,考察陕西农村发展的内在逻辑。在内容上,提出以下认识:解决“三农”问题,首先需要大力构建农村市场;当前乡村治理创新的走向是形成“多层竞争—合作”体制;在陕西农村城镇化中,“重点镇”建设是一条有效途径,但需要重视解决“为了谁”、准确定位“重点”的关键问题。

【Abstract】 Based on the social changes of Shaanxi rural in1978-2010years, this thesis describes and analyses modernization of this area. The study is pursued from four facets, including economic, political, social structure, and life style. The aim lies in specific paths of Shaanxi rural modernization.Expounding the actual process and analyzing its major issues, This study manages to find a proper development mechanism to Shaanxi rural.Rural is permanently a significant thing of China development. The author always insists on this remark:"No rural modernization, There would be no modernization of China". So, this article studies rural modernization. Expecting a specific research object, and more expecting obvious applicability of the conclusion, thus avoiding too abstract and too general theory as much as possible, the author chooses Shaanxi province.The dissertation is composed by following sections.Chapter1, the preface, introduces similar research, basic theory, and the structure of this study, which includes thoughts, contents, methods and possibly new idea.The2nd chapter is rural modernization and the theory. The three parts composed by the general process of worldwide rural change, view of development theory and rural modernization in China. These are necessary preparation of research, as well as some lessons for Shaanxi rural areas.The3rd chapter suggests the background and sustainment of modernization in Shaanxi rural. Analyzing the background intend to expound an impact of Chinese society. The sustainment means natural gift and social resources of Shaanxi province.The4th chapter differentiates the stages of modernization in Shaanxi rural. The author describes the actual process over the past32years, then entirely analyses the logic and the problems.Chapter5probes the interaction between rural industry and the market, the first path, which the author thinks a path of economy development. Substantially, structural adjustment of rural traditional industry is an effort adapting to the market system. Initially formed market system promoted rural prosperity, then subsequently market wither led rural languished. Economy resuscitation of Shaanxi rural depends on fine market system.Chapter6talks about the path of political modernization, which is named system innovation of rural governance. The governance system formed in1980s,"Town government and village autonomy", happened somewhat "distortion" in its actual operation. The logical result is difficulties of town governance and alienation of village, appearing severe contradictions of the rural community. As for the reason, it seemed that the rural community is difficult to form cooperation in different organizations. Actually, it lies in the relationship pattern between the country, town government and the rural at that time. Entering the21st century, this pattern begins to change with optimized system operation and rural community construction, thus these will directly realize classified governance. The author proposes "multilayer competition-cooperation system" and assumes it the trend of the rural governance in current stage. The system changed from structural division to cclassified governance is the other path of modernization, and also reflects the inner logic of Shaanxi rural governance.In the7th chapter, the article analyses forming new subjects and new function, a path of society structure modernization. New rural construction is the key policy to solve rural problems and to form harmonious development of urban and rural. On the author’s view, new construction manifests effort of the Government and farmers. First, it needs the Government to increase investment in rural, in order to improve infrastructure and social security, to implement integration of public products between urban and rural. Secondly the farmers need to be organized effectively, so they will be more active and more influential. Accordingly, Poverty alleviation is exactly the common effort of the Government and farmers to improve rural situation.The last topic is join of the urban and the rural, an important path of lifestyle modernization in rural, which is displayed in the8th chapter. The basic idea of this article is:we should attempt to form integration by melting the urban and the rural. After the year of2004, by the "construction of point towns and towns system", Shaanxi province appearances own characteristics on the rural urbanization. The core is those point towns. Meanwhile, the outstanding issues include rural industry gathering, financial investment on market mechanism, and protecting rural tradition, etc.The conclusion is that, at last32years, these four paths constitute the rural development of Shaanxi Province. Gradually resolving to current problems, these paths will be improved and will form fine mechanism of rural development. Possible innovation in this article. On the way, using comprehensive methods, as well as emphasizing an interaction between the policy and the reality, the author focuses n specific rural society to explore its internal logic. On the points, the article suggests following understanding. Resolving the rural problems, it firstly needs to promote market construction. The second, basic trend of rural governance may be forming multi-layer competition—cooperation. As above points, new rural construction should be completed by the Government and farmers together. The last, urbanization is an "integration" process of urban and rural.

【关键词】 陕西农村现代化路径
【Key words】 rural area in Shaanxi proyincemodernizationpath