

【作者】 丁守伟

【导师】 王玉华;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 武术是中国文化的重要组成部分,被称为是中华国粹之一。经过几千年的发展,到明清时期,在“道”、“气”、“阴阳”、“天人合一”等中国传统哲学观念的浸润下,它最终形成了具有中华特色的理论体系。大多数人认为,技击是它的本质属性,事实上,技击只是它的防身功能,中华武术强调内外兼修,防身、健身、修心,三者合一,才是中华武术的本质属性。“武以载道”、“技进乎道”是中华武术追求的最高境界。武术的“终极关怀”乃是“修心”,所以从本质上说,它是一种具有中国文化特色的“修心之艺”。近代以来,欧风东渐,西方体育伴随着坚船利炮进入中国。随着民族危机的加深,近代的知识人开始将中国传统文化视为造成自身落后的罪魁祸首。而西方体育也被一部分国人视为西方富强的原因之一。在这种背景下,作为中国文化的传统武术,开始以西方体育为坐标,将自身改造为中国式的体育。马良“中华新武术”的编练与推广以及精武体育会对传统武术的改造,开启了武术体育化的大门。随后在激烈的“土洋体育”之争中,武术的体育化进一步得到深化。武术开始迈向运动会,成为运动项目之一。与此同时,在社会各界的提倡下,武术进入学校体育科,成为学生锻炼的体育项目。西方体育以近代的生理学等科学为理论基础,所以武术在体育化的转型中,也是以西方的科学作为武器,对自身进行阐释与改造的。并且在唯科学主义的影响下,武术的科学化成为民国时期武术界为之奋斗的目标。对武术史的整理与研究,是武术科学化的体现之一。而武术与生理学、心理学、卫生学、力学等学科的关系,是武术科学化所关注的重点所在。革除武术的门户之争,也是武术科学化要解决的问题。此外,“国术学”的构建,也反映出武术界人士要使武术成为一门科学的努力。传统武术组织,具名明显的宗法制特征。民国时期,在西方体育的影响下,出现了许多不同于传统武术组织的新式武术社团。他们制定明确的章程与规则,改革传统武术传授形式,积极推广武术。精武体育会与中央国术馆是最有影响力的新式武术社团。其中精武体育会来自民间,中央国术馆为官方武术组织。精武体育会借鉴西方管理模式,实行民主管理,并通过制定各项章程来保证其管理制度的实施。精武体育会还在国内外创办精武体育会分会,使它的足迹遍及中国南部及南洋地区。此外,精武体育会主张男女平等,呼吁女子解放,并创办精武体育会女子分会,进一步扩大了武术的传播对象。中央国术馆是直属于国民政府的官方机构。除中央国术馆外,还设置省市(特别市)国术分馆、县市国术支馆、区国术社及村、里国术社,各级国术馆(社)均受上级国术馆及同级政府领导,体现出了层层节制的特征。中央国术馆也制定了“中央国术馆组织大纲”等诸多规范,其中的“中央国术馆考试条例”将国术考试分为国考、省(特别市)考、县(市)考三级,并制定了考试资格、考试内容、评判方法等。从内容上看,此条例既仿照了传统的武举,又借鉴了西方运动竞赛的模式,体现出中西交融的特点。条例制定后,中央国术馆分别于1928年和1933年在南京举行了两次全国国术考试,它们既扩大了武术的影响,又为以后竞技武术的发展提供了借鉴。除精武体育会和中央国术馆系统外,城市中一些武术团体也具有新式组织的特征,但在广大的农村,武术组织依旧维持旧有的传承组织与制度。近代武术“体育化”的取向,未能全面普及,广大农村仍在传习传统武术,尚保有“本土化”的色彩。民国时期,武术开始有组织地走向海外,向国外传播。精武体育会在南洋建立诸多分会,将中华武术传播到东南亚各地。中央国术馆也参与了中国武术的海外传播,中央国术馆馆长张之江率领“国术”代表团出访东南亚后,各地华侨纷纷建立武术馆、武术学校,进一步促进了武术的国际化。1936年的柏林奥运会期间,中国组织了武术表演团在德国各大城市巡演,让欧洲见识了中国武术的博大精深。近代中国武术,是在内忧外患的背景下,走上转型之路的。在洗刷“东亚病夫”之耻及拯救国难的话语下,“唤醒睡狮”,“国术救国”,成为一部分人的医国方案。在“国术救国”的话语下,身体不仅仅是个人的,更是国家民族生死存亡的根基。身体的国家性,使武术成为了国家政治“规训”的工具。政府控制各级国术馆组织,而武术界也积极向国民政府靠拢,武术界与国家政治盘根错节的关系,表明民国传统武术的转型,具有浓厚的政治色彩。和西方体育相比,中国传统武术是与之完全不同的理论系统,武术的本质并不是一种体育。但因种种因素的作用,自民国以来至今,传统武术走上西方体育式的发展之路,被改造为一种竞技体育运动。这种面向西方体育的转型,导致它自身的变形、异化,并正走向死亡之路。文化是多元的,又是演化的。中国传统文化的转型,应是在多元视野下追求传统的合理化。传统武术的转型,不应走向西方竞技体育之路,应该“返本开新”,在坚守传统武术的文化特色及本质特征的基础上,于现代社会,积极拓展传统武术的现代价值。

【Abstract】 Martial arts is the main component of Chinese culture, and it is called one of the Chinese quintessence. After thousands of years of development, in the Ming and Qing dynasties, under the invasion of the concept of Chinese traditional philosophy of "dao","gas","Yin and Yang,and the" nature and humanity ", it eventually became a theoretical system with Chinese characteristics. Most people think, combat is the essential attribute of it, in fact, it is only its self-defense function, Chinese martial arts lay the emphasis on inside and outside, self-defense, keeping fit, keeping relaxed, but the unification of the three is the essential attribute of Chinese martial arts."Force to carry a way","technology into word " is the highest pursuit of the state of Chinese martial arts,"ultimate care of the Chinese martial arts" is "keeping relaxed", so in essence, it is one kind of the art of keeping relaxed with the characteristics of Chinese culture.Since modern times, the western culture has gradually influenced China, and the western sports have come into China. With the deepening of national crisis, modern educated people began to regard Chinese traditional culture as the main cause of its falling behind. And the western sports is also considered as one of the causes of the western prosperity and strength. In this context, traditional martial art,as Chinese culture, starts to take the western sports as the coordinates and improves themselves as the Chinese sports,"new Chinese martial arts" made up by Maliang and the promotion of famous martial art from the traditional martial arts and sports organization’s reform, have opened up the door of making practicing martial arts as sports. Then in the heat of the "the soil physical" battle between the further deepening practicing martial arts as sports. Martial arts began to become one of sports or games. Meanwhile, in the social advocation from all walks of life, martial arts began to enter the school sports division and become the sports by students.Modern western sports is based on physiology science in theory, so during the transformation of making practicing martial arts, it also uses western science as a weapon, and explains and changes the martial arts. Under the influence of scientism, scientification of the martial arts became the aim of the field of martial arts during the period of the republic。Study and summarization of the history of martial arts, is the embodiment of the scientification of martial arts. And the relationship of the martial arts and physiology, psychology, hygiene, mechanics, and other disciplines is the main concern of the scientification of martial arts. Removing the portal for martial arts is also the main problem for the scientification of martial arts to solve. In addition,"martial learning" construction, also reflects the efforts by the people in the field of the martial arts to make it into a science.The traditional martial arts organization, has obvious patriarchal characteristics. During the period of the republic of China, under the influence of the traditional martial arts, there were a lot of different new martial arts communities different from the ones of the traditional martial artS。They make clear constitutions and rules, reform the form of the traditional martial arts, and actively promote martial arts. A famous martial art gallery is the central martial sports club and most influential new martial arts community. One famous martial art community is from the folk sports organization, and the central martial arts community is an official organization。The famous martial art sports club use western management mode, practise democratic management, and ensure the implementation of the management system through various articles. A famous martial art community has its branch organizations at home and abroad so that it has some influences in southern China and southeast Asia. In addition, a famous martial art sports club advocates the equality between men and women, calls for women’s liberation, and founds a famous branch martial art sports club for women, further expands the spread of martial art objects. The central martial gallery is directly under the government of authorities. In addition to the central martial arts communities, there are also branch libraries in provinces and cities (special city)/martial martial halls in counties, and clubs in villages, the martial martial club, various martial hall (club) are all led by her superior museum or the upper government leaders, reflecting the characteristics of layers of abstinence. The central martial arts museum also made "the central library organization martial outline", and many other standards, one of the "central martial hall set its exam regulations, divide it into three levels of exams called kingdom exam, province (special city) test, county (city) exam and these three levels formulate the test qualifications, examination content, evaluation method, etc.From content, this regulation is modeled after the traditional martial arts and draw on the western athletic competition model, reflect the characteristics of Chinese and western blends. Since the making of the regulations, respectively in1928and in1933the country martial arts community held the national martial arts exams in nanjing for two times, thus they expanded the influence of martial arts, and provided references for the development of competitive martial arts. In addition to a famous martial art museum and the central martial sports organization system, some city martial arts groups also have the characteristics of new tissues, but in the vast rural, martial arts organizations still maintain the old inheritance of the old organizations and systems.The orientation of making Modern martial arts as sports, failed to be universal, the rural areas are still in the traditional martial arts, still keep "localization"During the time of The Republic of China, martial arts began to spread overseas. A famous martial art in Nanyang set up many branch communities and introduced the Chinese martial arts to southeast Asia. The central martial arts hall was also involved in the spreading of the Chinese martial arts overseas, some overseas Chinese all over China set up museums of martial arts, Chinese martial arts schools, and further promoted internationalization of the martial arts. During the period of the Olympic Games in Berlin in1936,China organized martial arts performance groups in each big city and made tours in Germany, so that Europe could see the the profound Chinese martial arts.Modern Chinese martial arts, is in trouble and background of the background, took to the transformation of the way. In rinse "the sick man of Asia" disgrace and save the words of a disaster,"wake a sleeping lion","martial nation", becomes part of the country who medical scheme. In "saving the martial" the words, the body is not just a man, is national survival foundation. The body of the national, make the martial arts into a national political "discipline" tool. At all levels of government control martial library organization, and to the national government is also actively martial names draws close, and the national political the tangled skein of martial names relationship, show that the transformation of traditional martial arts republic, has strong political color.Compared with western sports, the traditional martial arts is completely different theory and system, the nature of the martial arts is not a sports. But because of a variety of factors effect, since the Republic of China, the traditional martial arts took to the western sports type development way, which is ransformed into a competitive sport For the transformation of the western sports, lead to its own deformation, alienation, and headed to the ways of death.Culture is multiple, is the evolution. The transformation of Chinese traditional culture, it should be in the perspective of the traditional multiple pursuit rationalization. The transformation of the traditional martial arts, should not be toward the west road of the competitive sports, should be "the return of the open a new", in the traditional martial arts culture to features and essential characteristics, and on the basis of in modern society, and actively expand the modern value of traditional martial arts.
