

【作者】 付明喜

【导师】 周平;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 民族政治与公共行政, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在现有的民族区域自治制度话语体系里,丰富精深的研究成果纷呈。但对于民族自治地方立法自治的研究,似乎还是一个空白。之所以说“似乎”,是因为已经有不少学者对“自治立法”、“立法自治权”著书立说,之所以说“还是一个空白”,是因为至今仍然没有任何有关民族自治地方“立法自治”的著述。也许是因为我国缺乏自治的传统,人们无意间避讳以“立法自治”这样的视角研究自治立法或自治立法权。然而,考察某个领域是否存在自治属性,从理论上说,主要是要考察这一领域所指向的主体意志是否自主,行动是否自由。在民族自治地方的立法中,一般性地方立法不具有政治学意义上的自治属性,然而,对自治立法而言,其政治学意义上的自治属性是明显的,民族自治地方的自治立法蕴含有政治学意义上的“自治”的属性,在民族自治地方可以讲立法自治。而且,民族自治地方立法自治的存在不但有深厚的法理基础,而且还有重大的客观现实根据。不过,在中国自治语境下,立法自治具有特殊的内涵。它是在单一制国家结构中、在国家统一政治体系之下、在民族区域自治的制度框架下,民族自治地方的自治机关在落实宪法和民族区域自治法所规定的立法自治权的过程中,通过一定的自主立法行为,创制一定的自治性法规,为民族自治地方的行政管理自治提供具体的法律性规范性文件的一个过程。立法自治的目的并不是要破坏国家立法的统一性,更不是为了运用立法权从事国家分裂活动,搞民族自决或民族的完全自治,而是为了与民族自治地方的行政自治相结合,更好的贯彻落实中国的民族区域自治制度。在这一过程中,最核心的要素是立法自治权,立法自治权对立法自治的自治程度具有内在的规定性,从根本上决定了立法自治程度的高低。无论是民族自治地方本身的立法,还是对其他立法主体已经颁布的法律、行政法规的变通或者补充的立法,民族自治地方的立法自治权都是由中央立法机关授予的,是一种派生性的立法权力。从立法自治权主体、立法自治权内容、立法自治权实现形式来看,民族自治地方的立法自治权都是法定的,十分有限,不能随意扩大。而且,自治立法都需要报上级国家机关批准,国家的法律并没有将自治立法权完整的授予民族自治地方自治机关,与一般地方的地方性法规制定权相比,无论是从立法主体和立法程序上看,民族自治地方自治立法的自主性并不是很大。况且,从法的位阶上看,宪法、法律、行政法规是上位法,民族自治地方法规是它们的下位法,在整个中国的法律体系中,民族自治地方的自治性法规一直处于处于相对次要的地位。所以,从作为立法自治核心要素的立法自治权对立法自治的自治程度的内在规定性来看,民族自治地方的立法自治的自治程度必然是十分有限的。即使我们从作为立法自治外化实现形式的自治立法的生产、适用及监督机制来看,民族自治地方的立法自治的自治程度也是十分有限的。从自治立法的具体制定程序来看,因为没有程序方面的制式规定,在立法自治的实践中,大量存在限制民族自治地方自治立法机关立法行动自由的非法定程序,再加上自治立法的批准和备案制度,事实上在程序上严格限定了民族自治地方自治立法机关的立法行动的自由,严重影响了自治立法的产出数量和质量。从自治立法的具体适用来看,由于自治立法本身的立法质量不高,可操作性差,再加上行政机关依法行政的水平不高,公民法律意识淡薄,政治体制的影响,司法机关的不独立,自治立法实施监督机制的缺失等方面的原因,自治立法真正得以实施的程度是十分有限的。从自治立法的具体监督机制来看,我国目前关于自治立法设置的批准、备案、审查、撤销等监督方式存在很多不合理或不完善的地方,监督过严的问题明显大于监督不力的问题,这也影响了民族自治地方进行自治立法的积极性,使立法自治的自治程度难以得到实质性的提高。因此,总的来看,虽然宪法、民族区域自治法、立法法赋予了民族自治地方的立法自治权,设定了民族自治地方的立法自治制度,但是,无论是从民族自治地方自治立法机关的意思表示的真实程度,还是从民族自治地方自治立法机关立法行动的自由程度来看,宪法、民族区域自治法、立法法又采用有形或无形的方式严格限定了民族自治地方自治立法机关的立法行动自由,而且从自治立法的产出数量还是质量上看,产出数量少,立法质量低,这也反过来从实践上印证了民族自治地方自治立法机关立法意思的不自主和行动上的不自由。因此,无论是从立法自治的制度设计逻辑,还是从立法自治的具体实践来看,民族自治地方自治立法机关的自治程度都不是很高的。可是,在当代中国“多元一体”族际关系格局下,“多元”之间的界限不可能在短时间内消失,在全球民族分裂主义的复兴和民族分裂活动高涨的现今世界,我们必须高度重视民族问题,坚持和完善作为中国宪政有机组成部分的民族区域自治制度。民族区域自治制度的核心是自治权,自治立法又是自治机关行使自治权的根本体现和基本保障,说到底,自治权能否得以实现,民族区域自治制度实践价值能否得以践行,关键还要看立法能否自治。因此,我们不用避讳“立法自治”的字眼,而应该在准确界定“立法自治”的法定的“自治限度”的前提下,找寻制约立法自治实践的重大因素,通过正确的立法自治观念、法治化的央地关系、合理配置的自治立法权、完善的自治立法机制来促进立法自治水平的提升,以真正贯彻和落实民族区域自治制度,推动各民族的共同繁荣与发展。当然,在现代宪政民主制度下,一切形式的自治都要以共治为基础,没有共治,就没有自治,共治是自治的保障。自治是相对的,自治的过程必然伴随共治和他治的过程。完全的或绝对的自治都是不可能存在的,也是不可能实现的。与西方的“每个民族都有建立自己民族国家的权利”意义上的“民族自决权”不同,中国民族区域自治中的“民族自治”是以“民族共治”为基础的。民族共治是现代多民族政治生活的纲领性命题。多民族国家可以“文化多元”,但必须保证“政治一体”。国家的统一是实行民族区域自治的前提。作为民族区域自治范畴之一的立法自治,也不能以牺牲国家法制的统一为代价,更不能从立法自治滑向民族自决的迷途。因此,在中国“多元一体”族际关系格局下,我们也不能不顾“多元一体”族际关系格局下“一体”已经存在及其发展的意义,片面地强调“多元”及其界限,在立法自治上走得太远。

【Abstract】 Many research results have been produced in existing discourse about China Regional Ethnic Autonomy System,But It seems that a blank is existing in research about legislative autonomy for the Ethnic Autonomous Regions. On the one hand, many scholars have wrote books about self-government legislation and the power of legislative autonomy, On the other hand, there is still no one book about Legislative autonomy for the Ethnic Autonomous Regions. Perhaps it is because that China lacks a tradition of autonomy, people inadvertently to regard the practice of study autonomous legislation or power of legislative autonomy by the perspective of Legislative autonomy as a taboo behavior.However, there are two standard which are the subject will autonomy and freedom of action to investigate whether a field have autonomous property.In the legislation of the national autonomous areas, for self-government legislation, the political science sense of the autonomy attribute is obvious.Moreover, the existence of legislative autonomy of the ethnic autonomous areas is not only have a strong legal basis, but also have a major objective based on reality.In China, the legislative autonomy has a special connotation. It is a process of the autonomous organs in national autonomous areas to implement the autonomy power of the legislative which are provided by the constitution and the law on regional ethnic autonomy in the context of unitary state structure, national unity, political system, and the institutional framework of regional ethnic autonomy. in this process, in order to provide specific legal nature of the normative documents for the administrative autonomy of the ethnic autonomous areas,the autonomous organs try to create a certain degree of autonomy regulations by a certain degree of independent legislative act. The purpose of the legislative autonomy is not to undermine the unity of the national legislation, engage in the separatist activitiesby the use of legislative power,engage in the full autonomy of national self-determination or national, but rather to a combination of administrative autonomy of the ethnic autonomous areas, better implement China regional ethnic autonomy system.In this process, the core element is the power of legislative autonomy.The power of legislative autonomy not only inherently provided the degree of autonomy of the legislative autonomy,but also fundamentally determines the high and low degree of legislative autonomy. the power of Legislative autonomy is a derivative power of the national autonomous areas,it is very limited and can not be expanded. Moreover, the power of legislative autonomy is not very large, this can be certified by the view of whether the legislative bodies or the legislative process. Therefore, the degree of autonomy of the legislative autonomy of the national autonomous areas is very limited.Even if we look at the mechanism of the production, application and supervision of self-government legislation, the degree of autonomy of the legislative autonomy of the national autonomous areas is also very limited. the specific procedures for self-government legislation has strictly limited the freedom of autonomy in the areas of the legislature for legislative action. And autonomy legislation can not really be implemented. Moreover,a strict monitoring mechanism also impact of the national autonomous areas autonomy legislation.To uphold and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy, we do not care about the wording of the legislative autonomy,on the other hand,in order to promote the common prosperity of all ethnic groups,we should accurately find the major factors which defined the Legislative autonomy level, and enhance the Legislative autonomy level by some true rules to actually carry out and implement the system of regional ethnic autonomy. Of course, as one area of the ethnic regional autonomy, legislative autonomy can not be used to sacrifice the unity of the country’s legal system or slid from the legislative autonomy to national self-determination.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期