

The Influence of Cultural Contact on Nusu Language

【作者】 陈海宏

【导师】 袁焱;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 民族学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文研究的对象是怒苏语,怒苏语主要分布于云南怒江州福贡县匹河怒族乡一带。匹河乡是全国唯一的怒族乡,它是一个主要是由怒族(怒苏支系)、傈僳族、白族(勒墨支系)和汉族等为主的多民族聚居区。本课题以文化变迁理论、语言接触理论以及文化语言学的相关理论为依据,在匹河多元文化交融的历史背景下,探讨怒苏人的语言生活状况,怒苏语固有词的构词理据及文化内涵,以及多元文化交融对怒苏语言文化和语言要素的影响。本文研究的主要内容分为七个部分。绪论部分主要阐述了本文研究的现状和意义,本文运用的理论方法和研究的范围等,以及本文的语料来源和调查合作人的情况。第一章主要阐述怒江多元语言文化交融形成的历史背景,分析了匹河怒族文化环境以及怒苏语与周边民族语言的接触类型。第二章主要是阐述多元文化交融背景下怒苏人的语言生活。第三章主要阐述怒苏语的构词理据,并且分析了怒苏语的亲属称谓、耕猎词语、地名、方位词和颜色词的构成及其文化内涵。第四章主要研究多元文化交融下的语言影响。多元文化交融的历史积淀是外来词,怒苏语中的外来词主要有傈僳语、汉语和白语借词,外来词对怒苏语言文化和语言要素都产生了深远影响。第五章主要阐述多元文化交融下,怒苏语言文化的传承和发展趋势。结语部分,分析了怒江地区语言影响的复杂表现,认为多元文化交融对怒苏语言文化影响深远,提出应当重视保护人口较少民族的语言文化。通过上述研究,我们得出以下一些观点。一、根据匹河怒族与周边傈僳族、汉族和白族接触的实际情形,我们将怒苏语与傈僳语、汉语以及白语的接触分为四种类型,即地缘型接触、宗教文化型接触、教育传播型接触和商贸型接触。二、在长期的族群互动过程中,特别是现代社会生活的不断发展,怒苏人不仅稳定使用其母语怒苏语而且还普遍兼用傈僳语和汉语。怒苏语和兼用语之间在使用功能上和表达功能上相互补充,从而形成了怒苏人和谐的语言生活。三、在怒苏语言文化影响方面,多元文化交融对怒苏人的经济生产生活词语、亲属称谓词语、宗教文化词语、人名和地名等都产生了深远的影响。从经济生产生活方面的借词,我们可以看出怒族社会经济生活的变化,以及怒族与傈僳族、汉族、白族等周边民族经济文化的交往情况。从宗教文化中的借词,我们可以看到怒族传统宗教信仰与“傈僳化”了的基督教文化的相互交融。从怒苏人姓名的演变和匹河地区的民族语地名,我们可以看到匹河地区多元文化交融的历史遗迹。四、在怒苏语言要素影响方面,周边民族语言对怒苏语言要素影响很大。语音方面,怒苏语声母辅音[f]可能是受当地汉语影响而产生的;韵母元音[y]主要出现在汉语借词中,由于怒苏语鼻韵尾已脱落,大量鼻韵尾的汉语借词进入怒苏语后,导致了怒苏语中鼻化单元音和鼻化复元音的增加。词汇方面,怒苏语对傈僳语、汉语和白语等词语的借用是全方位的,怒苏语中借词存在方式是与固有词共存或借词取代固有词。语法方面,大量的傈僳语、汉语等外来词进入到怒苏语词汇中,对怒苏语的构词方式和语序都产生了一定的影响。五、在多元文化交融下,怒苏语具有开放性与封闭性特点,怒苏人的语言使用类型也随着文化的变迁而发生了演变。面对怒族语言文化出现的衰退现象,怒族人民渴望有自己本民族的文字。我们认为多民族聚居区语言文化的发展趋势是相互补充、和谐共存,应当重视保护怒族等人口较少民族的语言文化,多元语言文化共存有利于怒江地区社会的和谐稳定。

【Abstract】 The dissertation is the object of study for Nusu language,Nusu language is mainly distributed in Pihe Village of Fugong County in Yunnan Province. Pihe Nu Village is the only Nu Village in our country, it is the ethnic mixed Districts, its consist of Nu nationality (Nusu branch),Lisu nationality,Bai nationality (Lemo branch) and Han nationality etc. The dissertation takes cultural change theory, language contact theory, cultural linguistics and other related theory as the basis,at multicultural history background,discussing the language life of Lusu people,the word-formation motivation of the Lusu language and its cultural connotation, and the multi-cultural blending take influences on the Lusu language and culture.The dissertation consists of seven parts. The chapter is introductions,its mainly expounds the current research situation and the significance of the dissertation,the scope and the meaning of the research. the subject of the theory and method of use and the area of study, introduces the value and significance of the research,retrospect’s the current study at home and abroad,explains the aim and method of the study,and offers the spots which have been investigated and the persons providing language materials. The first chapter mainly expounds the historical background of the Nujiang multi-language and multi-culture blending. Analyzing the historical and cultural background of the Nusu and Lisu,Han,Bai ethnic groups contact, Nusu language and the surrounding of ethnic language contact type. The second chapter is to describe Nusu’s language life with the multi-culture background. The third chapter mainly expounds the word-formation motivation of Nusu language and its cultural connotation. and analyzing the word formation of Nusu language about kinship terms, plow terms, the primitive religions,the place names,the color words and its cultural connotation. The fifth chapter mainly expounds the inheritance and development trend of Nusu language and culture with multi-culture blending. The last chapter is the conclusion part, it analysis the complex manifestations of the language influence in Pihe region, thinking that the influence of the multi-culture blending is profound to Nusu’s language and culture, we should pay attention to the protection of the minority language and culture.Through the study, we can draw the following views.(1)According to the actual situation of Nusu and the surrounding ethnic groups contact,we divided the contact of the Nusu language and Lisu language, Chinese.Bai language into four categories, namely geopolitical type contact, religious culture form contact, education type contact and business type contact.(2)In the long process of the interactive groups, especially the development of the modern social life, Nusu people not only use native language,but also use Lisu language and Chinese concurrently. Lusu language and the other languages concurrently complement each other in the expression function and the use function, thus it formed Nusu people’s harmonious language life.(3)In Nusu language and culture influence, the multi-culture blending have a profound impact to Nusu language and culture.namely the economic production and life terms, kinship, religious cultural words, Nusu people names and place names,and so on.From the loan words in the economic and production life,we can see that the social economic life changes, as well as the economic and cultural exchanges between Nu nationality with the surrounding nationalities, such as Lisu nationality, Han nationality, Bai nationality ect.From the loan words of the religious culture,we can see the blending between the traditional religious beliefs with "Lisu" Christian culture. From the evolution of Nusu people’s name and the place names, we can see the multi-culture heritage in Nujiang district.(4)In Nusu language elements influence, peripheral nationality language have a profound impact to Nusu language elements. In the phonetic.Nusu language’s Consonant [f] appearing is affected by local Chinese influence, its vowel [y] mainly appears in Chinese loanwords, due to Nusu language nasal consonant rhythm have been deleted, the Chinese loanwords with the nasal consonant rhythm entered the Nusu language,they lead to increasing the nasal monophthongs and the nasal compound vowel in Nusu language. In the vocabulary, Nusu language borrowed lots of words from the Lisu language, Chinese and the Bai language,the The borrowed words are coexist with the proper words or replacing the proper words. In the grammar, many Lisu language, Chinese and other foreign words entered Nusu language, it produced certain effect to the word-formation and the word order of Nusu language.(5)The Nusu language has open and closed characteristics under the multi-culture blending,the use type of Nusu language’s has changed with its cultural evolution.Because of the recession phenomenon of Nu language culture appeared,the Nu people desire to have their own words.We consider that the development trend of the language and the culture in the ethnic communities is complementary each other and harmonious coexistence,we should pay attention to the protection of the minority language and culture,the coexist of the diverse linguistic is beneficial to the social harmony and stability in Nujiang land.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】C95
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】366