

Investigation on Optimization Design Method of Gas Turbine Aerodynamic and Cooling

【作者】 张晓东

【导师】 刘建军;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(工程热物理研究所) , 工程热物理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 燃气轮机广泛用于航空推进、地面工业发电等能源动力领域,在国民经济与国防建设中的作用日显重要。在燃气轮机研究中,提高燃气轮机通流设计水平以及增加透平进口压力和温度是提高燃气轮机性能的主要手段,这就要求要发展先进的透平气动设计技术和透平冷却技术。数值优化方法最近几年先后被引入到透平的气动设计和冷却设计研究当中,它通过优化算法和数值计算方法的有机结合自动寻找最佳的设计方案,充分利用现有技术手段设计出高水平的透平,不仅能降低型号研制成本还能大大缩短研制周期,因此透平的优化设计得到了广泛地重视和发展,在燃气轮机的研制过程中已经取得了很多成功案例。在气动设计方面,国内外学者针对三维叶片几何优化开展了大量的研究工作,取得了诸多研究成果,也证实了通过透平叶片几何优化可以把透平绝热效率提高一个百分点左右;而对于子午流道的优化设计及展向匹配的优化设计研究较少,事实证明在透平方案设计阶段及展向气动设计阶段也存在着较大的优化潜力,在这些环节可以引入优化设计方法作为有力的辅助工具。在冷却优化设计方面,由于冷气通道几何复杂,设计参数繁多,计算量庞大,目前的优化研究多集中于对简单的具有二维几何特征的柱形冷气孔的优化及简单蛇形通道的优化,对于实际的多通道复杂冷却结构的优化设计仍难以实现。本文在此研究背景下主要开展了以下方面的研究工作:1.针对多级轴流透平气动设计的特点,开发了一套完整的多级轴流透平气动设计系统。系统包括基于平均截面准一维设计的方案设计模块、基于多截面准一维设计方法的展向设计模块、三维叶片造型模块及基于1.5维欧拉方程组的透平特性线计算模块。2.通过透平气动设计系统各模块与差分式遗传算法的有机耦合,开展了轴流透平气动优化设计研究工作。包括子午流道的优化设计、展向气流设计的优化和叶片三维造型的优化设计。3.以多目标优化软件IOSO NM为平台,通过集成建模软件、网格生成软件和CFD计算软件建立了透平冷却优化设计系统。分别对平板带肋直通道和三流程蛇形冷却通道进行了优化研究。4.基于瞬态单色液晶捕捉技术建立了带肋冷却通道换热特性实验台。对本文研究的三流程带肋通道进行了实验研究,分别测量了带肋壁面的换热系数和沿流程的压力分布。

【Abstract】 Gas turbine is widely used in the fields of aircraft propulsion and power generation, and plays a significant role in the civil economy and national defense. In the research and development of gas turbine, improving the throughflow design technique and increasing the inlet temperature/pressure are the main approaches to enhance the gas turbine performance. This demands us to explore advanced aerodynamic design method and turbine cooling design method.Numerical optimization method is applied to the turbine aerodynamic design and the cooling design in the last few years. By integrating optimization algorithm and CFD method, numerical optimization method can search the optimal design automatically, and the present design technique can slso be used at best by the optimization. At the same time, the component design period can be shortened and the design cost can be cut down effectively. So the numerical optimization method is drawn more and more attentions and many successful real turbine design cases with optimization technique are reported.In the turbine aerodynamic design, investigations on3D blade geometry optimization were carried out by a lot of scholars, and many achievements and optimization methods were reported. It is recognized that the turbine aerodynamic efficiency can be increased about one precentage by means of3D blade geometry optimization. However, the optimizations aimed at the meridional flow-path and the radial flow matching are fewly reported. Some investigations show that the improvement on meridional flow-path and radial flow matching has more potienal in the increase of turbine performance, and numerical optimization method can be very useful in those processes.In the turbine cooling design, it is infeasible to perform a real blade cooling geometry optimization, because the CFD computations time in blade cooling passage analysis are expensive. At the present time, a lot of investigations aimed at the simple cyclinder-like structure in the cooling passage optimization.The following investigations are performed in this paper:1. An aerodynamic optimization system for multi-stage axial-flow turbine was developed. The system consists of a quasi-one-dimensional method based on the meanline for the preliminary aerodynamic design of the whole turbine stages, a multi-elements method for the radial aerodynamic design of all blade rows, a novel multi-elements auto-blading method and an aerodynamic characterisitics computation method based on1.5dimensinal Euler equations.2. Intergrated the above design parts with Differential Evolution algorithm, a lot of aerodynamic optimization investigations were performaed, including the turbine meridinal flowpath optimization, the radial-matchaing design optimization, and the3D blade geometry optimization.3. Based on the multi-objective optimization software, IOSO NM, a turbine cooling optimization system is constructured. The system employed CAD software to generate parmaterized geometry and CFD software to assess the performace of cooling designs. In the optimization system, a ribbled straight cooling duct and a three-pass ribbed serpentine cooling passage are investigated by the nurmerical optimization technique.4. Using transient sigle-color liquid crystal capturing technique, a test rig for measuring heat transfer coefficient of cooling passage is set up. The three-pass ribbed serpentine cooling passage is used as a test sample to measure the heat transfer coefficient and the pressure drop.
