

【作者】 依丽米古丽·阿不力孜

【导师】 张国杰;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 人类文化与生态环境的关系研究一直是生态人类学最主要的研究课题之一。生态人类学一般认为,文化是人类对特定环境适应的产物。本文在田野调查中获得的第一手资料的基础上,主要运用生态人类学、民俗学及民族学等相关学科的理论方法,研究干旱地区的文化生态适应,文化与环境的互动关系。从世界范围来看,陆地大部分属于干旱半干旱地区。目前,许多半干旱地区正逐步成为干旱地区,结果旱情就引起了一系列的严重的生态危机和社会问题。导致许多人畜死亡的萨赫勒危机是其典型的例子。因此,如今干旱地区的生态状况和可持续发展已成为越来越多的人关注的话题。在这种情况下,对干旱地区人与环境的关系进行研究,在干旱地区的发展中具有一定的意义。本文研究的地点是作为中国最大的干旱半干旱地区新疆。绿洲是人类在干旱半干旱地区的主要生存空间。在长期的历史发展过程中,塔克拉玛干沙漠边缘和腹地的绿洲成为维吾尔族的主要生存空间。维吾尔族人在适应所处的干旱地区生态环境的过程中,通过强烈的适应能力,创造了内陆沙漠干旱区所特有的绿洲农耕文化。本文以地处塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地的于田县达里雅博依乡为例,将达里雅博依维吾尔族人的社会文化放在20世纪初至今的动态的历史过程中,以生态人类学、民族学、生态民俗学等学科的相关理论为依据,运用主位和客位相结合的研究方法,对具有代表性的达里雅博依人的干旱地区沙漠绿洲文化的形成与演变进行历时性的纵向梳理,并在共时性的背景下进行一定的比较研究。在此过程中,阐述达里雅博依人文化的形成及变迁,并反思文化未来走向。与此同时,试图总结干旱地区沙漠绿洲文化的产生、特点及其生存问题。本文包括绪论、正文和结论三大部分,分七章,其中正文五章。具体的研究内容如下:第一章是绪论部分,包括研究缘起、选题目的和意义、相关理论与学术史的回顾、研究方法与田野调查等。第二章作为本论题的铺垫部分,在有关研究成果、历史文献以及田野调查资料的基础上,介绍了达里雅博依人独特的绿洲文化形成的自然环境和社会环境的基础,强调了达里雅博依人生存环境条件恶劣,生态区位偏僻,地广人稀,社会环境相对封闭等特殊性。第三章立足于文化生态学的视角,叙述了达里雅博依人的生计活动与生态环境之间的关系,并指出畜牧生产方式是达里雅博依人对自然条件十分恶劣的塔克拉玛干沙漠环境所作的一种文化选择。第四章以饮食、服饰、居住、工具等物质文化层面为研究重点,从生态人类学和生态民俗学的相关理论出发,对沙漠生态环境和畜牧生产方式下的达里雅博依人的物质文化所透露出的人与环境互动关系进行了较全面的文化阐释,并指出达里雅博依人所处恶劣的沙漠环境的适应使达里雅博依人的沙漠绿洲文化具有自身独特的地域性和简单性特点。第五章将达里雅博依人的风俗习惯、地方性知识、自然生态观以及民族性格等作为研究重点,探讨了达里雅博依人精神文化与生态环境之间的互动关系。同时指出,简朴的风俗习惯,以合作和互助主要内容的社会关系,传统生态知识体系及“与自然和睦相处”的生态观等是他们对自然条件恶劣,地广人稀、相对封闭的生存环境的文化适应的另一重要层面。第六章以相关文化适应和文化变迁的理论为基础,通过大量的实地调查资料和个案分析,探讨上世纪80年代后的生态环境变化和社会环境转变的语境下,达里雅博依人所做出的文化调适。同时指出,环境变迁是导致文化变迁的主要动因之一。第七章是结论部分。本章首先透过达里雅博依人面临的生态危机与生态移民实践,对达里雅博依人的绿洲文化与环境关系的未来趋势进行相应的反思,从而提出了促进达里雅博依人可持续发展的一些建议。再者,透过本个案研究,对干旱地区沙漠绿洲文化与生态环境的关系进行理论分析。本文最后指出,沙漠绿洲文化是绿洲居民积极适应所处特干旱区生态环境的结果;沙漠绿洲文化具有地域性、简单性和脆弱性等特点,这些特点是对特干旱区环境的特殊适应过程中形成的;极为恶劣的生态环境使沙漠绿洲文化具有内在的脆弱性和对环境的依赖性,这种文化总是容易受到干旱区生态环境的影响和支配。因此,一旦生态环境恶化,沙漠绿洲文化的生存危机都是难以避免的。在干旱地区,人与生态环境之间的关系是极为脆弱的。这一点在西部大开发和干旱地区的可持续发展战略中具有一定的警示作用。

【Abstract】 Research on the relationship between culture and environment has been one of the most important subjects in the study of ecological anthropology. Ecological anthropologists generally accept the idea that culture is the result of human adaptation to certain environments. Applying the theories and methods of ecological anthropology, ethnology, folklore and related disciplines as well as based on first-hand materials gained from fieldwork, this thesis mainly explores the cultural adaptation in a desert arid land, and the interrelationship between culture and environment.From the global perspective, a major portion of the lands of the earth are arid or semiarid. Furthermore, many of the semiarid lands of the world are becoming increasingly arid. As a result, a great deal of ecological crises and social problems are appearing. The Sahelian Crisis which brought so many people and their herds to death is the best example for this. Thus, the ecology and the social development of arid regions is currently becoming the focus of attention. In this moment, conducting a study of man-environment relationship in arid lands has a certain practical value in the development of these regions.Xinjiang, the largest arid and semi-arid region in China, is the focus of this research. The oasis is the main living space of human beings in the arid and semi-arid regions. In the long-term course of historical development, the oases on the edge and in the hinterlands of the Taklimakan Desert have become the main living space of Uyghurs. By adapting to the environment of this arid region, Uyghurs have created the unique oasis culture particular to the inland desert arid region.This paper, in taking the Deryaboyi Oasis of Yutian County as an example and in putting the oasis culture of the Deryaboyi Uyghurs in a dynamic historical process from the beginning of the20th century to the present, examines the representative ecological adaptation of Deryaboyi Uyghurs in arid region and their unique Desert Oasis Culture. Theoretically, the paper uses the theories of cultural adaptation in ecological anthropology as well as related theories in ecological folklore and ethnology. Methodologically, it puts together emic and etic research methods and uses the historical document method and makes comparative analysis in both diachronic and synchronic contexts. In the process, this paper interprets the formation and evolution of Deryaboyi Uyghur’s oasis culture and investigates its possible future trends. On the basis of this case study, this paper summarizes the formation, feature and survival of Desert Oasis Culture in this arid region.This paper is composed of seven chapters. The main content of this paper is as follows:Chapter1, the introduction, states the origin, purpose and significance of this research. It also outlines the theories and methodology on which this paper based, drawing from both domestic and foreign research.Chapter2draws a picture of the natural and social living environment of the Deryaboyi Uyghurs and emphasizes the features of this environment.Chapter3is about the subsistence strategies of the Deryaboyi Uyghurs. Here, much attention has been given to the relationship between the subsistence economy and the ecological environment from cultural ecological perspective. This chapter points out that pastoralism is a successful adaptive strategy in the hyper-arid land, the Taklimakan Desert, which Deryaboyi Uyghurs have achieved.Chpater4offers a core description of material culture: diet, clothing, housing and tools. From the perspective of ecological anthropology and ecological folklore, it presents a detailed analysis of the interrelationship between man and environment which is revealed in the material culture formed in the background of desert environment and the pastoralist mode of production. It is pointed out in this chapter that Deryaboyi Uyghurs created the unique Desert Oasis Culture with the main features of simplicity, regionality, and ecological adaptability in the process of ecological adaption to the harsh environment of the Taklimakan Desert.Chapter5concerns with spritiual culture. This chapter interprets the interaction between spiritual culture and environment by describing the folk customs, local knowledge, ecological views and ethnic characteristics of Deryaboyi Uyghurs. It is the main idea of this chapter that the simple customs, social realtionship with the main content of cooperation and mutual assistance, unique traditional local knowledge system and the ecological view of "man as a part of the natural world" comprise other important aspect of the cultural adaptation of Deryaboyi Uyghurs to an inhospitable environment and isolated society.Chapter6deals with cultural change of Deryaboyi Uyghurs. Special attention has been given to exploring the cultural adaptation of Deryaboyi Uyghrus in the context of eco-environmental and socio-environmental change after the1980’s. This chapter emphasizes that environmental change is one of the major factors that causes cultural change.Chapter7is the conclusion. The first half of this chapter considers the future trends of the relationship between Deryaboyi Uyghur’s culture and the environment through analyzing the reality of ecological crisis and ecological migration issues that Deryaboyi Uyghurs are facing. It also puts forward the author’s own idea regarding the promotion of sustainable development for this special group. The second half of this chapter presents the theoretical analysis of the relationship of the Desert Oasis Culture in this arid region and the ecological environment through the case study of Deryaboyi Uyghurs.Based on the theoretical analysis of the culture-environment relationship, this paper argues that Desert Oasis Culture is the result of successful adaptation to the realities of this arid region; that Desert Oasis Culture has the main features of regionality, simplicity and vulnerability; and that the harsh environment of this hyper-arid region has made Desert Oasis Culture inherently fragile, structurally simple and strongly dependent. This culture is always strongly influenced and controlled by the ecological environment. Therefore, given that, ecological deterioration is appearing, it is difficult to avoid the crisis of the existence of Desert Oasis Culture. It is clear that the relationship between man and environment in arid regions is extremely vulnerable, a point that is very important in the development strategies of Xinjiang, the unique arid region, and other arid regions.

  • 【分类号】C912.4;C95
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2370
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