

【作者】 陆丽明

【导师】 黄凤显;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 《左传》是先秦时期一部重要的典籍,该书记载了春秋时期诸侯国之间的聘问、会盟、征伐、婚丧、篡弑等,是研究春秋时期社会状况的重要典籍,对后代影响深远。本文选取唐代散文为切入点,从宏观角度和微观角度来考察唐代散文接受《左传》的情况,以期为《左传》研究找到新的视角。论文有由绪论、正文和结尾三部分组成。绪论主要论述论文的选题意义和价值;相关研究的学术史;论文的研究内容以及研究范围。论文的第一章论述唐代接受《左传》的文化背景和社会条件。首先简单介绍《左传》的成书时间、主要内容以及它的经学、史学、文学性质。然后论述皇室及朝廷官员等构成的主流社会成员对《左传》重视,他们在社会政治、日常生活受到《左传》的影响情况以及《左传》在唐代科举考试中的作用。论文的第二章主要从唐代散文家的教育、科举背景入手,结合他们自己对《左传》的评价,并从后世评论家对他们作品具体篇目与《左传》的师法关系的评点中探究他们对《左传》的接受情况。首先通过考察唐代散文家的教育科举背景,了解他们对《左传》的研习情况并进行分析。其次,论述古文运动的先驱者萧颍士、李华、独孤及等人对《左传》的评价以及他们在散文中对《左传》的接受情况;三,论述韩愈对《左传》的批评和接受。韩愈主张学习先秦、两汉的古文,反对“时文”,他的散文与《左传》有着密切的关系;第四,论述柳宗元《左传》的批评和接受。第三章探讨《左传》思想在唐代散文当中的延续。《左传》不仅标志着中国历史散文的重大发展,是中国古代散文的典范,而且它体现的思想对后世文学也产生深远的影响。唐代散文中洋溢着《左传》中所体现的史家强烈的作传意识、秉笔直书精神、经世致用思想、忠君重民思想等。第四章探讨《左传》与唐代诸体散文之间的传承关系。《左传》不仅具有文学的性质,而且注意刻画人物性格,情节曲折,语言生动,初步具有了后世传记文学的特征。不仅如此,《左传》对其它各类文体的形成也有重要贡献。本章重点探讨《左传》开创的传记体、箴文体、书信体、铭文、哀祭文等诸体散文在后世的流变过程,与唐代诸体散文的关系,以期探讨文体内部的规定性、美学特征、文化意蕴等。结语部分就唐代散文接受《左传》的特点进行总结。

【Abstract】 "Zuo Zhuan" is one of the important Classics of Pre-Qin period, The book statement the CHunQiu period between the kingdoms of meeting, visit, conquest, weddings and funeral, Usurp power and Regicide, It is a imporant Classics Study on the social status of Pre-Qin period, It had made profound effects on the later, This paper selects the Tang Dynasty prose as the starting point, From the macro and micro perspective the acception Zuo Zhuan of Tang prose, In order to find a new perspection of the Zuo Zhuan study.The paper has three parts. It’s composed of introduction, the body and the end, The introduction mainly discusses the significance and the value of study, the Research of the academic history, The research content and the research scope.The first chapter of the thesis discusses the Tang Dynasty to accept" Zuo Zhuan" cultural background and social conditions, at the first introduce it’s main contents as well as its classics, history, nature of literature. Then discuss the royal family and court officials constitute the mainstream society of "Zuo Zhuan" attention, what They are influen by " Zuo Zhuan" at Daily life or Political life, then discuss " Zuo Zhuan" in the role of the Tang Dynasty imperial examination.The second chapter explore their acceptantion from the Tang Dynasty, imperial essayist education background, combined with their own" Zuo Zhuan" evaluation, and from the later commentators on the specific contents and their works" Zuo Zhuan" to imitate the relationship in the comments on" Zuo Zhuan". Through inspects the Author of the Tang Dynasty education background and their study of "Zuo Zhuan" to Analysis, Secondly, the guwen prose movement pioneer, Li Hua, Xiao Yingshi Duguji acception of Zuo Zhuan. In the third, Han Yu discusses the" Zuo Zhuan" criticism and acceptance, Han Yu advocated learning the ancient, Han, against the" language" and" Zuo Zhuan", his essays are closely related; fourth, Liu Zongyuan discusses" Zuo Zhuan" criticism and acceptance.The third chapter discusses" Zuo Zhuan" thought Continua in the prose of the Tang Dynasty."Zuo Zhuan" not only marks the Chinese historical prose and great development. It also the ancient Chinese prose in the model, and it reflects the thoughts on literature of later ages also produced far-reaching effect. Tang Dynasty prose permeated with the" Zuo Zhuan" reflected the historians strongly as the transmit consciousness, spirit of Confucian thought of loyalty, write the truth without fear or favor, people-oriented idea etc.The fourth chapter discusses" Zuo Zhuan" in Tang Dynasty and the inheritance relationship between the prose." Zuo Zhuan" not only has the nature of literature, but also pay attention to the characters, plot twists and turns, vivid language, initially with a later biographical literature, not only such," Zuo Zhuan" for other types of style formation has important contribution. This chapter focuses on" Zuo Zhuan" to create a biography, pro style, epistolary, inscriptions, mourning style prose in the later evolution, and the relationship between Tang Dynasty prose, in order to explore the internal rules of style, aesthetics, cultural implication.The conclusion summarized part on prose of the tang receiving "Zuo Zhuan" features.

【关键词】 《左传》唐代散文接受影响
【Key words】 "Zuo Zhuan"Tang Dynastyproseaccepttioninfluence