

【作者】 韩笑妍

【导师】 张丽君;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 全球经济一体化继续推进,带动了商品与资本、技术、信息和服务等生产要素跨国界流动的规模不断扩大,程度日益加深。作为全球经济一体化最为显著的表现形式之一——区域经济一体化的发展正方兴未艾。而区域经济合作与竞争促进了要素自由流动和区域大市场的形成,无论国际间还是国内区域合作,都是以分工利益和专业化利益为基础的。区域经济合作在促进区域产业发展的同时,提出了新的挑战和要求——产业对接。产业对接其实是区域间产业竞争与合作的结果,如何进行产业对接对于我国欠发达地区提高产业竞争力和产业发展具有重要的现实意义。近几年,区域经济合作中“产业对接”这个词汇出现的频率越来越高,国内呼声较高的有:泛珠三角其他地区与珠三角产业对接、京津唐产业对接等;闽台产业对接、粤港产业对接等;国际间比较热的对接有:中国沿边省份与东盟产业对接、山东半岛与日韩产业对接等。就现实情况看,相对落后的地区是产业对接的发动者和支持者,发达地区对产业对接有所呼应,但实际行动并不积极,也没有具体抓手。可以说,产业对接的规模和效率并没有理论预计的好,市场机制的不完善及各种壁垒的存在都是产业对接效率不高的重要原因。内蒙古与环渤海经济圈同处华北,地缘相近、人缘相亲、文缘相承、商缘相连,具有悠久的合作历史。随着内蒙古近年来经济迅猛发展,与国内外经贸合作频繁,尤其是与环渤海五省市在对口支援、能源工业、商贸和社会事业方而的合作更加密切。但从繁体上看,这种产业合作主要停留在能源、电力、交通等基础设施层面上,还处于产业对接的初级阶段,缺少统一分工和协调机制。从产业经济学的角度看,区域经济关系主要是选择合适的产业分工模式,进而最大限度地发挥各地区的比较优势,形成区域经济发展合力。如何优化区域内部的资源配置,使之形成区域竞争力,实现双方的共赢,是环渤海五省市和内蒙古而对的重要问题。“十二五”期间,国家对京津冀、辽中南和山东半岛蓝色经济区的发展提出了具体要求,而《全国主体功能区规划》也对内蒙古重点开发区做了明确规定。困家规划的出台为内蒙古与环渤海地区的产业对接提供了巨大市场潜力和题材。内蒙古与环渤海五省市经济发展水平呈现出的多层次性使得两区域今后存在着广阔的产业合作空间。本文从产:业对接的视角,探讨如何发挥内蒙古与环渤海地区的比较优势,实现要素合理组合的基础上,加强产业合作,沿着观察-实证-分析-判断的研究路线,借助于区位熵等计量方法,分析出内蒙古与环渤海地区在农业、工业和服务业对接的重点领域和方向。以理论分析和实证研究相结合的方法,探讨了双方产业对接的对策建议。在研究过程中,本文注重提出产业对接既要符合自身利益,保障自身产业对接中利益最大化,也要建立符合对接方的利益的合作机制,保障对接方在产业对接中的利益,达到双赢的局面,降低合作的风险与交易费用,提高合作各方的投资回报率和合作项目的成功率。避免陷入围绕落后地区承接产业转移的方向来论述。论文主要内容为:导论:本部分为全文的总括性章节。阐述了选题的背景和意义,特别是论述了对于欠发达地区的内蒙古如何与相对发达的环渤海地区产业对接的重要价值。接下来做了系统的文献综述,并对本文的研究思路和结构安排进行了布局。第一章:产业对接的相关理论概述。主要对产业对接、产业转移、发达与欠发达区域相互作用,产业对接与区域间相互作用等理论进行梳理分析,并对产业对接概念进行界定,提炼出与本文具体研究对象有重叠和可运用的相关理论及规律,并探讨其在内蒙古与环渤海产业对接下应用的可行性。第二章:主要论述内蒙古与环渤海经济圈产业对接的历史条件和现实基础,通过对内蒙古经济和环渤海地区在历史上的经贸往来及合作基础进行深入的挖掘,并结合当前两地产业发展的特点及各自的优势,探讨了产业对接的必要性和可行性。第三章:通过对内蒙古与环渤海地区产业对接的现状和问题的剖析,从供求层面、政策层面和企业成长层面,对双方产业对接的潜力进行挖掘和论证。第四章:重点阐述内蒙古与环渤海经济圈产业对接的原则和内容。通过修正后的区位熵方法确定产业对接的内容,其对接内容包括:工业对接、农牧业对接和第三产业对接。在确定了对接的内容后,就工业、农牧业和服务业对接的重点领域和方式进行详尽的剖析和阐述,提出可操作性的路径参考。第五章:内蒙古与环渤海经济圈产业对接发展的政策建议,在前儿章研究基础上,结合中东欧国家融入欧盟经济圈的实践,提出加快内蒙古与环渤海经济圈产业对接发展的对策建议。

【Abstract】 With the global economic integration continuously advanced, the scale of factor production, such like product, capital, technology, information, service and so on, flowing internationally is expanded and deepened. The development of regional economic integration, one of the most significant manifestations of the global economic integration, is still making tremendous progress. Industrial connection is the outcome of industrial competition and cooperation among areas. By boosting regional industries, the cooperation and competition of regional economy facilitate both the unconfined flow of factors and formation of regional unit market, and provide the broader market to reconfigure factors for the development of local areas, propounds unprecedented challenges and requirements-industrial tie-in. Implement of industrial connection has momentous practical significance for those less developing areas in China, which will solve nourishing industrial competitiveness and industry subsisting development in the future years. Due to the imperfection of market mechanism and barrier, the implementation effect of industrial tie-in is not as good as theory’s prediction. The regional cooperation is playing the increasingly important role in economic globalization. Regardless of international or domestic, regional cooperation, it is all based on the division of interests and professional interests.In recent years, the terms of industrial connection appear with increasing frequency referring to regional cooperation. In China’s mainland: the Pan-Pearl River Delta region and Pearl River Delta industrial tie-in, Beijing, Tianjin and Tangshan industrial connection; for Greater China: industrial connection between Fujian and Taiwan, Hong Kong and Guangdong; China also connect with foreign countries:Chinese border provinces and ASEAN industry, Shandong Peninsula with Japan and South Korea industrial connection. Viewing from the practice, the relatively less-developing areas are the launchers and supporters; those developed areas, lacking of positivity, would echo them without specific start point.Inner Mongolia, the Bohai Economic Circle, which are both the North China, and their geographically closed, popularity to each shared, culture shared, commercial connected, have a long history of cooperation. Recent years, with the rapid economic development of Inner Mongolia, frequent domestic and international economic and trade cooperation, it especially embraced its counterparts support, energy industry, commerce and social aspects with the the provinces and cities of Bohai Sea. As a whole, this industry cooperation mainly focuses on energy, electricity, transportation and other infrastructure. However, it is still in the primary status of regional integration, and lack of a unified division and coordination mechanisms. From the view of industrial economics, the relations regional economy is to determine the right mode for industrial division, and then maximize the comparative advantages of each regions to the formation of regional economic development efforts. The Bohai five provinces and Inner Mongolia is confronted that how to optimize the allocation of resources within the region, so that the formation of regional competitiveness and to achieve a win-winFrom the perspective of industrial connection, based on the rational combination of factors, one is to explore how to play the comparative advantages of Inner Mongolia and areas of the Bohai Sea, and to strengthen industrial cooperation, following research path of observation, demonstration, analysis, determinant, by means of the location entropy to analyze the major fields and direction of agriculture, industry and services for Inner Mongolia and Bohai Sea region. The way of exploring the countermeasure and suggestion for industrial connection of the two areas is combining the theoretical analysis and empirical research.In the course of the study, this dissertation focus on that during industrial connection, one side should not only optimize its own benefits, but also establish a mechanism to protect the interests of the other side. By achieving a win-win effect, both docking sides can reduce risks and transaction costs of cooperation, and improve the rate of return on investment and the number of successful projects of cooperation. Avoid to falling into the backward areas to undertake industrial transfer to prove the point that industrial docking just those regions’wish.During "12th Five-Year" period, China has put forward specific requirements to the development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei economic zone, central south of Liaoning and the Shandong peninsula blue economic zone, and National Plan for Development Priority Zones made its clear key to development of Inner Mongolia. Initiative of national policies for industrial connection of Inner Mongolia, the Bohai Rim region, provides a huge market potential and opportunity. Multi-level of economic development showed in the two areas presents a broad industry cooperation space.The main contents are as bellowed:Introduction:This section generalizes all chapters of the full text. It explains the background and significance, in particular, discusses the important value of industrial connection between relatively developed industrial areas, Bohai Sea and less developing regions, Inner Mongolia. Then, does systematic bibliography review; arranges the research ideas, and layout structureChapter1:Overview of the theory of industrial tie-in. I mainly analyze the interaction of the connection between developing and developed regions, and define the concept of industrial connection, refine the relative theories and regular patterns with this dissertation’s specific, and to explore the feasibility.Chapter2:The economic development status of Inner Mongolia and the Bohai Economic Zone and their historical conditions and realistic foundation of the industrial tie-in. This chapter mainly Inner Mongolia economic and Bohai Zone region in the history of economic and trade exchanges and basis for cooperation in-depth mining, combined with the two economic development, discusses the necessity and feasibility of the industrial docking; summed up the current industrial docking status and problems.Chapter3:The principle and conception of industrial connection between Inner Mongolia and the Bohai Sea Economic Zone. According to the geographical status, the natural conditions, socio-economic development and the developmental requirements, it follows the principles and potential of in-depth analysis.Chapter4:Focuses on the docking of the Inner Mongolia and the Bohai Economic Rim industry. Revised location quotient method to determine the contents of the industrial docking include:industrial docking, agriculture and animal husbandry, industry tie-in, the detailed analysis and elaboration of the key areas and modalities of industrial, agricultural and service sectors industry tie-in, put forward a workable path reference.Chapter5:Policy recommendations on the industrial connection between Inner Mongolia and the Bohai Economic Zone. Based on the previous chapters, and combined Central and Eastern European countries into the EU economic circle practice, one proposes industry connection’s countermeasures recommendations to speed up the development of Inner Mongolia, the Bohai Rim Economic Zone.
