

【作者】 敖云那生

【导师】 德力格尔玛; 包满亮;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文在前人研究的基础上,利用“蒙古语阿拉善上语语音声学参数数据库”,采用定量和定性分析相结合的方法,对阿拉善上语元音、辅音和词重音问题进行了较系统地研究。本文由绪论、正文、结论与展望、参考文献、附录等部分组成。其中第三、第四和第五章为论文的主要部分。第一章(绪论)主要介绍阿拉善盟简况、阿拉善土语语音研究概述以及选题意义、研究内容、研究目标和研究方法等。第二章主要介绍研制“蒙古语阿拉善土语语音声学参数数据库”的思路、方法和功能等概况。第三章主要探讨了阿拉善土语元音问题。所得出的结论如下:(1)阿拉善土语词首音节有/(?)/,/e/,/i/,/(?)/,/(?)/,/?/,/(?)/,/?/等8个短元音音位;(2)非词首音节有[(?)],[(?)],[I],[(?)],[θ],[ε]等6个短元音,可以用/e/或/θ/代表其典型变体。与词首音节短元音相比,它们有明显的央化(趋中)趋势;(3)词首和非词首音节有/(?)/,/(?)/,/(?)/,/(?)/,/(?)/,/?:/,/(?)/,/?/等8个长元音音位,与词首长元音相比非词首长元音同样有央化(趋中)趋势;(4)有/?e/,/(?)i/,/(?)i/,/(?)/,/(?)/,/(?)/等6个复合元音,从声学研究角度看这些复合元音都属于后响(上升)二合元音。(5)阿拉善土语有出现频率较高的非成音节元音(弱短元音),这些非成音节短元音的音值与非词首音节[I],[θ]等元音的音值接近,可以用[θ]和[i]来标记。第四章主要探讨了阿拉善土语辅音问题,所得出的结论如下:(1)阿拉善土语有[p][ph],[t][th][k][kh]等塞音,有[ts],[tsh],[(?)][(?)h]等塞擦音。塞音、塞擦音在声学格局图上分布两个区域,形成两个主要的聚合区。如,[p]、[ph]、[t]、[th]、[k]、[kh]等塞音都集聚在二维坐标前半区,而[ts]、[tsh]、[(?)]、[(?)h]]等塞擦音都集聚在二维坐标后半区。不送气塞音[t]和送气塞音[th]在声学格局中一般居于最上和次上位置。其中,不送气塞音[t]在格局中一般占据最靠左位置,送气塞擦音[tsh]和[tfh]右的位置。(2)阿拉善土语有[S],[(?)],[x]等清擦音。这些辅音不同位置上的共振峰(CF2-CF5)总体分布模式相对稳定。从三个辅音的共振峰(CF2-CF4)分布模式可以判断,[x]辅音的舌位比[f]辅音靠些。(3)阿拉善土语有[m],[n],[η](鼻音),[l](边音),[f](闪音),[w],[j](半元音)等浊辅音。这些辅音不同位置上的共振峰(VF1-VF5)总体分布模式也相对稳定。从[m],[n],[η]等三个辅音的共振峰(VF1-VF4)分布模式中可以看出,它们之间的差别主要体现在VF2上。阿拉善上语有出现频率较高的/f/辅音,该辅音有[f、3、r、J](?)等四个变体。其中闪音[f]是典型变体。(4)浊音和清擦音在复辅音中主要承担前置辅音,而清塞音、塞擦音和擦音在复辅音中主要承担后置辅音。由这些辅音构成复辅音组合时,中间无需弱短元音。第五章主要探讨了阿拉善土语词重音问题,所得出的结论如下:(1)词重音与词的类型有关。(2)阿拉善上语双音节词的重音在第二音节上。阿拉善上语双音节词音强和音高分布模式为:除L-S类双音节词(该类词的音强最高点在第一音节上)外,其他3类词(S-S类、S-L类和L-L类)的音强最强点都在第二音节上。双音节词第二音节音高都比第一音节相对高,即使是L-L类双音节词也不例外。(3)大多数三音节词的重音不在第一音节上。音强和音高分布模式为:S-S-S类和S-S-L类三音节词的音强最强点在第三音节上。S-L-S类、S-L-L类、L-L-L类和L-L-S类三音节词的音强最强点在第二音节音上;L-S-L类和L-S-S类三音节词的音强最强点在第一音节上。除L-S-S类三音节词(该类词的音高最高点在第二音节上)外,其他七类词(S-S-S类,S-S-L类,S-L-S类,S-L-L类,L-L-L类,L-L-S类和L-S-L类)的音高最高点都在第三音节上。

【Abstract】 The Mongolian Alasha Sub-dialect refers to the sub-dialect spoken by the Mongolian people living in Alasha left and right prefectures of Alasha League. It is considered as a branch of one of the six sub-dialects of Inner Mongolia, namely the Central dialect. In this study, we based our work on the acoustical parameter database of Mongolian Alasha Sub-dialect, using a method combing quantitative and qualitative analysis to described the Alsha Sub-dialect vowels, consonants and word stress.The dissertation divided in5chapters:Introduction, Description and Analysis, Conclusion and implication, References, Appendix. Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V are the core part of the thesis.In the introduction,(referred as Chapter I),we describe briefly the Alasha League and gibes a general overview of Alasha Sub-dialect phonology, we then justify the choice of the thesis’s topic and give precision about the research materials, research aim, method, purport of the study.Chapter II, we give a brief introduction about the ideas, methods and database functions developed in "An Acoustical Parameters Database of Mongolian Alasha Sub-dialect"s.Chapter III, the study of the Alasha Sub-dialect’s vowel system has led us to the following conclusions:(1) The Alasha Sub-dialect has8initial syllable short vowels/(?)/,/e/,/i/,/(?)/,/(?)/,/?/,/(?)/,/ae/;(2) The Alasha Sub-dialect’s non-initial short vowels has a tendency to centralization, the six short vowels [3],[(?)],[I],[(?)],[e],[ε]can be represented by/(?)/or/θ/as being typical variant of these6vowels.(3) there is8long vowels that can be used as initial syllable and non-initial syllable:/(?):/,/e:/,/i:/,/(?):/,/(?)/,/?:/,/(?)/,/?:/. Compared with initial syllable, non-initial long vowel has a trend of centralization.(4) The Alasha sub-dialect has6diphthongs/?e/,/ui/,/ni/,/u(?)/,/(?)?/,/u?/. From acoustical perspective the diphthongs belong.to rising diphthongs.(5) In Alasha Sub-dialect there is high frequency of non-syllable vowel (reduced short vowel), which acoustical value is close to the non-initial syllable vowel [I] and [e] values, that is why it can be tagged as [e] and [i].In Chapter IV, we mainly focused the research on Alasha Sub-dialect’s consonants and our analysis has led us to the following conclusions:(1)Alasha Sub-dialect have stops [p],[ph],[t],[th],[k],[kh]and affricates [ts],[tsh][(?)],[(?)]-Stops and affricates presented aggregation features in VOT, GAP grid and formed two major aggregation areas:the stops [p],[ph],[t],[th],[k],[kh] gather in front half of the two-dimensional coordinate while the affricates [ts],[tsh],[(?)],[(?)h] are concentrated in the latter half of the two-dimensional coordinate. The unaspirated stop [t] locates at the highest position in the acoustic pattern figure, and the aspirated stop [th] locates at higher position in the acoustic pattern figure. In general, unaspirated stop [t] occupies the most left position in the pattern while aspirated affricate [tsh][t(?)h] is located at the most right position.(2) Alasha Sub-dialect have voiceless fricative [s],[(?)],[x] it can be seen from the consonant [s],[(?)],[x] different locations of these in word (CF2-CF5) that their frequency distribution pattern is relatively stable. It can be judged from the distribution pattern of the three consonant’s frequency (CF2-CF4), that [x] consonant’s point of articulation is a bit later than [(?)].(3) The Alasha Sub-dialect have voiced consonants such as nasal [m],[n],[?]; laterals [l]; the flap/f/and semi-vowels [w],[j]. From the word’s different locations,[m],[n],[?],[l],[j] consonants we have detected Frequency (VF1-VF5) parameters, the overall distribution pattern of those consonants Frequency is relatively stable. The three consonants [m],[n],[?] Frequency (VF1-VF4) distribution pattern has been observed, the difference between those consonants in mainly reflected in VF2. The consonant/f/are used at high frequency. The flap consonant/f/have four variants, namely[r],[3],[r],[(?)] and the typical variant of/f/consonant’s not a trill [r] but a flap [f].(4) Consonant clusters, voiced and fricative consonants are used as front consonants while stops, affricates and fricatives used as rear consonants. These consonant clusters do not need a reduced short vowel in middle of syllable. The Chapter V, We have focused the research interest on the Alsha Sub-dialect’s words stress, our analysis has led us to the following conclusions:(1) word stress and syllable type short(S) or long (L) are directle related.(2) The Alasha Sub-dialect disyllable word stress on the second syllable. S-S type, S-L type and L-L type in disyllable word the second syllables are relatively stronger than the first syllable, only L-S type in disyllable word the second syllable is weaker than the first syllables. In disyllable words including S-S, S-L, L-L and L-S type, the second syllable pitches are relatively higher than the first ones, even if the syllable type is L-L.(3) Tri-syllabic word stress has a trend of ranking backwards (except for there is a long vowel within in syllable). In tri-syllabic words including S-S-S and S-S-L syllable types, the third syllable intensity is always the strongest. In S-L-S, S-L-L, L-L-L and L-L-S syllable types, the second syllable intensity is strongest. In L-S-L and L-S-S syllable types the first syllable intensity is strongest. In tri-syllabic types S-S-S, S-S-L, S-L-S, S-L-L, L-L-L, L-L-S, L-S-L, the third syllable pitch is higher than others, but in L-S-S syllable types the second syllable pitch is higher than the first syllable and the third syllable.

【关键词】 阿拉善土语语音声学研究
【Key words】 Alasha Sub-dialectPhonologyacoustic analysis