

【作者】 王乐宇

【导师】 宋才发;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 我国合伙企业法律制度需要加以完善。一方面,《合伙企业法》中的一些条文表述不够严谨,逻辑处理存有瑕疵;另一方面,《合伙企业法》中的一些制度设计不够精细,预见性有嫌不足,使得某些现实社会关系得不到法律对位调整。因此我国《合伙企业法》在适宜的时候应予再次修订。由理论到实践推进我国合伙企业发展是本文酌定的根本研究路径,实证研究是本文采取的主要研究方法。本文致力于达到如下两方面目标:第一,梳理我国合伙企业法律制度的历史演进过程,以民族地区为视角,探讨我国合伙企业法律制度进一步完善的必要性;第二诠释合伙企业的人合性与资合性,对我国合伙企业法律制度展开相对系统的研究,提出具体立法建议。本文以我国《合伙企业法》的具体规定为立足点,从法律变革与社会变迁的密切关系出发,围绕完善合伙企业法律制度这个核心,除导言和结语外,分如下六章展开研究:第一章研考我国合伙企业法律制度的产生与演进。合伙企业与合伙在概念上是种属关系,本章介绍了我国合伙制的萌芽与发展,详析合伙企业法律制度的确立过程,剖释出《合伙企业法》修订的必要性和主要内容。第二章以民族地区为视角论证我国合伙企业法律制度应予进一步完善。本章介绍了我国民族地区合伙企业在本世纪初期的发展状况,认为《合伙企业法》虽然历经了2006年的修法过程,但线条与轮廓仍嫌粗略,需要在理论探究和实践验证的基础上于四个方面作出更进一步地完善,而民族地区较之我国其他地区对此有着更为迫切的诉求。第三章探讨我国合伙企业当场登记制度的完善。本章分析了商事登记制度的源起和本质,对我国合伙企业的两种登记审核方式进行细致解析,认为应在有关立法中明确“能够当场登记”的具体情形,以合理限制登记机关工作人员的自由裁量权,提高登记效率,实现制度公平。第四章研究我国普通合伙企业不执行合伙事务合伙人权利制度的完善。我国普通合伙企业中的合伙事务执行有三种方式,本章对它们进行列举说明,认为法律对不执行合伙事务合伙人的赋权规定存在着逻辑上的矛盾,没有理顺监督权与提出异议权间的属种关系,更不应将提出异议权与撤销委托权局限于同一法律条文中。本章为此提出了关于普通合伙企业不执行合伙事务合伙人权利的条文整合方案,对《合伙企业法》第26条—第29条的规定作出了逻辑调整。第五章讨论我国有限合伙企业合伙人基本义务制度的完善。权利与义务是法的基本范畴之一,二者互为依存,相互联动,不可厚此薄彼。但在特定历史条件下,义务本位有其必要性和合理性,我国应走具体情况具体分析的立法道路。从某种意义上说,合伙人的基本义务是我国转型期有限合伙企业健康存续的结点。本章对我国有限合伙企业普通合伙人的信义义务与有限合伙人的出资义务进行深入研究,并对有关这两项合伙人基本义务的规定提出具体可行的立法完善措施。第六章阐释我国合伙企业合伙人变动制度的完善。实践中有限合伙企业的普通合伙人与有限合伙人间可能会发生身份上的相互转变,法律应在该转变过程中加大对债权人的保护力度,以保障交易安全。本章对有限合伙企业合伙人身份转变过程中的责任承担进行了集中探讨,主张法律应合理设定相关规则,以充分保障当事人与利害关系人的合法权益。同时,本章还对合伙企业因合伙人数量变更出现的仅余一类合伙人或者一个合伙人的“极端”情形进行深入解析,认为应完善和出台相关的法律规制措施,以保障该类企业的交易自由和第三人的交易安全。

【Abstract】 Chinese partnership enterprise law system needs improving in some aspects. On the one hand, some clause’s expression isn’t sufficiently rigorous and has defects existing in logic treatment in The Partnership Enterprise Law. On the other hand, some system design isn’t sophisticated enough in the law and its foreseeability isn’t sufficient enough so as to make some realistic social relations can’t get the law’s corresponding adjustment. Consequently, our country’s The Partnership Enterprise Law should be revised once again at a timely moment.This paper seeks to promote Chinese partnership’s development. Its fundamental research way is from theory to practice; its main research method is empirical research. This paper will be committed to achieving the following two goals. First, it will introduce the history development of Chinese partnership enterprise law system and discuss the need of improving Chinese partnership enterprise law system at the angle of our country’s minority nationality areas. Second, it will illustrate the characteristic of person cooperation and property joint of partnership enterprise and conduct a relatively systematic study on our country’s partnership enterprise law system and offers some specifically legislative advice.Based on the specific provisions of Chinese The Partnership Enterprise Law and from the intimate connection between legal changes and social changes, this paper carries out the research around the core of perfecting the partnership enterprise law system and is divided into six parts besides preface and epilogue as follows:Chapter I researches the emergence and development of Chinese partnership enterprise law system. In concept, partnership enterprise and partnership is subordination. This chapter introduces the sprout and development of our country’s partnership system and analyzes the establishment process of our country’s partnership enterprise law system in detail. At the same time, the need and main contents about amending our country’s The Partnership Enterprise Law is explained in the chapter as well.Chapter II argues that our country’s partnership enterprise law system needs to further consummate at the angle of Chinese minority nationality areas. This chapter introduces the partnership enterprise’s development in China national regions in the early part of this century. The writer thinks that the lines and contours of our country’s present The Partnership Enterprise Law are still sketchy although the law was amended in2006. This paper proposes that our country’s present The Partnership Enterprise Law needs do a further perfecting in four aspects on the basis of theory exploration and practice corroboration. Chinese national regions has a more urgent appeal than Chinese other parts towards the perfection.Chapter III Probes into the institutional perfection on our country’s partnership enterprise registration on the spot. This chapter analyzes the origin and nature of the business registration system and makes a thorough analysis of Chinese partnership’s two approving registrations ways. The writer insists that our country should clearly state the specific conditions in related legislation on "may register on the spot" and reasonably limits the discretionary power of registration agency’s staffs for the purpose of increasing the registered efficiency and realizing the institutional fairness.Chapter IV deliberates the institutional perfection on non-executive partner of the partnership affairs people’s right in our country’s general partnership. There are three execution ways to the partnership enterprise’s affairs in general partnership. This chapter gives a particularization to these ways and thinks that the law has a logic contradiction to the empowerment provisions about non-executive partner of the partnership affairs people because it doesn’t rationalize the subordination between the authority to supervise and the right of raising objection and shall not restrict the two rights to a clause. Therefore, this chapter puts forward the law integration plan to non-executive partner of the partnership affairs people’s right in a general partnership and makes the logic adjustment from article26to article29in our country’s The Partnership Enterprise Law.Chapter V discusses the institutional perfection on partners’ fundamental duties in Chinese limited partnership. Rights and duties are one of law’s basic categories and are closely related to each other and mutually interactive. So we should not make fish of one and flesh of another. However, under particular historical conditions,"Obligation Standard" has its rationality and Necessity. Our country should walk her legislative path analyzing specific circumstances in-depth. In a way, partners’obligations are a strategic point to a limited partnership’s healthy existence in China transition period. This chapter will make a thorough research on the general partner’s fiduciary duties and limited partner’s investment duties and puts forward some feasible legislative improvement measures about the relevant provisions.ChapterVI expounds the institutional perfection on partner changes in our country’s Partnership enterprise. In practice, between general partner and limited partner in a limited partnership may happen a status change each other. In this transformation, the law should pay attention to do more to protect creditors in order to guarantee transaction Security. This chapter focuses on the responsibility to bear in this transformation and argues that the law should set reasonable relevant rules in order to ensure fully the legitimate rights and interests of the parties and interested parties. At the same time, this chapter makes the thorough analysis to the "extreme" situations only keeping one kind of partner or a partner that takes place over partner number’s alteration course and considers our country should enact legislation and improve the relevant supervisory regulations to ensure such enterprises’ transaction freedom and third person’s transaction security.

  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1813
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