

【作者】 WAI WAI THI (邹丽冰)

【导师】 吴应辉;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着中国综合实力的增强和国际地位的提升,迎来了汉语国际传播的新时代。许多国家都掀起了学习汉语的热潮,汉语正迅速地走向世界。近年来,孔子学院和孔子课堂作为汉语国际推广的重要载体,在世界各地呈现出蓬勃发展的态势。据国家汉办的统计数据,截至2011年12月,已经建立了358所孔子学院和500个孔子课堂,分布在105个国家和地区,注册学员达50多万。与中国山水相连、“胞波”(同胞兄弟)情谊绵长的缅甸,华文教育早在19世纪就已经开始,历史可谓悠久。然而,在全球“汉语热”持续升温的大背景下,缅甸的汉语传播却滞后于其他国家。具体表现如:汉语教学边缘化,靠民问办学力量在夹缝中生存;没有一所孔子学院,仅建有两个孔子课堂;全缅在校生800多万中,每年学习汉语者不足10万。缅甸具有良好的华文教育基础,并且拥有优越的地缘条件,然而,汉语的传播却始终不顺畅。这背后的深层原因究竟何在?制约和促进汉语传播的因素有哪些?针对缅甸的政治、经济、教育、语言政策等特点,应该采取哪些策略推动缅甸汉语快速传播?缅甸汉语传播模式的提炼会给其他欠发达国家带来什么有益的启示?这些都将是本研究重点探讨的问题。本研究运用了文献研究法、宏观综合分析法、田野调查法、访谈法、定量与定性相结合的研究法,从整体上考察缅甸的汉语教学现状,包括汉语作为母语教学和汉语作为外语教学的情况,再结合缅甸的政治、经济、教育、语言政策等因素,对汉语教学的特点及存在的问题进行分析。论文从总体上可分为三大部分,第一部分,研究背景介绍,交待研究目的及意义、研究方法、研究内容、前人研究综述。第二部分,缅甸汉语传播情况及存在的问题,首先介绍缅甸国情、中缅友好关系,并对缅甸的汉语传播进行历时研究。然后分别从教师、教材、教法“三教”问题入手,分析缅甸汉语作为母语教学和缅甸汉语作为外语教学的情况,分析缅甸汉语传播的发展因素和制约因素。第三部分,对缅甸汉语传播及发展方略进行理论探讨,并提出具体的建议。中缅之间密切的经贸合作关系、良好的政治气候及缅甸华人华侨的坚韧执著是缅甸汉语传播的发展因素;而缅甸教育体制的相对封闭、汉语地位受限、华人身份未获认同以及汉语教学体制的不健全,是缅甸汉语传播的制约因素。“非政府现象”是缅甸汉语传播最为突出的特点,政府主导的汉语教学虽存在,但仅限于公立学校,相关外语教育政策惠及的是这一有限的范围。更广泛的汉语教学,如华文学校、孔子课堂、汉语培训机构等,既没有被明令禁止,也没有得到来自政府的支持和推动。换言之,政府持不鼓励不反对的态度。这部分汉语教学应社会需求而生,自然而然地发展,虽未被纳入缅甸主流教育,是边缘化的,但因其覆盖面广,在整个华人社区有广泛的基础,因此,具有相当大的影响力。从这个意义上说,非政府渠道可成为缅甸汉语传播的策略之一。本研究提出,“嫁接式引才助推模式”是缅甸实现汉语传播跨越式发展的一个有效途径。所谓“嫁接式引才助推”包括两层涵义,一方面是指在缅甸汉语教学原有的基础上,引进先进的汉语教学资源和师资,以产生优化效果,使缅甸汉语教学提升到一个较高层次。民办学校在缅甸汉语教学中具有较强优势,由于受到种种束缚和制约,其发展此起彼伏,一直很难有大的突破。值当前缅甸新政府大幅度改革和扩大对外开放的时机,汉语教学的转型升级也大有可为。笔者认为,应该引进中国在汉语教学方面的师资、教材、教学法等资源优势,与缅甸传统的汉语教学进行嫁接,优势互补,带动本土学校在师资培训和汉语教学特色上下功夫,从而提高教学质量,在嫁接的基础上实现优化。另一方面,缅甸汉语传播目前属于非政府现象,但我们希望也相信,不久的将来政府能够发挥主导作用,进行顶层设计,制定相关政策和战略规划,从更高层面上推动汉语教学的发展。“嫁接助推模式”可从政府辐射区开始,由上至下、由官方到民间,实现层级发展,政府的推动力越大,越有助于从整体上促进缅甸汉语教学的跨跃式发展。本研究也提出了推动缅甸汉语快速传播的五项具体建议,即:从国家层面上进行汉语教学的顶层设计、制定统一的汉语教学大纲与评估标准、加强教师培训以提高教师综合素质、优化课程设置和编写本土化教材。综上所述,本研究不仅对促进缅甸汉语传播有一定的参考价值,而且对其他面临相似挑战的欠发达国家的汉语传播有一定的借鉴和启示作用。作为个案研究,缅甸汉语传播研究中的理论探讨和思考在一定程度上也将丰富汉语国际传播理论。

【Abstract】 As China experiences enhancement of its comprehensive power and international status, international promotion of Chinese language has strode into a new age. Many countries have seen domestic heat of Chinese learning. Chinese language is reaching out to the world quickly. As important carriers of Chinese language in globalization, Confucius Institutes and Confucius classrooms are flourishing worldwide. According to the data issued by Hanban, by December2011,358Confucius Institutes and500Confucius Classrooms have been established in105countries or regions all around the world, with500000registered students.China and Myanmar are two neighboring countries with close geographic links and long traditional friendship. Chinese language education started as early as in the19th century in Myanmar. However, the spread of Chinese language in Myanmar lags behind other nations in the global context of "Chinese fever". The current situation of it is embodied by:marginalized Chinese teaching which remains a narrow survival with the support of non-governmental powers; no existence of Confucius institute but two Confucius classes; no more than100,000Chinese learners enrolled each year out of over8million Myanmar students at school.Myanmar has a good foundation for Chinese education, and boasts superior geographical conditions. However, Chinese language does not enjoy undisturbed spreading. What are the underlying causes behind the phenomenon, and what are the factors facilitating or restricting Chinese spread? Considering the characteristics of Myanmar’s politics, economy, education and language policy with compound factors of its status quo, what kind of strategy can promote the development of Chinese in Myanmar? What kind of positive resource can we draw upon from the study of the mode of Chinese language’s spread and make it referential to other less developed countries? These are main problems to be discussed in focus of this study.By using such research methods as literature review, macro-comprehensive analysis, field survey, interviewing, and combining quantitative and qualitative analysis, this paper forms a comprehensive view of the current situation of Chinese language teaching in Myanmar, including teaching Chinese as the mother language or as a foreign language, and presents an analysis of the traits and problems of Chinese teaching in consideration of Myanmar’s politics, economy, education and language policy.This paper consists of three main parts. Part I is an introduction to the background of the research regarding its purpose, significance, methods, content and literature review. Part II reports the overall situation of Chinese teaching in Myanmar. Firstly, it introduces the national condition of Myanmar and the relationship between China and Myanmar, and then makes a diachronic study of Chinese language’s spread in Myanmar. Secondly, from the perspectives of teacher, teaching material and pedagogy, a series of analyses have been made focused on the general situation of teaching Chinese as the mother language or as a foreign language in addiction to factors that propel or impair Chinese teaching in Myanmar. Part III opens a theoretical discussion over strategies for the development of Chinese language in the country.The study finds that there are three contributing factors to Chinese spread in Myanmar:the rapid development of bilateral trade and economic cooperation between China and Myanmar, favorable political atmosphere, and the indomitable spirit of overseas Chinese in Myanmar. On the other hand, four factors are found to constrain the language’s development:the relatively closed education system, restrained status of Chinese language, unacknowledged identity of overseas Chinese and unsound system of Chinese teaching.The study also found that,"non-governmental phenomenon" is the most prominent feature of the current situation of Chinese spread in Myanmar. Even though the Chinese teaching does operate to some extent under government’s guidance, the situation is only seen in public schools which enjoy benefit from relevant policies of foreign education in a rather reserved scale. The Chinese teaching of other types, such as Chinese schools, Confucius Classrooms and language training institutes, are neither supported, nor prohibited by laws, without encouragement or objection from the government. These forms of teaching survive and develop due to the need of the society. Although it does not come into the main stream of national education system, it is very influential, because it spreads and covers the whole area of Chinese communities in Myanmar. In this meaning, non-government channels can be one of the strategies of Chinese spread in Myanmar.It is proposed that,"optimizing through grafting" could be an effective approach to the dramatic development of Chinese spread in Myanmar. There are two layers of meaning in it:for one part, Chinese teaching in Myanmar could be optimized by an integration of the nation’s domestic foundation for Chinese teaching and introductions of foreign capital, resources and foreign talents, and thus be promoted to a higher level. Private schools enjoy advantageous conditions in Chinese teaching, but owing to various kinds of restraints and confinements, their promotion of Chinese language has been on a bumpy way without dramatic development for long. Facing the timing of opening wider to the outside world and substantial reform by the new government, there are bright prospects to upgrade Chinese teaching. Optimization results could be realized through grafting favorable resources from China in terms of teachers’contingent, teaching materials and methods to Myanmar’s traditions in Chinese teaching, through advantageous complement so as to propel its teachers’training and form its specialty for the overall improvement of Chinese language’s teaching.For another, Chinese spread in Myanmar is a non-governmental phenomenon at present. We do hope that the government will take a leading role by top-level designing, formulating relevant policies and strategic planning, pushing forward Chinese teaching onto a higher level. The model of "optimizing through grafting" can be implemented by government’s radiation in an inclination of top-down and graded levels from the official to the folk. The higher the government’s force is, the better for Chinese leaping development in Myanmar.This paper also puts forward five concrete suggestions that can be helpful to promoting Chinese spread in Myanmar, which are:top-level design by government; to establish Chinese teaching program and assessment standards; to strengthen teachers’training and improve the quality of teachers; to optimize the curriculum; to compile localized Chinese language textbooks.To sum up, this research not only has certain referential value for Chinese spreading in Myanmar, but also a good source of reference and enlightenment for other under-development countries that are facing similar challenges in Chinese spread. As a case study, theoretic thinking of this research will enrich the theory of Chinese globalization in particular.
