

【作者】 于欣

【导师】 文日焕;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在朝鲜文学史上,朝鲜朝的女性文学在国文和汉文创作方面都留下了不少的作品,这一时期也是女性汉诗创作的高峰期。妓女诗人由于其身份的特殊性,使得她们在汉诗的创作方面取得的成就更为显著。从目前的研究来看,无论在韩国还是中国,朝鲜朝妓女的创作已经得到广泛的研究,但是研究其汉诗创作的不多,而且都集中在对李梅窗、黄真伊的研究上,其他妓女诗人很少涉猎。本文试图从女性的立场、女性的视角和经验,通过细读文本去倾听朝鲜朝妓女诗人那超越文学作品意义的心灵的诉说和呻吟,考察她们的生命活动方式,透过她们以声色示人的表象向这一群体的文化心理深层拓展,同时分析她们诗作中独特的书写方式,发现她们在朝鲜文学史甚至是文化史上所扮演的重要角色。本文论述的内容包括三个方面:其一,朝鲜朝妓女诗人汉诗创作兴盛的原因。审视朝鲜朝时期造成这些妓女诗人大量出现的社会条件:男权至上的观念,官妓的存在;同时梳理出在这种大背景下的妓女诗人自身的原因:内心世界抒情的需要,与仕宦交往的需要。从主观原因和客观原因两个方面入手,对朝鲜朝妓女诗人生活和创作的文化空间作总体观照。其二,朝鲜朝妓女诗人汉诗的主题取向。从整体上对现存的妓女诗人的诗作进行主题的研究,分为追求浪漫的爱情、省视自己的人生、思考生存的意义三个部分,并将其置之于朝鲜朝女性诗歌的创作中与闺阁诗人及妾室的诗作进行比较,以呈现这一主题的独特的思想内涵。其三,从对话的角度对妓女诗人这一独特的创作群体的语言特色进行研究。闰阁女子、妾室及民女进行诗歌创作仅仅出于兴趣或爱好,较多地富于自遣自娱的色彩,而妓女诗人实际上是在为其心理上设定的某个人而写的,她们写诗不是为了炫才,而主要在于表情,是期待着对方对自己的这份表白的回应,所以她们努力发挥着诗的对话功能,表达着对对方的执着和思念。在这一部分,应用对话理论这一研究方法,从朝鲜朝妓女诗人汉诗中常见的对话语气和对话方式入手分析其诗歌中的对话特质。通过分析,本文试图得出这样的结论,即尽管朝鲜朝妓女诗人因生活面不宽,社会地位所限,在她们笔下展示的社会现实不够广阔,也有一些为博取男性的欢心的无病呻吟之作,但是这只是其中极少的一部分,大多数的妓女诗人以其不俗的才情,在周旋于官宦文人之间,侍酒宴乐的生活之余,用诗歌这一形式,表达了自己的思想和情感,从这些诗作中可以真切地感受到她们内心的起伏和情感的波动。她们的诗是完全意义的女性心灵史,她们的抒情有着无法替代的独特价值,在朝鲜诗歌史和朝鲜女性文学史上都留下了她们独特的印迹,印下了鲜活的不可磨灭的一页。

【Abstract】 In the history of Korean literature, many works are made by women of Chosen dynasty in Korean language and Chinese, female Chinese poetry reach peak. Because of their special identity, prostitute poets, have achievements in the creation of Chinese poetry. I try to listen the voice beyond their works meaning by reading carefully the text from the standpoint, perspectives and experiences of women, study their way of life activities, expand their cultural psychological through the appearance of sensual show, found their important role in the history of Korean literature and even in the history of Korean in the paper. The main part of the paper is composed by three aspects:Firstly, the reason for prosperity of prostitute Chinese poetry in Chosen dynasty. Looking at the reason of social condition why a lot of prostitutes’poetry appears in Chosen dynasty:the concept of male supremacy and the presence of courtesans. At the same time finding out the own reason of prostitutes:the needs of their inner lyric and the needs for contact with officialdom. In this part, reflecting the prostitute poet’s living and the cultural space of creation, from the subjective reasons and objective reasons.Secondly, the subject orientation of prostitute poet’s Chinese poetry in Chosen dynasty. In this part, I divide subject into three parts:pursuit of romantic love, observe their own life, think the meaning of life. I put the poetry into the creation of women poetry of Chosen dynasty, compare with the poetry boudoir and concubine, and present the unique ideological connotations.Thirdly, study on linguistic features of prostitute poet’s poetry from the dialogue. The boudoir, the concubine and the girl write poetry just out of interest, to some extent, it has entertainment herself. But the prostitute writes poetry for the man who stays in her heart. They don’t show their talent, but they express their feeling. They expect the answers from the man, so they play the dialogue role of poetry. They write their feeling by turning spoken into owe language, but seldom use allusion.The prostitute poet’s Chinese poetry is beyond other dynasty in Korean no matter the quantity or the quality. Even though the social reality is not broad in their works, some times they write the poetry for winning the men’s favor. Of course that is a little fraction, they express their real feeling and emotion by writing poetry when they contact with the officials and literati. The prostitute poet’s Chinese poetry of Chosen dynasty is the history of the female mind, and their lyric has the value that can not replace. Because of their poetry, the prostitute left their unique imprint in Korean poetry history and Korean female literature history, and their works is not indelible.
