

【作者】 史可非

【导师】 赵令志;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 专门史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文以明遗民为研究对象,以明清之际为时代背景,以日本为空间范围,试从明清史、中日关系与文化交流史的视角,努力将视野置于明清时期中日关系演变与清初满汉异质文化整合的历史背景下,对中国遗民文化问题展开研究。通过对文献与史料的梳理与解读,不断发掘东渡明遗民的事迹与功绩,在着力对其精神志操进行再现并张大,在展现时势变换中遗民群体跌宕起伏命运的同时,对其个体在中外文化交流中发挥的作用及产生的影响进行总结,并对其历史价值与时代意义进行论证。全文由绪论、正文及附录三部分组成。绪论部分主要说明研究动机、选题价值及意义。继而对学术前史进行回溯,了解学界在相关研究上的情况及现状,并对先行性研究成果进行评析综述、探讨尚可拓展的研究空间,为本文提供论述基础。正文部分共分七章。第一章共分三节,阐明遗民现象产生的渊源。主要对中国遗民现象的出现、概念的演变进行回溯,针对历代遗民的时代语境及其文化背景的不同特点,通过对遗民现象产生的思想根源进行探讨、对遗民与逸民的概念进行辨析,进而对于梳理中国遗民意识从发展至稳固及群体产生的历史脉络进行梳理与论证。第二章共分两节,着重分析明遗民具体所处的时代环境背景。先从日本与明朝建立朝贡关系为起始,对明朝与日本国家关系的发展、演变进行回溯,同时注意从朝贡贸易名义下东亚“华夷秩序”体系的大视野中发端,关注女真(满)民族与日本民族的相互认知、关系对于政权、国家交往产生的影响,对明遗民东渡的成因进行剖析。第三章共分两节,讨论明遗民的构成与出海的条件。首先对东渡明遗民群体中的基本构成进行阐释,锁定论述重点。继而从古代航海条件、明末航路恢复以及日本华侨社会情况三个方面,论述明遗民出海东渡与留居的现实条件。第四章共分三节,划出明遗民东渡大的时代分期及各阶段特点。分别从中国大陆明清抗争形势变化以及南明、台湾与日本海上往来动态的两个方向,对各个时期明遗民东渡的特点、重要活动以及联动影响进行论证,力图使相关历史得到全景式的展现。第五章共分三节,主要考察东渡明遗民中的典型个案。从东渡明遗民群体中择取三位最具代表性、又恰好是中国传统思想文化中三个最重要组成部分的人物,即“儒”朱舜水、“道”陈元赟、“释”隐元进行专论,通过对其各自事迹与功绩的论述,凸现并张大东渡明遗民群体中优秀者的时代辉煌。第六章共分四节,对东渡明遗民的历史贡献进行总结综论。具体论述朱舜水的授业、修史、思想等方面对于日本儒学政治产生的积极影响。隐元在日本开创黄檗宗与心越禅师推广曹洞宗对于日本佛教禅宗发展上的重要贡献。此外,通过对明遗民传播中国文人书画推动日本文美工艺的发展、独立(戴曼公)及其他中国医生传授治痘术等传统疗法与医药学知识造福大众、陈元赟融会少林拳法编创日本柔道促进武学交流等史实进行专论,全面展现清初东渡明遗民对于日本社会发展做出的贡献。第七章共分两节,提炼个人对于东渡明遗民的价值与意义的整体观点。通过对中日两国“华夷之辨”意识形态的对比,剖析日本“华夷”观的内在实质。首先揭示日本作为近世东亚华夷秩序下不安因子的事实,继而引出日本社会进入“文治”转型期后,再度勃发引入中国文化热潮的时代背景,继而对于值此期间东渡明遗民群体的历史价值、时代意义与启示作用进行评析,在对其积极作用进行评价的同时也指出其存在的局限性,体现作者对论证主体的整体把握。附录部分由辅助正文的重要图表组成。具体包括:清朝皇帝世系表、南明政权简况表、德川幕府将军系谱表、明末清初中国赴日贸易商船数量统计表、清代《皇清职贡图》“日本国夷人”图说以及东渡明遗民活动总括表。

【Abstract】 The thesis research on loyalists of Ming Dynasty, in the period between Ming and Qing Dynasty, in the area of Japan, from the perspective of Ming, Qing history, analysis the culture exchange between China and Japan, in the historical background of Sino-Japan relations evolution and Manchu-Han culture integration of early Qing Dynasty, and study in the culture of Chinese loyalist’s history. From the interpretation of literature and historical data, continued to explore the deeds and achievements of east going loyalists of Ming Dynasty, reappear their spirit, at the meanwhile demonstrate the fate of loyalists’group ups and downs, summarize the individual’s affects in the Chinese culture exchange, demonstrate the historical value and the time significance.The article consists of three parts:introduction, main body, and appendix.The introduction explains the motivation of the research and the value of the topics, fatherly reveal the previous academic history, introduce the related research and existing status, analysis and review the pilot study results, investigate the scalable issue, and provide the dissertation basis.The main body consists of seven chapters.The first chapter contains three section, introduce the origin of loyalists appearance, reveal the appearance of Chinese loyalists and the development of conception, analysis historic environment of the loyalists and the different features of the culture background, by means of investigating ideological root of loyalists’emerge and discriminating the principles of loyalists and hermits, in order to combing the development of Chinese loyalists conscious, and historical context of the groups’ emerge.The second chapter contains two sections, analysis the background of loyalists of Ming Dynasty. At the beginning of tributary relationship between Ming Dynasty and Japan, reveal the relationships’development and change, and in terms of’Hua’and’Yi’(Sino-Barbarian) Order under the tributary trade, pay close attention on cognition of Jurchen (Manchu) ethnic and Japan, analyze their relationship’s inspect of the nation and the reason of Ming Dynasty east going.The third chapter contains of two sections, discussing the composition of the Ming loyalists and the conditions for their sailing to Japan. It begins with explaining about the basic composition of the group known as the Ming loyalists and comes to the focus for discussion. Then the chapter discusses the practical conditions for the Ming loyalists’sailing and residence from the aspects of sailing conditions, the restoration of voyage route during the Late Ming Dynasty and the situation of the Chinese community in Japan.The fourth chapter consists of three sections, dividing generally the period of Ming loyalists’sailing east to Japan. It analyses the characteristics of each period of sailing east going to Japan, the important activities they participated and consequences, in order to provide a panorama of the historical events, from perspectives of the changing situation of Anti-Manchu Movement in China and of the relationship between The Southern Ming, Taiwan and Japan.The fifth chapter consists of three sections, investigating typical cases of Ming loyalists sailing to Japan. It analyses the cases of three figures, the Confucian Zhu Shunshui, the Taoist Chen Yuanyun and the Buddhist Yinyuan, all of whom played an important role in the history of the Chinese thought. It depicts the heyday of the group of the Ming loyalists in Japan through the account of the achievements of those figures.The sixth chapter consists of fourth sections and summaries the contributions of the Ming loyalists in Japan to history:the positive influences of Zhu Shunshui through his teaching career as well as his historical and ideological studies; the great achievements of Yinyuan in Japan through the foundation of a new Buddhist denomination and of the Master Xinyue in the history of the Japanese Zen Buddhism through his promotion of Caodong denomination; the contributions of the Ming loyalists in terms of painting; the contributions in the field of smallpox medicine as well as in Chinese Wushu (e.g. the invention of the Japanese Judo) The whole seventh chapter is divided into two sections, briefly explained the author’s understanding of the contribution and significance of those adherents of Ming dynasty immigrated to Japan. By comparing the similarities and differences about the argument of’difference between Chinese and barbarians’between China and Japan, the author intends to probe deeply into the essence of this position and, meanwhile, reveal the fact that Japan was the tension under the frame of East Asia in recent centuries. In addition to above, the author furthermore provides not only analysis of the historical contribution, significance and enlightenment of the group of people at that period of time, but also evaluates the positive impact and limitations, reflected author has overall grasped of the argumentation. Appendices enclosed are key graph and related content, for instance, table of descent of Qing emperors, brief table of South Ming regime, genealogy table of Tokugawa Shogun, statistics of Chinese merchant shipping to Japan during transition of Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the Japanese barbarian in The imperial Qing duty tribute picture, and general list of activities organized by those adherents of Ming dynasty.
