

【作者】 康新凯

【导师】 刘永佶;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 石油等化石能源一直是人类社会发展的基本物质条件,今天仍然是国民经济发展的主要能源支柱。但是,这类能源同时存在一些难以克服的缺陷。即资源的有限性和对环境的污染,并日益严重地威胁着人类社会的安全和发展。生物液体能源是以生物质为原料生产的液体燃料,不仅可作为交通运输燃料,还是许多化学产品的原料。作为替代能源,相对于煤基、气基液体燃料,生物液体能源的优势十分突出:一是原料来源广泛,潜力大,可再生,不存在资源枯竭问题;二是能直接带动农村经济发展,对提供农民就业岗位和增加农民收入上可以发挥重要作用,有利于“三农”问题的解决。同时也为实施中央提出的“城乡社会经济一体化”和“以工补农”战略部署提供有力的“抓手”和“载体”。除此之外,生物液体能源还拥有正面的节能与减排效益和有助于改善生态和环境的作用。因此,生物液体能源产业已成为世界上一些国家竞相开发利用的重点课题。我国西部地区,生物能源资源极为丰富的,同时还具有发展生物能源产业所必需的大量的土地资源(如荒山荒地、盐碱地等)、劳动力资源和巨大的市场空问优势。因此,大力发展生物液体能源产业,不仅对西部大开发战略的实施提供一个产业支撑,而且对区域特色经济与特色产业的发展、西部地区民生问题的解决和建立和谐稳定的民族关系等具有十分重要的战略意义,还对我国优化能源结构、保障国家能源安全和稳定能源供应体系也具有十分重要意义。目前,世界上较成熟的生物液体能源主要是指燃料乙醇和生物柴油。鉴于此,本文通过对我国西部地区生物液体能源产业的生物质能资源及发展现状的调研和资料收集,结合2005~2010年全国及各省(区)相关统计数据,首先在对其生物液体能源产业发展现状及其综合效应评估的基础上,阐述了该产业发展目前存在的问题;其次,在对西部地区的生物液体能源产业的生物质能资源的现状进行定量评价及其潜力进行分析的基础上,提出了西部地区生物液体能源产业发展的区域布局的建议;最后,基于循环经济的理念提出了生物液体能源产业的技术模式,并对每种模式的原料收购模式进行了构建。具体结论如下:(1)在对西部生物液体能源产业的效应评价方面,其生物液体能源产业无论在经济、环境与社会方面均有很大的带动效益,可以带动产业地周边的发展,且多数产业具有循环经济的性质与基础,部分也可以作为CDM项目。总体上该产业对环境的影响是有利的,而对于不利影响,在采取相的应的改进措施后,是可以避免的。(2)西部地区目前生物液体能源产业存在的主要问题是:原料资源基础仍然薄弱;产业技术发展水平不高;原料资源综合利效益低,缺乏竞争力;产业的相关政策和市场环境不完善。(3)在对西部地区生物液体能源产业的资源进行评估方面,本文以2005-2010年的西部各省(区)农业等方面的统计资料,按平均值计算了西部各省(区)的不同类型生物质能资源的生产量和折算后的可利用量。结果为:总的生物质液体能源产业资源可利用量总计为30548.27万吨,其中纤维素生物质资源、非食用粮糖油类作物资源和废弃食用油脂资源的可利用量分别为8240.02万吨、22281.50万吨和26.75万吨。单位面积可利用的生产生物液体能源原料资源密度最大的5个省(区)是贵州、广西、云南、四川和陕西。农村人均可利用的生物液体能源密度最大的新疆,其次是内蒙古、贵州、云南和广西,而最小的是西藏自治区。(4)基于对西部各省(区)的资源蕴藏量、优势资源类型及其未来的发展趋势,本文对西部各省(区)的生物液体能源产业的发展方向和重点提出了建议。(5)基于循环经济理念,本文提出了农作物秸秆为主的纤维素—乙醇产业模式、非食用粮糖—乙醇产业模式、木本油料植物—生物柴油产业模式和废弃食用油—生物柴油产业模式四种典型的产业发展模式,为了保证每种模式的原料的供给稳定性和可持续性,本文分别对上述四种模式的原料收购模式进行了构建。

【Abstract】 Fossil fuels such as petroleum has been the basic material conditions of the development of human society.and it’s still the major source of energy pillar of the national economic development at the present day. However,The type of energy at the same time there are defects that are difficult to overcome,such as limited resources and environmental pollution,which is serious threat to to security and development of human。Biological liquid energy liquid fuels based on biomass as raw materials, not only can be used as a transportation fuel or the raw materials of chemical products.As alternative energy, as opposed to coal-based and gas-based liquid fuels, the energy advantages of biological fluids is very prominent:First, which has a wide range of sources of raw materials, and has great potential, it’s renewable, and it’s no resource depletion; second,it’s directly contributing to rural economic developmentand is conducive to the "three rural" problems.In addition, bio-energy liquid also has a positive energy-saving and emission reduction benefits and help to improve the role of ecology and the environment.Therefore, biological fluids and energy industry has become the key topic of racing to develop the use of some of the world。China’s western region, has extremely rich in bio-energy resources, and has a lot of land resources(such as the barren hills and wasteland, saline-alkali soil, etc.) which is necessary for development of bio-energy industry,labor resources and huge market space superiority. Therefore, great efforts to develop bio-liquid energy industry, not only is an industry support of implementation of western development strategy, but also has great verys trategic significance for the regional economy with local characteristics and features of industrial development, livelihood problems of the western region and establish a harmonious and stable ethnic relations.and is is also of great significance for optimizing the energy structure in China, the nation’s energy security and stable energy supply system。At present, the world’s more mature bio-energy liquid mainly refers to the fuel ethanol and biodiesel.In view of these, the paper on the energy industry of China’s western region of biological liquid biomass resources and development status of research and data collection,combination of statistical data in the country and the provinces (autonomous regions) from2005to2010,first of all,on the basis of the assessment of their biological liquid energy industry development status,the paper described the development of the effects of the industry and its current problems;Secondly,the paper posed proposals for the regional distribution of biological fluids and energy industry development in the western region on the basic of quantitative evaluation of its potential on the western region of biomass resources and analyzing the status of the biological fluids of the energy industry. Finally, the paper put forward energy industry technical patterns in biological fluids based on the concept of circulareconomy,and built acquisition mode of raw materials for each technical patterns。The main conclusions draws from this research are as follows:(1) Evaluation on the effects of the energy industry of western biological fluids:Biological fluids energy industry have driven benefits in terms of economic, environmental and social aspects,and can drive the development of the industry around,and most industries are the nature and basis of the circular economy, they can as a CDM project partly.The effects ofindustry is beneficial overall, and adverse effects we can take improvement measures be avoided。(2) The main problems in biological fluids and energy industry in the western region:the base of raw material resource is still weak; the technical level of industrial development is not high; comprehensive utilization efficiency of raw material resources is low,and is lack of competitiveness; the industry-related policy and market environment is imperfect。(3) In the energy industry of the western region of biological liquid resources assessment:Based on the statistics of western agriculture from2005to 2010Calculating the production of different types of biomass resources in the western provinces (autonomous regions) and the availability of discounted amount according to the average of biological liquid resources of western provinces (autonomous regions) in five years.The results are:the obtainable biomass in western provinces (regions) is totally30548.27ten thousand tons, in which8240.02ten thousand tons from Cellulosic biomass resources,22281.50ten thousand tons from Non-food grain sugar oil crops resources,26.75ten thousand tons from waste edible oils and fats resources. Maximum of five provinces (regions) on the biological liquid energy density per unit area is Guizhou, Guangxi, Yunnan, Sichuan and Shaanxi.the largest province on the rural people can use bio-liquid energy density is Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Guizhou, Yunnan and Guangxi, and the smallest is Tibet Autonomous Region。(4) Based on the resource potential,the types of advantages resource and their future development trend of the western provinces (autonomous regions),the paper put forward recommendations on future direction and focus of the development of biological fluids energy industry ofthe western provinces (autonomous regions)。(5) based on the concept of circular economy, this paper put forward four typical industrial model of development:cellulose-the main crop straw ethanol industry model, non-consumption of sugar, oil-ethanol industry model, woody oil plants-bio-diesel model of industrial and waste edible oil-biodiesel industry model.In order to ensure the stability and sustainability of each mode of supply of raw materials,this paper discussed the raw material acquisition mode of the above four models。
