

【作者】 金晶银

【导师】 太平武;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 情感是人类心理活动的重要方面,情感与认知有密切的联系,对情感的研究有助于了解人类心理结构和认知方式。由于情感的无形性和模糊性,对情感的正确把握有一定的难度。但情感并不是难以言状的东西,我们日常用来谈论情感的语言是我们发现情感概念结构和内容的重要工具,而且不同语言之间情感语言对比的研究可以得出人类情感身体体验的相似性和文化差异性。所以本文在充分吸收认知语言学对情感语言研究成果的基础上,结合莱克夫(George Lakoff)的概念隐喻理论和Kovecses的情感隐喻理论,对汉语和韩国语中出现的“喜、怒、哀、惧”——这四种情感的表达方式进行语料的隐喻分类,然后分析汉韩两种语言情感隐喻的异同点并解释其根源,证明并补充Kovecses提出的“情感表达是身体体验和文化的融合”的理论,并且充分利用以上通过对比所得出的结论,来阐释中韩两个民族的物质文化、制度文化、行为文化以及文化心理、思维模式等精神文化方面的文化动因。全文共分七个部分,包括绪论和结论:绪论,首先揭示了情感语言研究的必要性和从认知隐喻角度研究情感语言的必然性;其次从语言学角度简要回顾了认知语言学、认知隐喻、情感语言等领域的相关研究,并总结了取得的成果;最后阐述了本文的研究方法和研究对象以及语料搜集的方法,并补充了本文的研究框架。第一章是本文的理论背景。第一节心理学基础,主要叙述情感心理学的概念及一般理论;第二节语言学基础,首先介绍认知语言学的相关理论,并论及从认知语言学角度研究情感语言的必要性,其次从语言学发展的角度介绍隐喻研究的变迁,最后阐述认知隐喻和意象图式、情感语言的关系:第三节是对比的基础,主要叙述情感进化相似性和文化差异性,进而阐释情感隐喻的身体相似性和文化差异性。第二章到第六章是将搜集的语料进行隐喻类型上的分类,分析汉韩情感隐喻机制的异同。不同民族在体验情感时所呈现出的相似性,但在语言表达方面,则会使用相似或不同的认知隐喻模式,不同的认知隐喻模式自然会导致语言形式表达上的差异。笔者将情感隐喻分为人体隐喻、感觉隐喻、情感力隐喻、实体隐喻、方位隐喻等五类。第二章是汉韩人体隐喻的对比分析;第三章是汉韩感觉隐喻的对比分析;第四章是汉韩情感力隐喻的对比分析;第五章是汉韩情感实体隐喻和方位隐喻的对比分析。第六章是对本文进行了总结,归纳了本文的研究意义和不足点,对后续研究提出了一定的展望。根据汉韩情感语言的概念隐喻对比,可以得出以下理论性的阐释:第一、看似抽象的、模糊的情感表达可以通过认知语言学的方法论得到较为圆满的语言学解释,从认知语言学的角度研究情感语言背后的认知机制有助于推进情感的一般理论。第二、概念隐喻是表达情感的最主要的方式。情感是抽象的,人们在对情感概念化时,将抽象的情感与自己所熟悉的具体的周边世界联系起来,结合主客观过程中,逐渐形成情感隐喻。第三、情感隐喻呈现出身体相似性和文化差异性,即,情感语言是身体体验和文化的融合。人类的情感是进化而来的,人们在感受到某种情感时的生理反应和身体行为是大致相同的,这种普遍的生理反应和身体行为是情感隐喻相似性的原因。但情感不一定总是基于身体经验,更多的是基于多种多样的文化因素和认知过程,从而呈现出情感隐喻的文化差异性。

【Abstract】 Emotion is a significant aspect of psychological activities of human, which has close relation with cognition, and therefore the research of emotion helps to analyzing psychological structure and cognitive pattern of human. Although there are difficulties of studying emotion, which is blaming to intangibility and ambiguity of emotion, emotional words and expressions for everyday use could be important tools for exploring conceptual structure and content of emotion. Contrast studies of emotional expressions among different language could also arrive at a conclusion that same emotions of different races have bodily universalities and cultural differences. Therefore, this dissertation attempts to contrast emotional expressions(joy, anger, sad, fear) of Chinese and Korean, which are on the basis of Lakoff’s theory of conceptual metaphor and Kovecses’s theory of emotional metaphor, and analyzes the similarities and differences, and draw further conclusion that emotion expressions is combination of bodily experience and different culture.The dissertation consists of seven chapters, including introduction and conclusion.Introduction begins with the importance of emotional expressions and necessity of emotional expressions by the angles of cognitive metaphor, illustrates the background and significance of this research, reviews related studies about cognitive linguistics, cognitive metaphor, emotional expressions, and ends with the research methods, subject and frame of this dissertation.Chapter One is theoretical background of this dissertation, with the psychological background, which describes the concept and theory of emotional psychology as its beginning. The second section of this chapter is linguistic background, which interprets cognitive linguistics and the necessity of studying emotional expressions by cognitive linguistic, introduces movements of metaphor study, explains the relationship among emotional expressions, cognitive metaphor and image schema. The third section of this chapter is the basis of the contrast, which describes the similarities and differences of emotion, and mainly analyzes the bodily similarities and cultural differences of emotional metaphors.From Chapter two to Chapter Five are the classification of metaphor on the basis of the collected lingual data, also analyze the similarities and differences of metaphor mechanism of Chinese and Korean. Although different races have the similar reaction and feedback when they are feeling certain emotions, their emotional expressions may use same or different cognitive metaphor patterns. Chapter Two is contrast study of "Body metaphor"; Chapter Three is contrast study of the "Force Metaphor"; Chapter Four is contrast study of the "Sensational Metaphor"; Chapter Five is contrast study of the "Ontological Metaphor" and "Orientational Metaphor".As the summary, Chapter Seven weights the gains and losses of this research, and foresees the follow-up studies.According to the contrast emotional expressions between Chinese and Korean, it can draw the following theoretical conclusion.First, emotional expressions, which seems to be nonobjective, can be explained by cognitive linguistics. Analyzing emotional expressions by using cognitive method is help to consummating the theory of emotion. Second, conceptual metaphor is the primary mechanism of expressing emotional language. Emotion is nonobjective, so when conceptualizes emotional expressions, we need to link abstract emotion with familiar object. In the process of combining subjective and objective, image schema of emotion is gradually formed. And conceptual metaphor runs through the whole process of conceptualization and categorization. Emotional metaphor can be divided into5, which is bodily metaphor, force metaphor, orientational metaphor, ontological metaphor, perception metaphor, and subordinate metaphors of bodily metaphor, force metaphor, perception metaphor are ran through emotional expressions of "joy, anger, sad, fear", and most of emotional expressions belong to these three emotional metaphors. Third, emotional metaphor has bodily universalities and cultural differences, and emotional expressions are the combination of body and culture. According to the theory of evolution, human’ emotion is the product of evolution, so physical response of emotion are similar through the races, which is the reason of universalities of emotional expressions. But emotion is not always based on the bodily experiences, various cultural factors and cognitive process is the reason of the variation of emotional expressions.
