

【作者】 连煦

【导师】 潘蛟;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 人类学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 一百多年前,被“金山梦”牵引,大批华工进入美国劳动市场,加剧了美国市场劳动力价格竞争,变动了美国社会的劳资关系,生成了有关华人的非体面劳动竞争、“黄祸论”及排华法案等争辩。如今,华人在美国已蜕变成了“模范少数族裔”,为美国主流人群所称道。然而,随着全球化的加剧,西方金融危机的涌现,有关“中国制造”功与过的热议,搬照SA80001或中国新劳动法的外商验厂活动却有增无减,中国工人劳动的体面性问题再度让“反倾销”和贸易保护罩上了道德及人权保护的光晕。在中国国内的珠三角劳动力市场,尽管有关河南流动人口、凉山彝族农民工的道德品质诟病因民工荒而有所减弱,但是,这并不意味着这些针对乡籍、族籍的社会或文化歧视就此完全消散,一旦劳动力短缺有所缓解,这些人群又会成为诟病和用工排斥的对象。论文认为在当下美国有关的中国制造形象与过去的华工形象之间存在着某种延续、流变的复杂关联;在有关过去的华工与今日的外地农民工、少数民族农民工形象之间存在着一定的类似性。论文旨在揭示这些关联和类似,分析和论证劳动力市场的竞争和分割怎样通过人们的惯习差异、劳动力成本最优化、一般劳动工资标准、公民身份和就业权利、用工道德和人权标准来生成的,或者说,所谓的市场、阶级、阶层怎样镶嵌在具体的文化场景中(具体的国籍、户籍和用工规定,以及人们的价值、语言、偏好、权利、利益、公平和机会感等等),蜕变成为国籍、族群、乡籍的身份成见。希望论文有助于对知识与权力、社会现实与社会想象、社会分层与族籍、乡籍之间相互关系的探讨,通过对华工、农民工、中国制造形象的流变和争论的追溯和分析,能够增进我们对于民族国家、全球化场景中的劳动力市场分割与竞争、及人权指控的复杂意涵的理解。

【Abstract】 More than a century ago, attracted by the "Gold Mountain Dreams", a large number of Chinese workers entered the American labor market. They intensified the competition of labor price, changed the labor relations, and eventually stirred up the debates on indecent work competition,"Yellow Peril", Chinese Exclusion Acts and etc.Nowadays, Chinese Americans have been constructed into "Model Minority" who are widely acclaimed by mainstream Americans. However, with the aggravated globalization and the emergence of financial crises in the West, arguments on the merits and demerits of "Made in China" are unabated on one hand, factory audits in the light of SA8000or the Chinese Labor Law are augmenting on the other hand. Once again, antidumping measures and trade protectionism are clouded in the moral and human rights discourses by the issue of Chinese labor’s indecent work.Although the denouncement of Honan migrants and Yi ethnic migrant workers in the labor market of the Pearl River Delta is less impressive recently, it does not mean that the social and cultural discriminations against people’s ethnic and provincial origins have vanished. Once the labor shortage is eased, these people will duly become the condemned and the excluded again. The thesis argues that there is a continuation between the images of Chinese migrant workers in the19th century America and those of "Made in China" in the current American society. It is also believed that some similaries can be detected between the images of Chinese migrant workers in the19th century America and those of the nonlocal rural workers as well as the ethnic migrant workers in China today.An analysis of the vicissitude of images may shed light on how competitive and segmented labor market is created through people’s habitus differences, labor cost optimization, general standards of labor wages, citizenship, employment rights, hiring ethics, and norms of human rights. In other words, the so-called market, class and stratum, transferred into identity stereotypes of nationalities, ethnicities, and provinces, are embedded in specific cultural elements like nationality provisions, household registration policies, labor standards, values, discourses, preferences, rights and interests, senses of fairness and opportunity.It is hoped that the discussions will help make out the relationships between knowledge and power, social reality and social imaginary, social stratification and ethnic/provincial identities. A review on the images of the Chinese labor in the19th century America, the rural migrant workers of China, and "Made in China" may offer a better understanding of nation-states, the globalized labor market, and the human rights charges.
