


【导师】 戴庆厦;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文以泰国清莱勉语(以下简称“泰国勉语”)为研究对象,借鉴参考语法的描写分析原则,运用现代语言学的基本理论,兼顾传统语法的研究范式,综合使用实地调查法、描写法和统计法等多种方法,着力于真实、丰富的原始语料的采集,并在此基础上对泰国勉语的语法结构及特点进行比较系统、全面、深入的共时描写与分析。对泰国勉语的跨境研究,目前成果较少,对它的描写和研究十分必要而紧迫。其研究意义在于:一、有助于加深对勉语语法的共时面貌认识和了解;二、有助于为苗瑶语族的语法类型学研究及语法比较研究提供真实的文本和实用信息;三、有助于对跨境语言的研究,尤其对不同国家的通用语及社会文化的背景下语法结构特点的研究具有一定的价值。全文的主要内容如下:第一章绪论。介绍本文的研究对象、内容以及研究意义;交代本文的理论指导、研究方法以及语料来源。本章还对泰国优勉族社会人文概况进行了简要的说明,介绍了泰国优勉族的分布地区、历史沿革与迁移、经济文化、宗教仪式、姓氏与服饰、民族关系等社会文化以及文字与语言的使用概况。第二章泰国勉语研究回顾。回顾了前人对泰国优勉族的社会文化及语言的研究现状,简要评价了勉语各个方面的研究,然后简述勉语研究的特点。第三章语音系统。描写泰国勉语语音的基本特点,分析了声母、韵母、声调以及音节结构类型,归纳了语音变调类型、规律和语流音变。第四章构词法和借词。主要分析了构词规则和借词。描写了勉语的单纯词和合成词,包括复合式和附加式等。泰国勉语除了借用大量古汉语词外,还借用了泰语借词混合使用。借词部分介绍勉语的借词的来源与使用,进行了比较详细的分析与论述。第五章词类。共有十一节,对泰国勉语的名词、代词、数词、量词、动词、形容词、副词、介词、连词、助词、叹词等进行详细描写,突出介绍了各词类的语法特征和句法功能。其中重点考察了属于开放性词类的名词、代词、量词、形容词、动词以及属于封闭性词类的副词、连词、介词和助词。第六章短语。描写勉语的十种短语,即并列短语、修饰短语、主谓短语、动宾短语、数量短语、连动短语、补充短语、方位短语、同位短语和兼语短语。重点分析了短语结构项的语法、语义关系;并列短语的并列项排序所受的韵律制约;比较了修饰语在中心之前和之后两种语序的语义和语法差别。第七章句子成分。全面描写、分析了充当主、谓、宾、定、状、补等句法成分的语言单位,并从语义角度对各句法成分进一步的分析。第八章句型。考察了泰国勉语的单句和复句。单句既包括动词性谓语句、形容词性谓语句、名词性谓语句,又包括无主句、省略句和独词句。复句分为联合复句和偏正复句两类。以分句之间的语义关系为视角,把联合复句分为并列复句、选择复句、解说递进复句和连贯复句等五类。把偏正复句分为转折复句、假设复句、条件复句、因果复句、目的复句和连锁复句等六类。第九章特殊句式。本章以专题形式对泰国勉语的判断句与存现句、被动句、比较句、连谓句、处置句、话题句和双宾句等常见的句式均进行了详细的考察与论述。第十章句类。根据句子的语气对泰国勉语的句类进行研究和描写,即陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句等四种类型。从形式、语义和语气的角度对四种语气类型做了进一步的细分。本文指出,泰国勉语以单音节词为主,有少数多音节词。构词法仍保留“修饰语素+名词语素”构成名词,“状态性语素+形容词性语素”构成状态形容词等特点。词汇中反映政治、经济、科学技术、文化教育以及很多表示抽象概念的词汇多为汉语借词,也有部分是泰语借词。勉语的新创词数量多,构词词素多用民族固有语素和来自老借词层的汉语语素。从词的重叠上看,除了动词、量词与形容词能重叠外,名词也可以重叠,主要指时间名词的重叠和部分兼作量词的单音节名词的重叠。从语序上看,泰国勉语是SVO型语言,语序和虚词是表达语法意义的主要手段。但定语的位置具有灵活性,有的居于中心语之前,有的居于中心语之后。具体表现为:数量词定语位于中心语之前,形容词性、代词性或名词性的通常位于中心语之后。本文首次对泰国勉语语法系统作了考察,对其语法结构特点进行了全面、系统的分析与论述,对一些重要的有价值的语法现象进行了深入的探讨。所用的语料,是作者一点一滴记录下来的第一手材料,共计20多万字。作者是母语人,对母语有强烈的语感,另外还有几位泰国优勉人为本文提供了大量的语料和可靠的证据。本文研究的不足主要是理论深度和解释不够。文中对某些语法现象、语法事实的分析不够深入。对某些语法现象的成因解释不够详尽。全文的末尾附有长篇语料(附录一)、自然对话(附录二)、谜语和歌词(附录三)、3,559个常用词汇(附录四)以及泰国清莱优勉族分布地区和人口(附录五)。

【Abstract】 This dissertation examines on the Mien language in Chiangrai Province, Thailand (hereafter referred to as Thailand Mien language). It uses both the principles of reference grammar and the basic theoretical concepts of modern linguistics and traditional grammar linguistics to give a synchronic comprehensive and systematic account of the grammatical structure of Thailand Mien language. Varied methodologies are adopted in the research including field work, description, statistics, convincing and profound original materials are especially collected.There are few achievements of the cross-border research on the Thailand Mien, therefore its description and analysis is very necessary and urgent. The significance is:first, it helps to deepen a synchronic knowledge and understanding to the Thailand Mien; secondly, it will help to provide the text and practical information for the comparative study of the Miao-Yao language family and typological study in grammar; thirdly, it contributes to studies on the cross-border languages, especially on the lingua franca of the different countries and their grammatical characteristics under different socio-cultural background.The dissertation is divided into10chapters.Chapter Ⅰ:Introduction. This chapter discusses the research object and content, the value of the present work, theoretical orientations and methodology. It also explains the origin of language material. Moreover this part will be introduce the background of Iu-Mien people in Thailand, including the geographic distribution, history, migration, economy, culture, social and ethnic relations. At last introduce the situation of language used and character of Iu-Mien people in Thailand.Chapter Ⅱ. Review literature of Iu-Mien people and Mien language. This Part review a summary of the previous research of Mien grammar studies and the current research on Iu-Mien people’s society, culture and language. Then a brief comment on studies of all aspects of the Mien language and conclusion the characteristics of the research.Chapter Ⅲ. Phonological system. This part mianly decribes the phonological system of Mien Language in Thailand.The main contents include consonants, vowels tone and the syllable structure. Summarized the the voice tone type, rules and Pronunciation Variations.Chapter Ⅳ. Morphology. This chapter studies the basic morphological principles and loan words of Mien language in Thailand. A particular emphasis is put on the semantic and syntactic characteristics of quadric-syllable words and on the influence of loan words.Chapter Ⅴ. Parts of speech. This part focuses the word classes of Mien language in Thailand, including nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, numerals, classifiers, adverbs, interjections, prepositions, conjunctions and particle. A particular emphasis is put on the following:noun prefixes and gender; verb prefixes, verbal aspect, verb reduplication, particularities of object-taking verbs; verbalization of adjectives, adjective reduplication, object-taking adjectives, differences and similarities between object-taking adjectives and object-taking verbs.Chapter Ⅵ. Phrasal structure. In this part, the phrases structure is divided ten categories, including coordinate phrases, modifying phrases, subject-predicate phrases, verb-object phrases, numeral classifier phrases, serial-verb phrases, supplementary phrases, locative phrases, appositive phrases and including phrases. A special emphasis is put on phrasal structure and semantic relations between the internal components, rules governing the order between internal components in parallel phrase structures, differences between modifier-modified and modified-modifier phrasal structures.Chapter Ⅶ. Syntactic constituents. The syntactic constituents in sentences of Mien language are subject, predicate, object, attributive, adverbial and complement, etc. And further approached both from syntactic and semantic way.Chapter Ⅷ. Sentence Patterns. This chapter describe and analysis of simple sentences and complex sentences. Simple sentences include verbal-predicate, adjectival-predicate, nominal-predicate sentences, sentences with no subjects, elliptical sentences and one-member sentences. In the part of complex sentences, a distinction is made between coordinate and subordinate sentences, which are further divided into five and six categories respectively, according to the semantic relation between the two clauses.Chapter Ⅸ. Special sentences. This part gives a full description on the judge sentences, existential sentence, passive sentences, comparative sentences, topic sentences and disposal sentences, etc.Chapter Ⅹ.Sentence category. According to the syntactic mood, this chapter proposes a description and a complete analysis of declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, imperative sentences and interjectional sentences. Further from aspects of form semantics and mood respectively.The dissertation points out that the Mien language has mainly the monosyllabic words and a few multi-syllable words. The word-building remains the word formation pattern of ’the modifier morpheme+noun morpheme’, and constitutes state adjectives with ’state morpheme+adjective morpheme’. The words reflected politics, economy, science, technology, culture, education, and many words meaning the abstract concept are mainly loaned from Chinese and others from Thai language. New words of the Mien language are numerous formed by means of morpheme composed of inherent morphemes from the mother tongue and previous Chinese morphemes. From the point of word overlap, in addition to verbs, quantifiers and adjectives that can overlap, nouns can also overlap, mainly referring to the overlap of time nouns and the overlap of some monosyllabic nouns as quantifiers. From the point of word order, the Thailand Mien Language is the type of S VO, word order and function words express grammatical meaning. Attributive position is flexible, some located before the center word, and some after the center word. For example:the quantifier attribute is located before the center word, while the adjective, pronoun or noun are usually located after the center word.This research is the first comprehensive study of the Thailand Mien grammar. It gives a systematic analysis on grammatical structure features, conducts in-depth discussions on some important and valuable grammatical phenomena. It also tackles numerous points that had never been studied before. The corpus is the first-hand material recorded more than20million words. The author is the mother-tongue speaker who has a strong sense of language. Additionally the other several Mien pronunciation partners in Thailand also provide a large number of materials and reliable evidence for this dissertation.Although linguistic phenomena are extensively described, the presents study does not always provide rigorous analyses and lacks theoretical content.The dissertation is followed five appendices:1) folk stories (Appendix Ⅰ);2) conversations in everyday life(Appendix Ⅱ);3) riddles and songs(Appendix Ⅲ);4)3,559Mien classified words(Appendix Ⅵ); and5) distribution and population of Iu-Mien people in Chingrai, Thailand(Appendix Ⅴ).
